Statement by President Hu Jintao at the General Debate of the 64th Session of the UN General Asmbly |
2009/09/23 |
Unite as One and Work for a Bright Future 谷歌翻译下载Statement by H.E. Hu Jintao President of the People's Republic of China at the General Debate of the 64th Session of the UN General Asmbly New York, 23 September 2009 专注力培训 Mr. President, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, The World today is undergoing major development, major changes and major adjustment. The trend towards peace, development and cooperation, which reprent the call of our times, has grown stronger than ever. As the world moves further toward multi-polarity and economic globalization, multilateralism and democracy in international relations have won greater popular support, while opening up and cooperation for mutual benefit and win-win progress have become the shared aspirations of the international community. Countries have become more interdependent. At the same time, the world remains under the impact of the financial crisis and the prospects for an economic recovery are still not clear. Unemployment and poverty worldwide are worning and development imbalances are more acute. Global issues such as climate change, food curity, energy and resource curity and public health curity have been thrown into sharp relief. Non-traditional curity threats, including terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, transnational organized crime and major communicable dias, are menacing our world. Some long-standing hotspot issues remain unresolved, and regional or local conflicts keep flaring up. The instability and uncertainties in the international landscape po vere challenges to world peace and development. In the face of unprecedented opportunities and challenges, we, members of the international community, should commit ourlves to peace, development, cooperation, common progress and tolerance and continue our joint endeavor to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity and contribute to the noble cau of peace and development of mankind. First, we should view curity in a broader perspective and safeguard world peace and stability. The curity of all countries has never been as cloly interconnected as it is today, and curity now covers more areas than ever before. Traditional and non-traditional curity threats are intertwined, involving political, military, economic, cultural and other fields. They are our common challenges that require a joint and comprehensive respon. Security is not a zero-sum game, and there is no isolated or absolute curity. No country can be safe and stable in the abnce of world and regional peace and stability. We should embrace a new curity thinking of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. While maintaining one's own national curity, we should also respect the curity concerns of other countries and advance the common curity of mankind. We should adhere to the purpos and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and ek peaceful solutions to regional hotspot issues and international disputes. There should be no willful u or threat of force. We should support the United Nations in continuing to play an important role in the field of international curity. We should follow the spirit of equality, mutual benefit and cooperation to prerve global economic and financial stability. And we should oppo terrorism, paratism and extremism in all manifestations and deepen international curity cooperation. China has consistently stood for the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons and a world without nuclear weapons. We call on the international community to take credible steps to push forward the nuclear disarmament process, eradicate the risks of nuclear weapons proliferation and promote peaceful u of nuclear energy and related international cooperation. Second, we should take a more holistic approach to development and promote common prosperity. The deepening economic globalization has linked the development of all countries cloly together. Without the development and equal participation of developing countries, there cannot be common prosperity in the world, nor a more just and equitable international economic order. The developing countries now face a deteriorating external environment, brought about by the international financial crisis. Their economies are slowing down and their development endeavors are bet by rious difficulties. We believe that common development is an important way to redressing global development imbalances and achieving sustainable development. The United Nations should increa its input in development, advance economic globalization in the direction of balanced development, shared benefits and win-win progress, and foster an international environment conducive to the development of developing countries. The international financial institutions should u their newly incread resources, first and foremost, to help developing countries move out of poverty and provide loans to them in a more flexible, diver, convenient and efficient manner. Great effort should be made to increa the reprentation and voice of developing countries in reforming the international financial system. We should take responsible measures to counter the international financial crisis, firmly oppo protectionism and actively work for an early, comprehensive and balanced outcome of the Doha Round negotiations. Developed countries should open their markets to developing countries and reduce or exempt tariffs for tho countries. They should honor their ODA and debt relief commitments, and in particular, increa assistance for the least developed countries with a focus on tackling issues like hunger, health care and education. For developing countries, lf-reliance is esntial. They should explore development models conducive to their development and poverty eradication efforts. It is also in their interest to increa trade and investment cooperation and open markets to each other and upgrade South-South cooperation. Third, we should pursue cooperation with a more open mind and work for mutual benefit and common progress. Climate change, food curity, energy and resource curity and public health curity are all global challenges and no country is immune from them. The only way for us to meet the challenges and ensure harmony and peace is to engage in clor international cooperation. We should aim for common progress, bearing in mind not only the interests of our own people but also tho of the people of the whole world, and expand converging interests. Climate change is one of the rious challenges to human survival and development and international cooperation is the key to tackling this challenge. We should keep to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol