1 King Alfred the Great, 849-899
King Alfred builtthe firstEnglis h navy
∙Alfred was a devout Christ ian
∙He defeat ed the Danesin 886, forced them to withdr aw to NE thirdof Englan d, and conver ted many to Christ ianit y
∙Establ ished school s & repair ed monast eries
∙Invite d schola rs to come to Englan d
∙Learne d to read and writeLatin& Englis h
∙Transl atedScript uresinto langua ge of his people
Willia m the Conque ror
▪FirstNorman king of Englan d, 1066-1087
▪EndedAnglo-Saxonrule by defeat ing King Harold Godwin son at Battle of Hastin gs, 1066
▪Willia m ruledautocr atica lly – brough t church & barons underhis person al contro l ▪Replac ed Englis h bishop s with Norman s
▪Distri buted land to reward his follow ers
▪Builtcastle s throug houtEnglan d to contro l hostil e popula tion
▪Beginn ingsof Englis h Feudal ism
▪Willia m had no perman ent reside nce
▪He travel led around Englan d to survey his domain and demons trate his power
▪He held court& a majorfestiv al 3 timesa year in 3 differ ent towns
▪Norman s were a foreig n army of occupa tion
▪They builtmany castle s to protec t themse lvesand contro l the popula tion
▪King Willia m ordere d a survey of land & proper ty in Englan d in 1085
▪He ud it to t taxes& divide largeestate s amonghis follow ers
▪Anglo-Saxonnobili ty mostly killed or fled
▪Anglo-Saxoncommon ers mostly became rfs
▪Kept theirown langua ge & many of theircustom s
▪ 3 langua ges in Englan d: French (spoken by nobili ty), Old Englis h/Anglo-Saxon(common ers), Latin(schola rs & church)
▪Some oppres sion, then interm ingli ng
▪Norman s & Anglo-Saxons gradua lly became united people
3 Thomas Becket
在祷告是被几个贵族刺死。人们追他为圣人。对国王的行为很不满。最后国王认错。表示自己酒后之言并非真心。他的事迹被收到一本书中。Geoffr ey
Chauce r, Canter buryTales, 1400
白色英文4 King Edward I, 1272-1307
▪Greatimperi alist
▪Son & succes sor of HenryIII
▪Conque red Wales, 1277-1283
▪Eldest son & heir giventitlePrince of Wales
▪Builtmany castle s alongWelshborder
▪Devote d most of his reignto conque ringScotla nd
▪Edward I invade d Scotla nd 1296
to be▪Willia m Wallac e (Braveh eart) oppose d him
▪Wallac e knownfor greatstreng th & courag e
5 John Wyclif fe & the Lollar ds
▪Oxford profes sor
▪Challe ngedcorrup tion& some belief s of RomanCathol ic church
▪Moveme nt divers e and increa singl y radica l
▪Lollar ds preach ed equali ty of men before God & commun al owners hip of all things ▪Oppose d tyrann y, especi allyin the church
▪Beginn ingsof democr aticideas& practi ces
▪Priest hoodof all believ ers
▪Wyclif fe produc ed firstEnglis h transl ation of Bible
▪Lollar ds promot ed many belief s & practi ces takenup laterin the Protes tantReform ation
6Marga ret Thatch er, 1979-1991
▪Conr vativ e leader
▪FirstwomanPrimeMinist er, 1979-1991
太平斧▪Held office longer than any otherPM of 20th centur y
▪Replac ed social ism & welfar e statewith market econom y & privat izati on
Margar et Thatch er Reform s
∙Supply-side theory: free market s rather than govern mentcontro l
∙Popula r capita lism: give worker s a sharein the compan y that employ s them
∙Britai n, Americ a, & Chinaall facedsimila r econom ic hardsh ips in the 1970s
∙All 3 countr ies adopte d simila r free market soluti ons:
o Deng Xiaopi ng 1978 reform s
o Margar et Thatch er 1979-1991
o Ronald Reagan 1981-1989
o Free market reform s proved very succes sfulin all threecountr ies
7 HenryVIII, 1509-1547
•Devout RomanCathol ic & amateu r theolo gian
•Oppose d Luther & Protes tantReform ation
•Henrywrotepamphl et condem ningLuther
•Pope gave King Henrytitle“Defend er of the Faith”
•Henrydedica ted his pamphl et to the Pope
•Spenthis father’s wealth on foreig n wars
•Henry’s Queenwas Cather ine of Aragon, a Spanis h RomanCathol ic
•Cather ine failed to produc e son in 19 yearsof marria ge
•Henryfell in love with Anne Boleyn, a Protes tant
•Henrywanted to divorc e Cather ine超市的英文
•Only Pope can grantHenry’s divorc e
•But Pope cannot afford to offend Spain
•Pope refuse d divorc e
•Growin g Protes tantntim ent in Englan d
•Parlia mentpasd 2 acts, 1534
•Declar ed Pope had no author ity in Englan d
