The right product at the right place High Technology Cleaning Solutions for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul of Aircrafts
Cabin interior
A 3180
Glass act
Window Cleaner
A 3746
Breeze spice
Cabin Deodorir
Concentrated odour counteractant and reodorant. Eliminates offensive odours in cabin and toilet leaving a fresh pleasant fragance. Non-fl ammable. Colour: Reddish orange
Odour: Spice, pH: 8.5A 3746 J15L x 4A 3746 O2
A 3471
Viricidal Sanitir
Powerful spray and wipes disinfectant cleaner. Reduces surface contami-nation by bacteria and SARS type virus. Effective all internal aircraft surfaces: galley surfaces, toilet cubicles & components
etc. Recommended as a soak cleaning for
recirculating toilet tanks. Suitable for both onboard and workshop u. No rinsing required. Non-fl ammable.Dilution: up to 1:200
Colour: Clear, pH: 8.6Approvals/Conformances:
AMS 1453 (dilution 1:30)
Exterior washing
A 1122
Silicone free polish
Aircraft Polish
One-step cleaner and polish. Removes stains and marks from aircraft surfaces as well as scale and
traffi c fi lm from
windscreens. Provide long term protection to all paintworks. Leaves clean and smooth lustrous surfaces to enhance corporate image. Odourless, non-toxic. Non-fl ammable. Colour: Light brown Approvals/Conformances: AMS 1531B, Fokker.A 1122 J15L x 4A 1122 O2
A 4423
Exterior aircraft cleaner I
Economical Exterior Cleaner
General Purpo detergent, designed for cleaning aircraft exteriors using wet washing and foam cleaning methods. Contains no chromates or other heavy
metals. Safe on all exterior and painted surfaces. Streak free after rinsing. Biodegradable. Non-fl ammable.Dilution: up to 1:10
Colour: Clear yellow, pH (1%): 10.8
AMS 1526B, Boeing D6-17487
Rev. L, MIL-C-87937B Type I, Fokker.A 4423 O225L A 4423 U2
A 4553
Heavy duty aircraft cleaner
Thickened Heavy Duty Cleaner
Viscous heavy duty water bad
detergent. Formulated for the removal of oily soils, grea & carbon from
bare metals and painted surfaces. Effective on landing gear, under belly, wheel wells fl ap bays. Safe on all metal parts. Non-fl ammable.Dilution: up 1:10
Colour: Green Liquid, pH: 9.9Approvals/Conformances: AMS 1533A.A 4553 O225L A 4553 U2
A 4935
Exterior aircraft cleaner II
Concentrated Exterior Cleaner
Viscous water bad cleaner for the removal of soils from the exterior surfaces of aircraft. Can be ud for all applications, including fl ap bays, wheel wells etc. Safe on all exterior surfaces & paints. Residue free. Non-fl ammable.Dilution: up to 1:20
Colour: Light yellow, pH: 12.1
AMS 1526B, Boeing D6-17487 Rev. L, Fokker.A 4935 O225L A 4935 U2
A 3180 J15L x 4A 3180 O2
A 3471 O2
Ammonia free mirror and window cleaner. Quickly removes dirt and soil from glass and glazed surfaces leaving sparkling surfaces without buffi ng or
polishing. No streaking or smudging.
Safe on surrounding paintwork and furniture. Non-fl ammable.
Dilution: up to 1:80 Colour: Clear pale green, pH: 10 Approvals/Conformances:
AMS 1534A, Boeing D6-17487 Rev. L.
A 3220
General Purpo Cleaner
Premium grade universal detergent that works effectively on all aircraft interiors
surfaces: galley, toilets, walls etc. Harmless to all metals, paint, fabrics, glass, rubber etc. Non-slip fi nishing, rins right away. Spray, Swab or Wipe On/Off. Non- toxic. Non-fl ammable.Dilution: up to 1:50, Colour: Clear blue, Odour: Lemon, pH (10%): 7.2
AMS 1550B, Boeing D6-17487 Rev. J, Douglas CDS#1 Issue 1989, Fokker.A 3220 J15L x 4A 3220
O225L A 3220 U2
Ground rvice
equipment & workshop
Since 1942, APPLIED -ORAPI Group has been understanding and anticipa-ting the requirements of the aviation industry. Providing mechanical and maintenance eng ineers, Technolog ically
Advanced Solutions, to improve process cleaning efficiency and reduction of operation costs without compromising quality and standards.
