a Maximum acceleration under vibration
b Width of the module ba
B2Two-pul bridge connection
B6Six-pul bridge connection
C CHC Capacitance chip-ca (baplate)
C ies Input capacitance, output short-circuited
C iss Input capacitance, output short-circuited
C j Junction capacitance
C max Maximum value of rervoir capacitor (for
greater values of capacitance the
recommended current must be reduced) cont Continuous direct current
C oes; C oss Output capacitance, input shorted
C ps Coupling capacitance between the primary
winding and each condary winding
C res; C rss Rever transfer capacitance
(Miller capacitance) (IGBT; MOSFET)
D Duty cycle. D = f · t p
∅ D Contact diameter of capsule devices
(di/dt)cr Critical rate of ri of on-state current
– di D/dt Rate of fall of the drain current (MOSFET)– di F/dt Rate of fall of the forward current (diode) di G/dt Rate of ri of gate current
– di T/dt Rate of fall of the on-state current (thyr.)
di T/dt Rate of ri of on-state current (thyr.)
(dv/dt)cr Critical rate of ri of off-state voltage DSC Double sided cooling
E cond Energy dissipation during conduction time ED Intermittend duty
f.Electromotoric force (f.) =
generated voltage of a rotating machine
E off Energy dissipation during turn-off time
E on Energy dissipation during turn-on time
E rr Energy dissipation during rever recovery
f Operatin
g frequency, pul frequency
f G Maximum frequency
F Mounting force
Fu Recommended fu (fast acting)
g fs Forward transconductance
I AOmax Max. output current (driver)
I C Continuous collector current
I CES Collector-emitter cut-off current with gate-
emitter short-circuited
I CETRIP Max. I CE to trip ERROR (SKiiP)
I CM Peak collector current
I Cp Non-repetitive peak collector current I Csat Collector current for V CEsat test
I CRM Repetitive peak collector current
I d Direct output current (of a rectifier
I D(Direct) off-state current (thyristors)
I D Maximum direct output current of the
someone like you 什么意思complete circuit (bridge circuits)
I D Continuous drain current (MOSFETs)
I DC Continuous direct current (diode)
I DCL Direct output current with capacitive load
(limiting value)
I DD Direct off-state current
I DM Peak value of a puld drain current
I DR Continuous rever drain current
(inver diode forward current)
I DRM Puld rever drain current, peak value
(puld inver diode forward current)
I DSS Zero gate voltage drain current (gate shorted) I E Continuous emitter current
i F Forward current (instantaneous value)
I F Forward current
I F(OV)Overload forward current
I FAV Mean forward current
I FAV(B)Mean basic load current
I FCL Mean forward current with capacitive load
I FM Peak forward current
I FN Recommended mean forward current
I FRM Repetitive peak forward current
I FRMS RMS forward current
I FSM Surge forward current
I FWM Peak forward working current
I G Gate current
I GD Gate non-trigger current
I GES Gate-emitter leakage current,
collector emitter short-circuited
I Goff Output current (peak) max. for switch-off
I Gon Output current (peak) max. for switch-on
I GSS Gate-source leakage current, drain-source
I GT Gate trigger current
I H Holding current
I iH Input signal current (HiGH)
I L Latching current
I M Highest peak current obtainable at a ri time
lower than 1 µs (pul transformers)
I N Recommended direct output current with
resistive load
I NCL Recommended direct output current with
capacitive load
I NRMS s. current (of a fu)
I outAV Output average current (driver)
I R Rever current
I R0Rever current for calculating the rever
power dissipation
I RD Direct rever current
I RM Peak rever recovery current
I rms Alternating output current (of
controller connection)
I RMS Maximum s. current of a complete
< controller connection
i rr Rever recovery current
(measuring condition for t f and t rr)
I RRM Peak rever recovery current
I RSM Maximum permissible non-repetitive peak
rever current (avalanche diodes)
I S Supply current primary side
I SO Supply current primary side (driver)
at no load
i T On-state current (instantaneous value)
