一篇关于weather forcast, 大牛们之前说过的,我说的具体一点哈。文章大概意思是weather forcast sometimes has a better history record than economists. they make a great contribution to the revenue. for example, a recent weather forcast said there would be a storm in a resort resulting thousands dollars books decrea that day while actually the resort enjoyed a sunny day. weather forcast would bring marketing mix alteration to various super market or retail shops when they review the forcast如此之类的,我这写的跟原文不一样的哈。然后问题大概是:2010高考英语
economists forcasts are prone to some biggest errors. C
travellers or people having holidays pay little attention to the weather. C
it would be very beneficial for super markets and retailers to be informed of the weather forcast.
jet一篇关于final salary and commision distribution的,也有大牛提过了。文章大概说final salary exists before world war two, final salary system requires more pension funds that the company has to pay for employees, and distribution salary redus cost. companies adopt distribution salary have fewer employees register 一个什么sheme. 问题大概有:
cheating death
the popularization of distribution salary drives its uptake. F
菠萝的英文there are fewer companies that u final salary system. C
company wants more to u the distribution salary than final salary. T
distribution salary reduces cost and 什么什么。T
一篇关于ast liquidity and market liquidity 的。ast liquidity is influenced by the mobility of market. stock market exchanges liquidable finacial instuments such as bonds and shares. some asts are not liquidable due to market is said to be "illiquid". 后面不记得啦。很高向还谈到政府之类的。问题记了一点点:
ast liquidity is influeced by the market mobility. T青春舞会皇后
some asts are not liquidable on the market becau they are unllable. C
bonds and stocks are "illiquid" on the market. F
一篇关于entrepreneurs的。benefit and interest motivate ordinary people to fight to be big potatos. th
o who want to be entrepreneurs often have some characters of risk taking and love ventures. government encourages venture capitals and people to start their business. recent years venture capital has decread but the information age provides still many opportunities for them.问题大概是:
entrepreneurs are often risk taking. T
greatexpectationsdecrea in venture capital is problematic for entrepreneurs. C
government dislikes entrepreneurs 什么什么的。 C
尺骨一篇关于company culture and the fitness of individual value的,大牛们也提过了。to evaluate the fitness of something to an individuality is of significant n. especially vital for a jobeker. 接下来讲了一些怎么得到有关公司的文化和信息的途径,open statement of office plan is deneficial for you to get to know about as company, for employees, it helps understand and enhance their knowledge of coorperate culture. digging into the background and 什么什么also help to compare company culture to your own value. 问题记得的大概是:
jobekers only work for the companies who culture matches his own value. C
where have you been
open office plan can help you evaluate the fitness of the job to your value. T
前两篇讲公司的系统,第一篇说某种新的系统很flexible~比起过去mass productive的系统更能适应changes~
然后有一篇讲完全竞争市场就是有很多顾客啦、有很多商家啦,商家的power很小,又讲非完全竞争市场,举了一个例子是monopoly的,这种情况下商家的power就大一些啦~问题有完全竞争市场里lack of顾客,应该是错的~ F
问题有问老式商业在所有地方都有体现,应该是偷换概念了,把most变成了all,个人认为是错的~~ F 另一个是说年轻人做网络商业的话应该避免B2B这种形式,这个我不敢确定,个人认为Can\t say~高一数学教材
完全竞争市场Perfectly competitive market垄断市场Monopoly:下面第一题判断就是“是否存在完全竞争市场”“买方能否决定价格”之类的问题。。。
(1)不会的就蒙Can’t Say吧~这个比列蛮大的,一个文章4个里面总能对1~2个,也有童鞋研究得出大多数文章里都是(2个C,一个T一个F)
(2)单词看不懂导致文章也看不懂导致问题也看不懂的童鞋= =就使劲找问题里的关键词“Only,All,None,no…”之类完全否定的词,这类词一出现,果断飙Fal