aspectHonorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies
sweetieWays to open a debate
To t the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state…
We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. …
In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propo….
A number of key issues ari which merit (derve) clor examination.
In the first place we would like to make clear that….
The main argument focus on….
1.Giving Reasons and offering explanations:
To start with…,
The ,
For ,
That's the ,
Many ,
Allowing for the ,
When you ,
2. Asking for an opinion from the other party
I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。
I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 well…what do you think (about
What's your view on the matter 就这件事你的看法呢
how do you e it你怎么看它
do you think that…你认为…吗
3.Stating an opinion陈述观点
, In , I believe…
I'd like to point out that我想指出的是…成长教育培训机构
Speaking for mylf站在自己的立场上说…
考研成绩查询方式I'd like to say this… 我会这样说…
The way we ,
As far as I', 就我而言,…
If it were up ,
I ,
I'm pretty ,
It is fairly ,
I'm ,
I honestly feel that…,
While others may argue that…, Considering the current …,
A recent study has shown that…,
4.How to convince in a debate
The other team has tried to make some good points, however, they forgot to think about some very important issues, namely….
We hear what the opposition are saying but we do not agree. We will prove to you…
That’s one way to think about it, however,….
At first sight, their argument ems to be true. But….
They unfortunately failed to reveal the truth of the matter,….
It is easy enough to make broad like the other team just did, but in reality it is a very complex issue.
It is only a matter of time until it will become evident that the other teams
stand must fall due to the following reasons….
We must take into account that….(我们必须考虑到...)
5.Clarifying a point阐述观点
a. what I said was…我刚才说的是…
b. what I mean to say was…我的意思是说…
c. let me repeat what I said.让我重复我刚才所说的。
6.Concluding the points of the other side debater
As you said… 像你所说的那样……
But havent you said that…?但是,难道你没说过……吗?、
If I understood you correctly, you said that… 要是我理解正确的话,你说过…….
12.Thats a good point.这个看法不错
I feel the same way.我也持同样的想法。
林书豪简历10. I'm inclined to disagree with that.
Don't you think it would , I'
But ,但关于…方面呢
That cant be true那不可能是真的。
I'm afraid I don'
Frankly, I ,
The point you have made is interesting but negated by the
While your statement is compelling, I believe you have not expresd the main point of the problem.
I understand your viewpoint, but it fails
外研社杯11. Possible conclusions
To conclude, we must emphasi our opinion of…., (....)therefore the other teams
point of view can no longer be supported.
我想我们有相同点和不同点。have a good time
Pay attention!
Avoid using absolute statements like Always, All, or Never .
Its recommended to u the words instead
Almost all…,
Most of the time…,
On occasion…,
Refrain from saying you are wrong.
Prime minister ,deputy Prime minister (Opening government)
Member of the government, government whip. (closing government)
Leader opposition , Deputy Leader opposition (Opening opposition)
Member of the opposition , opposition whip (Closing opposition)
1.“Im sorry you just have misd a point that…”
2.STRESS“far away from the topic we are talking about”。