I T(Direct) on-state current
I TAV Mean on-state current
I TM Peak on-state current
I T(OV)Overload on-state current
I TRMS RMS on-state current
I TSM Surge on-state current
i2t i2t value
ÎPeak pul current
(IEC standard pul 8 x 20 µs)
I Z Tail current (IGBT)
K Factor from the relation Z thjc:R thjc
L External collector inductance
I Length of the heatsink profile
L CE Parasitic collector-emitter inductance
L DS Parasitic drain-source inductance
L ext External circuit inductance (short circuit)
L p Inductance of the primary winding at 1 kHz L ss Parasitic inductance (c. stray inductance) M Mounting torque
M1Torque for mounting the miconductor
to the heatsink
M2Torque for mounting the busbars to the
M ac Mounting torque for AC terminals
M dc Mounting torque for DC terminals
n Number of miconductor components
(modules) on a common heatsink
n Number of load cycles
N Maximum number of ries connected
silicon elements
N p/N s Ratio of windings primary to condary ∆p Pressure drop
P Power dissipation of one component
P AV Maximum permissible permanent power
dissipation average value
P D Power dissipation
P FAV Mean forward power dissipation (diodes)
P FM Peak forward power dissipation
P G Peak gate power dissipation
P R Rever power dissipation
P RAV Mean rever power dissipation (thyr.)六一儿童节主持稿
P RRM Peak repetitive rever power dissipation
P RSM Non-repetitive peak rever power
P TAV Mean on-state power dissipation (thyristor) P TOT
p w Water pressure
Q f Charge recovered during the rever
current fall time
Q gel Gate charge (IGBT)
Q gsl Gate-source charge (MOSFET)
Q rr Recovered charge
R Number of rows of heatsinks one on top
of the other
RC Recommended snubber network
r CE On-state slope resistance (IGBT)
R CE Resistor for V CE monitoring
R DS(on)Drain-source on-resistance (MOSFET)
rec ...Rectangular current waveform
rec. 120Rectangular puls, 120° conduction angle R EX Auxiliary emitter ries resistor
(parallel IGBT)
R G Gate circuit resistance
R Goff External gate ries resistor at switch-off
R Gon External gate ries resistor at switch-on
R GS Gate-source resistance (MOSFET)
R L Load resistance for measuring t r and I M
(pul transformer)
R min Recommended ries resistor for capacitive loads (source resistance included in this
R p Recommended parallel resistor for u with ries connection
R p D.C. resistance of the primary winding
rpm Revolutions per minute
Rs D.C. resistance of each condary winding r T On-state slope resistance, forward slope
resistance (thyristor, diodes)
R TD Resistor for interlock dead time (driver)
Total power dissipation
R thca Thermal resistance ca to ambient air
R thch Contact thermal resistance ca to
R thcw Thermal resistance ca to cooling water
R thha Thermal resistance heatsink to ambient air R thja Thermal resistance junction to ambient air
R thjc Thermal resistance junction to ca
有价证券R(thjc)p Thermal resistance junction to ca under
pul conditions
R thjr Thermal resistance junction to reference
R thjoil Thermal resistance junction to oil
R thjw Thermal resistance junction to cooling water R thmw Thermal resistance thermal trip-cooling Sinusoidal current waveform
sin. 180Half sinewaves, 180° conduction angle
SSC Single sided cooling
t Time
T amb Ambient temperature
T btt Switching temperature of the attached
bimetal thermal trip
t c Period (cycle) duration
T ca Ca temperature
t cond Conducting time
t d Delay time
t d(err)ERROR input-output propagation delay time (driver)
t d(off)Turn-off delay time
时光网首页t d(off)io Input-output turn-off propagation delay time (driver)
t d(on)Turn-on delay time
t d(on)io Input-output turn-on propagation delay time (driver)
T err Max. temperature for tting ERROR
t e On-time
t f Rever current fall time (diode)
t f Fall time
t fr Forward recovery time
t gd Gate controlled delay time
t gr Gate controlled ri time
T h Heatsink temperature
t if current fall time
t ir current ri time
T j Junction temperature
T oil Oil temperature (at the hottest place) during operating in insulating oil
t off Turn-off time