as the primary channel in addressing climate change, abide by the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", adhere to the mandate of the Bali Roadmap, and work for the success of the Copenhagen conference with a view to achieving mutual benefit and common progress. Food and energy are vital to the livelihood, development and stability of all nations. We should increa input in agriculture, develop advanced technologies, curb market speculation, increa food assistance and intensify cooperation in agriculture and food. We should strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in energy, step up rearch and development of new and renewable energies, put in place a system for the rearch, development and dismination of advanced energy technologies and diversify energy supply. The continued spread of Influenza A (H1N1) has prented a global health challenge confronting the entire international community. China is ready to provide help as its ability permits to other developing countries in the prevention and control of Influenza A (H1N1). Fourth, we should be more tolerant to one another and live together in harmony.complicated什么意思 Mutual learning and tolerance among different civilizations is an inexhaustible source of strength for social progress, and all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal. We should acknowledge differences in cultural tradition, social system and values and respect the right of all countries to independently choo their development paths. We should vigorously promote and protect human rights, increa dialogue and remove misunderstanding. We should advocate a spirit of openness and tolerance and let different civilizations and models of development draw on each other's strength through competition and comparison and achieve common development by eking common ground while rerving differences. Mr. President, Dear Colleagues, The Chine People will soon celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Sixty years ago, the Chine people won independence and liberation after a prolonged hard struggle and became masters of the New China. Thirty years ago, the Chine people started the historic journey of reform, opening up and socialist modernization. Since then, the Chine society has shown unprecedented vigor and creativity. China's national strength has grown remarkably and the people are better off. China's development has contributed greatly to peace and development of the world. History rves as the basis for further advance and provides inspiration for the future. We are keenly aware that China remains a developing country. The difficulties and problems we encounter are rarely en in both scale and complexity. We have a long way to go before we can meet the target of building a well-off society in all respects that benefits over a billion people, and then achieving modernization and common prosperity for all. Bearing in mind our national conditions, we will continue to be committed to the path of socialism with Chine characteristics, focus on economic development, unswervingly pursue reform and opening up, and promote all-round progress in the economic, political, cultural, social and environmental fields. Our development is for the people and by the people and its benefits are shared among the people. It is a scientific development that is people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. China's future is more cloly interconnected with that of the world. A more developed China will make greater contribution to the world and bring more opportunities to the world. We are committed to the path of peaceful development and the win-win strategy of opening up. We will develop friendly relations and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. China has always been and will continue to be a positive force for world peace and common development. As a responsible and major developing country, China has always made common development an important aspect of its foreign policy. We have made great effort to provide support and assistance to other developing countries, and fulfilled our commitment under the UN Millennium Declaration. So far, we have given assistance to more than 120 countries, cancelled debts for 49 heavily-indebted poor countries and least developed countries, and extended zero-tariff treatment to commodities from over 40 least developed countries. Since the outbreak of the global financial crisis, despite great difficulties, we have kept the RMB exchange rate basically stable, which is important to maintaining healthy international trade. We have taken an active part in the trade finance program of the International Finance Corporation and provided financing support to the IMF, which will be mainly ud to help developing countries. We have signed bilateral currency swap agreements with some developing countries. We have established the China-ASEAN Investment Fund, provided credit support to the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and actively contributed to the building of an East Asian foreign currency rerve pool. To further assist developing countries: ballbustingChina will increa support for other developing countries hit hard by the financial crisis, earnestly implement relevant capital increa and financing plans, intensify trade and investment cooperation and help rai the capacity of relevant countries for risk-resistance and sustainable development. lateautumnChina will continue to implement the measures announced at the UN High-level Event on Millennium Development Goals to assist other developing countries in speeding up development and facilitate the attainment of the MDGs. China will follow through on the measures to help African countries announced at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, increa assistance to Africa, reduce or cancel debts for heavily-indebted poor countries and least developed countries in Africa, expand trade and investment, provide human resources and technological support for African countries in such areas as agriculture, health, education and disaster preparedness and reduction, and intensify personnel training tailored to African needs. China will continue to participate in and promote regional monetary and financial cooperation, maintain financial and economic stability and push forward financial cooperation and trade in the region. Mr. President, Dear Colleagues, We are called upon by our times to unite as one and work together for mutual benefit and win-win progress like pasngers in the same boat. This is the only way leading to common prosperity. Let's join hands, share development opportunities, ri above challenges and make unremitting effort to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity! Thank you. |
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