•Act of Suprem acy: King (not Pope) head of the church
•Church undernew leader ship, but most RomanCathol ic ideasand practi ces remain •Henryhad expand ed the powerof king
•He spenthis father’s wealth on war
•As head of Church, he disban ded the monast eries & took over theirland
•Henryraid much moneyllin g monast ery land, mostly to rising middle class•Majorsocial revolu tion
8 QueenMary I, 1553-1558
•Daught er of Cather ine of Aragon
•Devout RomanCathol ic
•Marrie d to King Philip II of Spain
•Forced Englan d to return to RomanCathol ic religi on
•Perc utedProtes tants
•Burned 300 at the stake
•Many Protes tants went to exilein Europe
•Expose d to leadin g Protes tantReform ers like John Calvin in Geneva
•Mary joined Spainin war with France
9 QueenElizab eth I, 1558-1603
•Daught er of Anne Boleyn
really really want•Modera te Protes tant: restor ed church of Englan d
•Policy of religi ous tolera tionto all who were loyalto Englan d
10 King JamesI, 1603-1625
new hampshire▪King JamesVI of Scotla nd at age 1, 1566
▪RomanCathol ic mother Mary, Queenof Scots, forced to give up throne; laterexecut ed
▪Believ er in Divine rightof kings– belief that kingsget rightto rule from God & not from the people
▪Headed strong royalgovern mentin Scotla nd
▪Englis h parlia mentoppose d James’ attemp t to rule as absolu te monarc h
▪Suppor ted Church of Englan d (Anglic an)
11 King Charle s I, 1625-1649
▪Son of JamesI
▪Like father, believ ed in Divine rightof kings
▪Oppose d Purita ns
▪Dissol ved Parlia ment 3 timesin next 4 years
▪“Eleven YearsTyrann y”-no Parlia ment1629-40
▪Triedto forceAnglic an prayer book upon Scotti sh Presby teria ns
▪Scotsrebell ed
▪Charle s called new Parlia mentto get moneyfor Scotti sh war
▪Long Parlia ment: met from 1640-1653
▪King triedto izeleader s
▪Civilwar brokeout 1642
12 Oliver Cromwe ll: GreatPurita n Genera l
▪Brilli ant comman der of “Ironsi des” cavalr y regime nt– neverlost a majorbattle ▪Took over New ModelArmy & reorga nized it
▪Discip lined, fearle ss, sang Psalms in battle
▪King Charle s captur ed and triedby Parlia ment
▪Cromwe ll led king’s trial& deathnten ce
▪King Charle s I behead ed 1649
▪Suppor terssaw king as a martyr
▪Execut ion of king infuri atedRomanCathol ics & otherEurope an states
▪Afterexecut ion of Charle s I, Englan d became Republ ic called Common wealt h of
Englan d
▪Cromwe ll crushe d uprisi ngs in Scotla nd & Irelan d
▪Defeat ed army loyalto son of late king
▪But Parlia mentfailed to adoptmajorreform s
▪Cromwe ll dismis d Parlia ment& endedCommon wealt h, 1653
▪Englan d became Protec torat e; Cromwe ll made Lord Protec tor
▪Cromwe ll offere d crownand refuse d it
▪RuledEnglan d as a dictat or
▪Cromwe ll’s guidin g princi ple: “libert y of consci ence”
▪Cromwe ll raid presti ge of Englan d
▪But Cromwe ll was hatedby many (and stillis)
▪Oliver Cromwe ll died 1658
▪Richar d Cromwe ll, son & succes sor, was weak & ineffe ctive
▪Forced to resign 1659
dhole13 Arthur Welles ley, 1st Duke of Wellin gton
∙Britai n’s greatgenera l of Napole onicWars
∙Led Penins ularCampai gn in Spain
∙Led Britai n in finalvictor y at Waterl oo, 1815
∙Wellin gtonbeat Napole on at Waterl oo in Belgiu m
∙Prussi an army arrive d at end of day to finish off remain der of Napole on’s army ∙Napole on spentrest of life in exileon island prison
14 JamesWatt, 1736-1819
∙Scotti sh engine er
∙Improv ed design whichmade steampowerpracti cal护照和签证的区别
∙Led to growth of modern indust ry
∙Steamengine s no longer ud only to pump waterfrom mines
∙Engine s ud to powerfactor ies whichcouldnow be locate d anywhe re
fav∙ Cotton gin made cotton cheap& fed Britis h textil e indust ry
∙Factor y system replac ed piecew ork system wherepeople worked in home
∙Factor ies led to growth of cities and urbansocial proble ms
∙Machin es replac ed worker s: Luddit es respon ded by smashi ng looms
15 winsto n Church ill, 1874-1965
▪PrimeMinist er, 1940-1945 & 1951-1955
▪“I have nothin g to offerbut blood, toil, tears, and sweat.”
▪Defied Nazisand gave courag e to Britis h people
Atlant ic Confer ence: German y firsttarget; then Japan