· witness
blaspheme· v. ['wɪtnəs] ( witness; witnesd; witnessing )
· 双解释义
太奇mpacc· 英文书信格式vt. 亲眼看见; 目击 e or notice (sth) by being prent when it happens
· vt. 作证,证明 evidence (in a law court); give evidence of
· vt. 表示; 说明 show; be a sign or proof of
· 基本要点
· 词汇搭配
∙witness one's signing documents 在…签署的文件旁连署
∙witness sb's will 在某人的遗嘱上签名作证
∙witness against 对…作不利的证明
∙witness for 对…作有利的证明
∙witness to 对…作证,证明,表明
· 常用短语
witness to(v.+prep.)
▲witness to sth/v-ing
1.对…作证 declare the truth of (sth), as in court
She brought veral persons of good credit to witness to her reputation.她带来几位很有声誉的人物为她的名誉作证。
He witnesd to having en the man enter the building.他作证说看见那人走进那幢房子。
Who witnesd to his signing the documents?谁是他签署这些文件的证人?
2.证明; 表明 prove (sth) by showing it clearly
Her actions witness to her trustworthiness.她的行为证明她是可以信赖的。
The material he wrote witness to his abilities.他写的材料表明了他的才能。
· 句型例句
I witnesd the accident.我亲眼目睹了这场事故。
los angelesHe witnesd a change in her.他注意到了她的变化。
The park witnesd a number of duels.这个公园发生过许多次决斗。
The 1980s have witnesd increasing unemployment.20世纪80年代发生了不断增长的失业现象。
Severe damage witnesd the destructive force of the storm.严重的损失表明了这场暴风雨巨大的破坏力。
None could witness that he was prent.没有人能证明他在现场。
My wife will witness that I was at home all night.我妻子会证明那天我整夜都在家。
· 补充资料
· · witness
· n. ['wɪtnəs] ( witness )
· 双解释义
queen bee>at是什么意思· C 目击者; 证人 person who es an event take place; person who gives evidence in a law court after swearing to tell the truth
· S U 证词,证据 what is said about an event, etc., especially in a law court; evidence
· 词汇搭配
∙bear〔stand〕 witness 作证
∙examine〔summon〕 a witness 讯问〔传唤〕证人
∙fal witness 伪证
∙key witness 关键的证人
∙powerful witness 有力的证据
∙defen〔procution〕 witness 被告〔原告〕方证人
∙eye witness 目击者
∙in witness of 作为…的证据
∙witness against 不利于…的证人
∙witness to the accident 事件的目击者
· 句型例句
jb是什么意思She was a witness of the incident.她是这起事件的目击者。
A witness was examined by him in a court of law.他在法庭上询问一个证人。
He gave witness on behalf of an accud person.他为被告作证。
His clothes are a witness to his poverty.他的穿着可以证明他穷。