| | 〖GB/T50001-2017〗房屋建筑制图统一标准 | | | | | | |
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| | 〖GB/T50002-2013〗建筑模数协调标准 | | | Standard for modular coordination of building | | | |
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| | 〖GB50003-2011〗砌体结构设计规范 | | | Code for design of masonry structures | | | |
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| | 〖GB/T50006-2010〗厂房建筑模数协调标准 | | | Standard for modular coordination of industrial buildings | | | |
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| | 〖GB50007-2011〗建筑地基基础设计规范 | | | Code for design of building foundation | | | |
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| | 〖GB50009-2012〗建筑结构荷载规范 | | | Load code for the design of building structures | | | |
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| | 〖GB50010-2010(2015年版)〗混凝土结构设计规范(2015年版) | | | Code for design of concrete structures | | | |
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| | 〖GB50011-2010〗建筑抗震设计规范(2016年版) | | | Code for ismic design of buildings | | | |
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| | 〖GB50012-2012〗Ⅲ、Ⅳ级铁路设计规范 | | | Code for design of class Ⅲ、Ⅳ railway | | | |
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| | 〖GB50013-2006〗室外给水设计规范 | | | Code for design of outdoor water supply engineering | | | |
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| | 〖GB50014-2006〗室外排水设计规范(2016年版) | | | Code for design of outdoor wastewater engineering | | | |
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| | 〖GB50015-2003〗建筑给水排水设计规范(2009年版) | | | Code for design of building water supply and drainage | | | |
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| | 〖GB50016-2014〗建筑设计防火规范(整合) | | | Code for fire protection design of buildings | | | |
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| | 〖GB50018-2002〗冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范 | | | Technical code for design of cold-formed thin-wall steel structures | | | |
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| | 〖GB50019-2015〗工业建筑供暖通风与空气调节设计规范 | | | Design code for heating ventilation and air conditioning of industrial buildings | | | |
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| | 〖GB50021-2001〗岩土工程勘察规范(2009年版) | | | Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering | | | |
半永久培训学校 | |
| | 〖GBJ22-87〗厂矿道路设计规范 | 鹅妈妈童谣 | | Code for design of roads in factories and mining areas | | | |
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| | 〖GB50023-2009〗建筑抗震鉴定标准 | | | Standard for ismic appraisal of buildings | | | |
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| | 〖GB50025-2004〗湿陷性黄土地区建筑规范 | | | Code for building construction in collapsible loess regions | | | |
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| | 〖GB50026-2007〗工程测量规范 | | | Code for engineering surveying | | | |
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| | 〖GB50027-2001〗供水水文地质勘察规范 | | | Standard for bydrogeological investigation of water-supply | | | |
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| | 〖GB50028-2006〗城镇燃气设计规范 | | | Code for design of city gas engineering | | | |
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| | 〖GB50029-2014〗压缩空气站设计规范 | | | Code for design of compresd air station | | | |
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| | 〖GB50030-2013〗氧气站设计规范 | | | Code for design of oxygen station | | | |
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| | 〖GB50032-2003〗室外给水排水和燃气热力工程抗震设计规范 | | | Code for earthquake - resistant design of outdoor water supply,werage,gas and heating engineering | | | |
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| | 〖GB50033-2013〗建筑采光设计标准 | | | Standard for daylighting design of buildings | | | |
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| | 〖GB50034-2013〗建筑照明设计标准 | | | Standard for lighting design of buildings | | | |
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| | 〖GB50037-2013〗建筑地面设计规范 | | | Code for design of building ground | | | |
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