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Why should I make this important decision? Becau I want to get rid of my shortcomings and shortcomings and be a good boy.
On this day worthy of celebration, I made a major decision to try to get rid of my bad habits. Be a man without faults.
I am a very ordinary person, and my advantages and disadvantages are basically in direct proportion. There are shortcomings, such as carelessness, laziness, love of snacks and so on. Let's talk about my advantages first. Hehe, I think there are many. For example, he is among the best in the class, runs faster, and has special talent in painting and calligraphy. From this point of view, I am a good boy with all-round moral, intellectual and physical development, not counting the shortcomings mentioned above.correct过去式
白萝卜英文One of my most rious shortcomings is carelessness. There are always mistakes on some very simple questions in the exam, such as math, Chine spelling, etc. I still remember on
电子信息工程考研方向>计算机英语2014年高考英语改革e time when I only got 82 points in the math test, the teacher said to ask everyone to go home and find their parents to sign. When I came home that day to take my test paper to my mother for signature, she read my test paper and scolded me bloody. Do you know why? Becau I wrote all the vertical calculations wrong, not the answer 3. 42 is written as 34. 2. It means that addition is regarded as subtraction, and even the result of the vertical calculation below is written incorrectly in the above equation. Seeing this, do you also think I should be scolded and need a good education. I think so mylf. This shortcoming is too rious. We must make a decision to correct it and try not to make mistakes on this issue again.
Let's talk about the small shortcomings of eating snacks. Every afternoon when I come home from school, I always go to Yiming milk bar near the school to buy a 9 yuan chocolate golden diamond milk tea, and sometimes I have to buy an extra bread. After one mester, my mother recharged my Yiming membership card with about 800 yuan. I only had sixorven yuan left. I don't count the others. A single milk bar costs about 12 yuan per day. Sometimes I have to eat veral imported biscuits when I go home. I have t英语四级旷考最新规定
o eat oneortwo fruits or desrts when I finish my homework at 8:00 or 9:00. This doesn't include the cost of three meals in the morning, noon and evening. Think of it this way. I don't like snacks. I'm a black sheep. I will eat up all the money my parents have earned.
Hey!Compared with the above shortcomings, my lazy little problem is not worth mentioning. From now on, I will gradually get rid of the bad and minor defects. I hope I can achieve my wish.
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