The hi g h quality and manufacturing standards of APPLIED products are continually confi rmed by major O.E.M. corporations
(Goodrich, Allied Si g nal,
Honeywell, G.E., Pratt & Whitney, Rolls Royce etc), and tested by independent certifi cation bodies, such as: ISO standards - 9001 & 14001, military standards - NATO, US MIL, aeronautic standards - AS NA, AIMS , AMS, BOEING D6.
The audits and certifi ca-tions often award APPLIED the top g rades, while respectin g the standards of hig h quality in terms of products and technology.International Network
With a distribution coverag e in more than 100 countries and manufacturing facilities in major continents, APPLIED -ORAPI Group is able to provide local support and
expert resources backed by a worldwide International Organisation.Safety & Environment
APPLIED is committed to safety and the environment.Our goal is to provide techno-log ical innovations with no harm to the public health and the environment.“In a market characterized by a constant stream of aviation products, innovation more than ever is the key to success. Rearch has always been and will continue to be our strategic priority to safeguard our future.”
Alkaline deruster & descaler Immersion Corrosion & Scale Remover Heavy duty detergent cleaner,
designed to remove dirt, soils, and road grime from light / heavy vehicles as well as handling equipment. Suitable for u in automatic car and truck wash installations. High foaming action does not leave streaks.
Safe on all metals, paintwork, chrome glass and plastic curtains. Non-fl ammable. Dilution: up to 1:50
Colour: Clear Yellow, pH (1%): 9.6A 3120Bulldog gold
Vehicle Wash
A 3120 O225L A 3120 U2
Alkaline deruster & descaler Immersion Corrosion & Scale Remover Quick drying solvent. Removes dust, oil, grea and general soils from component and engine parts. Effective on brake, wheel bay areas, control fl aps etc. Safe on aircraft metals with care on some paint and plastic surfaces. Leave
s no residue. U as supplied for cleaning by hand or immersion. Colour: Colourless Flash Point: 24°C (TCC)Approvals/Conformances: Boeing D6-17487 Rev. L, Douglas CSD # 1 issue 1988, Fokker, Honeywell, Rolls Royce 1/257B A 8300Solvent wipe II
Fast Dry Solvent
Smooth hand washing lotion for excellent mild cleaning. Excellent cleaning properties. Contain emollient to keep the skin supple. For u in all work environment and public washrooms, pleasant colour and aroma.Colour: Pearly Blue, pH: 7A 3010 J15L x 4A 3010 O2
A 3110
Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner
Heavy duty hand cleaner, formulated from naturally occurring citrus oils.
Removes the roughest greas and oils from hands and body. Contains polymeric beads to give gentle action and lanolin to minimi skin irritation. Maintenance workshops, industry, engineering, garages etc. Colour: Pale Orange, pH: 7.2A 3110 S5
A 3010
我心依旧歌词Luxury hand soap
Gentle Hand Cleaner
bltA 8300 O225L A 8300 U2
in our laboratories
Component overhaul
medicalA 4204
Aqueous degrear
Wheel and brake Cleaner
Concentrated degrear for oil and
grea removal. U in immersion or agitation tanks, spray washing or manual cleaning. Safe on most metals, paints and plastics surfaces. Recommended for all components and engine parts, landing gears, wheel hubs etc. Suitable for galley ovens and surrounding. Non-fl ammable. Dilutions: up to 1:4, pH: 10.9 Colour: Clear pale Approvals: AMS 1537A, ARP 1755B, ASTM F945, Goodrich, Allied Signal, Honeywell, Pratt & Whitney PWA 36604 (Appendix A) Rev. 07/97, Pratt & Whitney SPMC 138.
