Reference Manual
Rev 1.0
Dec 25, 2013
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1 Disclaimers
CSMC Design Systems shall not be liable for the accuracy of this Process Design Kit. The Process Design Kit contained herein is provided by CSMC Design Systems, Inc on an
"AS IS" basis without any warranty, and CSMC Design Systems, Inc has no obligation to
support or otherwi maintain the information. CSMC Design Systems, Inc disclaims any
reprentation that the information does not infringe any intellectual property rights or
proprietary rights of any third parties. There are no other warranties given by CSMC Design Systems, Inc, whether express, implied or statutory, including, without
limitation, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpo. STATEMENT OF USE
This Process Design Kit contains confidential and proprietary information of and CSMC.
No part of this information may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a
retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwi,
without the prior written permission of CSMC. This information was prepared for
informational purpo and is for u by CSMC’s customers only. CSMC rerve the right to make changes in the information at any time and without notice.
Page 2 of 26希伯来语翻译
2 Overview
The purpo of this document is to describe the technical details of the CSMC 0.5um MIX
SIGNAL DPTM Fab1 Process Design Kit (PDK) provided by (CSMC). This PDK requires the UNIX environment variable CDS_Netlisting_Mode to be t to Analog. Training is not
provided as part of this PDK.
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3 Supported Design Tools
百朗英语听力下载CSMC Design Framework II, version 5.0 Virtuoso Custom Design Platform: -Virtuoso Schematic Editor
-Virtuoso Analog Design Environment including Spectre and Hspice simulationprinting>火锅英语
-VirtuosoLE, VirtuosoXL and Virtuoso Custom Router
-CDL netlisting
-Stream In/Out
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遮盖力4 Foundry Data
• Version 3W12
0.5um DPTM Mixed Signal Technology Topological Design Rule Page 5 of 26