CIASpec Markes International
Specification Sheet February 2008
我心中的最美教师To be read in conjunction with USpec the Series 2 UNITY specification sheet
UNITY 2 is a cryogen-free two-stage
manual thermal desorber for tagged or untagged tubes. It uniquely provides a
universal TD platform,compatible with every TD application. It incorporates an electrically-cooled focusing trap and a patented, inert heated valve ensuring recovery of the broadest range of analytes: C2 to n-C40 hydrocarbons and reactive species such as mercaptans.
The 8-channel free-standing Canister Interface Accessory (CIA 8) connects to UNITY 2 and extends the compatible sample range to include whole-
air/gas samples such canisters & Tedlar™ bags. UNITY 2 plus CIA 8 offers a method-compliant, cryogen-free, automated system for analyzing ambient air toxics in canisters per US EPA Method TO-15 and other standards. It features thermostatted internal flow paths, a heated interface to (U LTR A-)UNITY 2 and internal standard addition (1 ml inert loop). The ries 2 UNITY – CIA 8 system offers lection and control of sampling flow rates and times and remains compatible with TO-17-compliant analysis of sorbent tubes.
The lected sample, standard or calibrant gas channel is directed (via an optional in-line dryer) into the UNITY 2 cold trap at a controlled flow rate. This process is fully automated via software. Sampling times and flows are entered into the ‘on-line’ TD method. During the
‘sampling pha’, the UNITY 2 cold trap is
electrically-cooled allowing quantitative retention
of ultra-volatiles such as methyl chloride and freons. The typical upper limit of compounds sampled on-line or in canisters is n-C10/12.
If the sample/standard gas is pressurized (>10
psi), the sampling flow is driven by this pressure. If the sample is at low (<10 psi), atmospheric or sub-atmospheric pressure, a pump (P/N U-ASPM1 (115V) or U-ASPM2
(230V)) is required to ‘pull’ the gas-pha sample through the flow path and focusing trap. At the end of sampling and after a purge of carrier gas to eliminate air, the UNITY 2 focusing trap heats ballistically to transfer the compounds of interest to the analytical system and trigger the measurement cycle. Collection of the next sample can begin, if required, as soon as the cold trap has re-equilibrated at its trapping temperature.
Key applications areas include:
• Analysis of ambient ‘air toxics’ in canisters per US EPA Methods TO-14/15 and other
Benefits of (U LTR A-)UNITY CIA 8 systems: •Cryogen-free operation and low gas
consumption for robust operation and high
•Peerless chromatographic performance for optimum nsitivity
给定•Electronic mass flow control of sample and split flow. Set and actual sampling flows are displayed and continuously updated in the
•Inert 3-way switching valves offer lection between eight channels. Zero dead volumes ensure no carryover.
•Addition of internal standard to the end of the focusing trap during sampling •Thermostatted sample flow paths eliminate risk of condensation/carryover
•Compatible with gas-pha samples ranging in pressure from just below atmospheric to
50 psi
•Systems include TO-17 compliant tube desorption capability as standard
Pre-desorption checks & controls
•Three carrier gas options – He, H2, N2 are available as standard and are ur defined in the software
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•All split and purge flows are under electronic mass flow control and are ttable between
2 and 100 ml/min. Higher range mass flow
controllers (MFCs) are available on request
5 – 200 and 10-500 ml/min)
•Leak test: optional in on-line mode
•Pre-purge: This ensures that individual sample lines leading up to the CIA 8 plus the entire flow path inside the system (~0.6 ml
without the optional dryer, ~2 ml with the
dryer) are swept with the current sample
before the beginning of sample collection.
The MFC controls the pre-purge flow to that
t for sampling. The pre-purge flow is all
directed to the split line.
o Ambient purge time 0 to 99.9 minutes
o Settable in 0.1 minute increments •Internal sample flow path: Thermostatted.