A 4204 O225L A 4204 U2
A 2329
Silicone remover
Adhesive Cleaner
Water soluble solvent, for removal of silicone alants, adhesives & resins from aircraft components in cold tank
applications. Safe on aluminum,
magne-sium, titanium and other metals.Can be rind with water or solvent. Colour: Red, Flash Point: 45°C (PMCC)
Boeing D6-17487 Rev. P
A 2329 O225L A 2329 U2
Waste line
maintenance treatment
A 2225
Aircraft vacuum line treatment
Toilet Line Descaler
Acid bad detergent cleaner effective to prevent the build-up of soil deposits in vacuum toilets systems. Prevents the narrowing of vaccum pipes and reduces the risks of blockage. Application should be conducted every ven days. Non-fl ammable.
Colour: Clear blue liquid, pH: 1.5
Airbus N.T.O., Boeing N.T.O., B.A.E.A 2225 I22L x 6A 2225 O2
A 9023
Drain guard
Galley Line Cleaner
Liquid cleaner bad on bacteria and
enzymes. Prevents pipes blockages and malodours caud by the accumulation of organic deposits and bacteria due to the disposal of beverages coffee, milk, juice and carbonated drinks in galley lines.
Preventative daily treatment, reduces the need for mechanical cleaning. Non-corrosive, non caustic. Colour: Pink - Orange, pH: 7.5A 3466
Novirusac gel
Viricidal Toilet Sanitir
New technology water-soluble gel for
recirculating & vacuum toilet systems. Produces a pleasant perfume for effective odour control and viricidal, bactericidal treatment. Viricidal against: Hep B, HIV (AIDS), Herpes Simplex. Bactericidal against gram positive and negative strains. Non-fl ammable.Dilution: 1:200 for initial treatment, then 1:1000 Colour: Dark blue, Odour: Fruity fl oral, pH: 9.5 (1:200 dilution)
AMS 1476B, Boeing D6-17487 Rev. P, B.A.E.
A 3466 H520gm x 200 (water soluble sachets)A 3466 H740gm x 96 (water soluble sachets)A 3466 O2
A 3479
Viricidal Liquid Toilet Treatment
Pleasantly perfumed liquid for effective odour control in recirculating & vacuum toilet systems. Viricidal action against Hep B, HIV (AIDS), Herpes Simplex. Bactericidal against gram positive and negative strains. Non-fl ammable. Dilution: 1:50 for initial treatment, then 1:200, Colour: Dark blue, Odour: Fruity fl oral, pH: 8.9 (1:50 dilution)Approvals/Conformances: AMS 1476A ✱
A 9023 I21L x 12 A 9023 J15L x 4 A 9023 O2
A 8000
Solvent wipes I
Non Flammable Cleaner
Low odour solvent, designed to degrea and remove light & heavy soils from component and engine parts, electrical & electronic systems. Safe on aircraft metals
with care on some paint and plastic surfaces.
Leaves no residue. Suitable for immersion, wipe or spray application. Colour: Clear, Flash Point: 62°C (TCC) Approvals: BAE ABR9-0140
Type 2, Rolls Royce 1/257C
A 8000 O225L A 8000 U2
A 8300
Solvent wipes II
Fast Dry Cleaner
Quick drying solvent. Removes dust, oil, grea and general soils from component and engine parts. Effective on brake, wheel
bay areas, control fl aps etc. Safe on aircraft
metals with care on some paint and plastic
surfaces. Leaves no residue. U as
supplied for cleaning by hand or immersion.
Colour: Clear, Flash Point: 24°C (TCC)Approvals/Conformances:
Boeing D6-17487 Rev. L, Douglas
CSD # 1 issue 1988, Fokker, Honeywell,
Rolls Royce 1/257B.