t on Turn-on time
T op Operating temperature range
t p Pul duration t pdon-err Propagation delay time on ERROR
t pRESET Min. pul width ERROR memory
RESET time
t q Circuit commutated turn-off time (thyristor) t r Ri time
t R Rever blocking time: t R = t c – t p
T ref Reference point temperature
t rr Rever recovery time
t sp Cycle time
T stg Storage temperature range
T tp Over temperature protection (SKiiP)
T vj Virtual junction temperature
T w Water temperature
enjoit Z Tail time (IGBT)
∫vdt Voltage-time integral at no load
v air Air velocity
V air Air volume
V air/t Air flow
V(BR)Avalanche breakdown voltage
V(BR)CES Collector-emitter breakdown voltage,
gate-emitter short circuited
V(BR)DSS Drain-source breakdown voltage,
gate-source short circuited
V CC Collector-emitter supply voltage
V CE Collector-emitter (direct) voltage
V CEclamp Collector-emitter clamping voltage during
V CES Collector-emitter (direct) voltage with
ba-(gate-)emitter short-circuited
V CEsat Collector-emitter saturation voltage
V CE(TO)Collector-emitter threshold voltage (static) V CEstat Collector-emitter threshold static
monitoring voltage
V CEdyn Collector-emitter threshold dynamic
monitoring voltage
V cond Drain-source (collector-emitter-)voltage
in the conducting state
V D Direct output voltage (bridge rectifier)
V D(Direct) off-state voltage (thyristor)
V DD Direct off-state voltage (thyristor)
V DD Drain-source supply voltage (MOSFET)
V DGR Drain-gate voltage with specified input
V DRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage
V DS Drain-source voltage
V EE Emitter supply voltage
v F Forward voltage (instantaneous value)
V F(Direct) forward voltage
V G Gate voltage
V GD Gate non-trigger voltage
V GE Gate-emitter voltage
V GES Gate-emitter voltage, collector-emitter
V GE(th)Gate-emitter threshold voltage
V G(off)Turn-off gate voltage output
V G(on)Turn-on gate voltage output
V GS Gate-source voltage
V GS(th)Gate-source threshold voltage
V GT Gate trigger voltage
V iH Input signal voltage (HIGH) max.
V ISOL Insulation test voltage (r.m.s.)
livestreamVisol IO Isolation test voltage (r.m.s. / 1 min.)
input-outpt (driver)
Visol12Isolation test voltage (r.m.s. / 1 min.)
output1 - output 2 (driver)
V iT+Input threshold voltage (HIGH) min.
V iT–Input threshold voltage (LOW) max. Vol w Water volume per unit time
V oH Logic HIGH output voltage (driver)
V oL Logic LOW output voltage (driver)
V p Peak pul voltage
V R(Direct) rever voltage
V RD Direct rever voltage
V RGM Peak rever gate voltage
V RGO No-load rever gate voltage
V RRM Repetitive peak rever voltage
V RSM Non-repetitive peak rever voltage
V RWM Crest working rever voltage
V S Supply voltage primary (for gate driver) V S1Supply voltage stabilized
V S2Supply voltage non stabilized
V SD Negative source-drain voltage
(inver diode forward voltage)
v T On-state voltage (instantaneous value) V T(Direct) on-state voltage (thyr.)V(TO)
V UVS Supply undervoltage monitoring
V v Alternating line voltage (r.m.s.)
V VRMS Alternating input voltage (r.m.s. value)
V w Water volume
V WW Maximum alternating working voltage
between windings (r.m.s. value)
(pul transformer)
w Weight
W1Single controller connection
W3Three controller connection
W cond Energy dissipation during the conducting
W F, E F Forward energy dissipation
W off, E off Energy dissipation during the turn-off time W on,E on Energy dissipation during the turn-on time W p, E p Maximum permissible non-repetitive peak
pul energy (rectangular pul 2 ms)
Z th Transient thermal impedance
Z thca Transient thermal impedance ca to
Z thjc Transient thermal impedance junction to
Z thjcD Transient thermal impedance junction to
ca of the freewheeling diode (brake
chopper IGBT module)
Z thjh Transient thermal impedance junction to
just a dream歌词heatsink
Z thha Transient thermal impedance heatsink to
ambient air
Z(th)p Transient thermal impedance under pul
Z(th)t Transient thermal impedance
Z(th)z Supplementary transient thermal impedance ΘConduction angle
Threshold voltage