Settable to 25-50ºC in 1ºC increments. •CIA 8 to UNITY 2 heated link line: Heated to 90-100ºC. Eliminates risk of condensation. •Sample time: After the leak test (if lected) and after the pre-purge, the flow of sample air/gas is directed to the electrically-
cooled trap of UNITY 2 for this time period
befouro Range 0 to 99.9 minutes
o Settable in 0.1 minute increments •Sample flow: This determines the flow of sample air/gas into the cold trap for the
sampling time. It is controlled by the mass
flow controller and is independent of the
pressure of the sample
o Range 2 to 100 ml/min. Higher ranges are available on request
•Sample gas lection: A choice of five common sample gas matrix types is available to the ur: Air, helium, carbon dioxide,
nitrogen and hydrogen
•Trap purge time: This relates to purging the UNITY 2 flow path and cold trap with carrier gas after sample collection and before the
trap is desorbed. It is analogous to the
ambient temperature purge of the tube
before desorption. For the first 0.2 minutes
(12 conds) of purge time, the purge flow is
all directed to the split line to prevent
carryover. After the first 12 conds, the
purge flow is directed through the cold trap
(in the trapping direction) to sweep any
remaining O2 or other residual sample matrix gas from the trap before desorption
o Ambient purge time 0 to 99.9 minutes
o Settable in 0.1 minute increments
•Trap purge flow: The same trap purge flow will be maintained whether the trap purge
flow is passing to split or trap
o Range 2 to 100 ml/min. Higher ranges are available on request
•Cycle time: The cycle time parameter defines the interval between the start of each sample collection time. Setting a cycle time means that the start of collection of another sample can overlap with analysis of the
previous sample. System software us the
cycle time parameter to calculate when
collection of a subquent sample should手机英语学习软件
begin such that the GC analysis of the
pursuedprevious sample will be complete and the GC system ready again, just before the cold trap is ready to desorb with the next sample. Automatic quencing of whole-air/gas analys
•Programming a quence: A ries of analys is programmed using the quence table in an analogous way to a multi-tube
quence using U LTR A2. The start of each
new sample collection time can be
programmed to begin:
o as soon as the trap has re-cooled to its trapping temperature
o at a fixed time interval or
o at an absolute 12.00, 13.00,
Automatic quencing of inlets
A quence of samples (gas/air streams, canisters, bags or other whole air/gas containers) comprising veral ‘ts’ may be entered by the ur into the quence table on the ur interface on the PC. Individual samples/sample channels may be included in more than one t in a quence.
A t normally compris a ries of samples which are to be analyzed by the same method. Multiple (up to 100) analys may be carried out on each individual sample. An entire quence can be recycled any number of times as required.
Individual samples may be identified as calibrant, blank, sample or by any ur defined name.
A log file is produced as a quence progress and is automatically maintained and saved. Any quence deviations are recorded in the log file. If any deviations occur in a quence, the GC run is initiated to keep the analytical system ‘in synch’ with the desorber. Sequences may be stored and recalled for re-u if necessary.
Dimensions and Weight
•Height: 28 cm (11.2 in)
•Width: 12 cm (4.8 in)
•Depth: 50 cm (2 in)
•Weight: 8 Kg (17 lb)
Environmental Conditions
•Ambient operating temperature 0°C to 40°C •Ambient operating humidity 30 to 90% RH non-condensing
Power Requirements
•Powered by Lambda SWS 75 Watt power supply with IEC mains input.
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•90 to 253V, 47/63 Hz (CIA 8 lf-adjusts to local voltage UK 220-250V, US
CIA 8 Safety and regulatory Approvals: •EN 60950-1
•EN 61010-1
•CE marked and compliant with Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) EN60950
•CIA 8 is designed and manufactured under a quality system registered to ISO 9001.
EMC Performance
•IEC 61326:2002
•EN 61326:1997 + A1:1998 + A2:2001 + A3:2003
Designed and manufactured under a quality system registered to ISO 9001.
CIA 8 power supply (P.S.U.) conforms to the following safety approvals:
Data System – Minimum PC Specification
As per UNITY 2 except that two rial ports are required for ries 2 UNITY-CIA 8 systems. Note that if insufficient rial ports are available on the control PC additional ports can most simply added using either a USB hub and USB to rial cables or a PCI card. CIA 8 software:
If the CIA 8 is to be attached to an existing
(U LTR A-)UNITY 2 installation, it will be shipped with a new t of TD Control Software. This software should be ud to replace any existing (ULTRA-)UNITY 2 control software.
Electrical connections
As well as the standard connections included
with UNITY 2, CIA 8 is shipped with its own power lead and RSC-232 PC cable.
CIA 8options:
•Pump (U-ASPMP1/2): If the sample/standard gas is pressurized (>10 psi), the controlled
flow through the entire system is driven by
this pressure. If the sample is at low (<10
psi), atmospheric or just below atmospheric
pressure, a pump (115/230V) is required to
draw the gas-pha sample through the
o The pump includes a power cord to
connect to the mains supply, silicone
rubber tubing and a copper tube adapter •In-line dryer (U-ASDRY): (Optional item required for monitoring ultra-volatile, apolar
compounds in humid atmospheres). The
dryer requires a pressure regulated (~15 psi) supply of 150-200 ml/min dry air or nitrogen with a dew point below –45°C (as required
for UNITY 2). Note also that appropriate
fittings will be required to connect the
regulated dry gas supply to the 1/8th-inch
copper tubing provided
•Series 2U LTR A 100-tube autosampler: Both CIA 8 and U LTR A 2 may be installed onto the
same UNITY 2 although only one autosampler may operate at any one time. A connection
kit will be required for this (See price list)
For further information
For more information about our products and rvices plea visit our web site at
Markes International shall not be liable for errors contained in this specification or for incidental or conquential damages in connection with the supply, performance or u of this equipment.
Markes International rerves the right to change information, descriptions and specifications within this document without notice.
UNITY 2™, Air Server™, U LTR A™, SecureTD-Q™, CIA 8™ are trademarks of Markes International.
© Markes International Ltd. 2008