A 8300 O225L A 8300 U2
A 3479 J15L x 4A 3479 O2
Paint stripping /Corrosion Inhibitor Compound cleaning
Powerful 2 phas solvent system, designed to remove carbonid oil and grea, paint, rubber mo
ulds, adhesives and synthetic fi nishes from components and engine parts. Safe on all metals. U by immersion at ambient temperature without agitation. Non-fl ammable. Colour: Dark Brown
Approvals/Conformances: Pratt & Whitney SPMC 41.A 8770 U2
Engine overhaul
Immersion Corrosion & Scale Remover Powdered caustic cleaner. Removes rust, heavy carbon deposits, a host of organic coating and heat modifi ed metallic oxides from ferrous metals. Ud as one of a multi-stage cleaning process for the removal of heat scale and oxide formations from high temperature alloy jet engine components. Non-fl ammable. Colour: white
ARP 1755B, ASTM F 945, G.E. Aircraft Engines, Pratt & Whitney SPMC 200, Garret. Allied Signals.
A 5840Alkaline deruster & descaler
Immersion Scale & Corrosion Remover
A 5770
Alkaline permanganate scale conditioner
Immersion Scale & Corrosion Remover
Powdered permanganate cleaner. Ud
as one part of a multi-stage process for the removal of complex metallic scales from jet engine components. Ud subquently to alkaline (A 5840) or acidic treatment (A 2690). Safe on steel and other relevant metals. Non-fl ammable. Colour: Deep purple
ARP 1755B, G.E. Aircraft Engines, Pratt & Whitney SPMC 202, Garret.A 5770 S520KG A 5770 U1
A 5840 S520KG A 5840 U1
A 2690
Acidic cleaner/inhibited rust remover
Immersion Scale & Corrosion Remover
Concentrated acidic cleaner for effective removal of rust from iron and steel and conditioning scale for subquent removal treatment. Removes “white-rust” from galvanid and aluminium surfaces. Cleaning process should be preceded by alkaline permanganate (A 5770) or alkaline (A 5840)
treatment. Concentration: 30% - 50% v/v,
Colour: White, pH (1% ): 2.0Approvals/Conformances: ARP 1755B, G.E. Aircraft Engines, Pratt & Whitney SPMC 21, Allison Engine.A 2690 O225L A 2690 U2
A 2751
Acidic scale conditioner
Immersion Scale & Corrosion Remover
Powdered sulphamic acidic cleaner. Effective for removal of complex metallic scales from jet engine components in part of a multi-stage process. Treatment should be preceded by alkaline rust remover (ie A 5840). Concentration: 65 – 75 g/L Colour: Off White Approvals: AMS 1476B, Boeing D6-17487 Rev. P , B.A.E.A 2751 S520KG A 2751 U1
A 8758
Phenolic paint stripper
Heavy Duty Paint Remover
Viscous liquid, designed to remove polyurethane, epoxy, enamel & coating from aircraft exterior painted surfaces.
人教版七年级英语上册Apply to clean surface, allow paint to soften,
scrape away and rin with high pressure water. Non-fl ammable.Colour: Yellow Approvals/Conformances:
AMS 1375B
A 8758 U2
A 8759 U2
A 8759
Non phenolic paint stripper
Paint Remover
Ammonia activated viscous stripper, formulated to remove polyurethane, epoxy, enamel & coating from aircraft exterior painted surfaces. Apply to clean surface, allow paint to soften, scrape away and rin with high pressure water. Non-fl ammable. Colour: Amber yellow Approvals/Conformances:
AMS 1375B, Boeing N.T.O.
A 8293
Citrikleen X520
Environmentally Friendly CIC Remover
Powerful solvent, formulated from naturally-derived citrus oils. Quickly dissolves oils, greas, adhesives and waxes from aircraft components. Recommended
for removing corrosion inhibition
compound as well as contact adhesive on aircraft surfaces. Safe all metals with care on some paint and plastic surfaces. Leaves no residue. U as wipe on/wipe off or by tank immersion. Colour: Pale yellow,Flash Point: 45°C (TCC)Approvals/Conformances:
Boeing D6-17487 Rev. P
A 8293 O225L A 8293 U2
A 8770
法语在线学习Alkaline deruster & descaler
Decarbonir/paint stripper concentrated