Unit 7 Book 3
What MakesOlympi c Champi ons?
I. Diffic ult Senten ces
1. But Kristi ro to her feet, flashe d a dazzli ng smileand spun back into her
progra m.
(1) Whatdoes“dazzli ng”meanhere? What does the word imply?
(=“Dazzling” means very impres siveand attrac tive.Theword“dazzli ng”
implie s that Kristi was very courag eousin the face of advers ity.)
(2) Transl ate the nten ce into Chines e.
2. Her spirit ed recove ry gave her the gold medal— a tribut e to her
determ inati on and courag e.
(1) Whatdoes“spirit ed recove ry”referto?
arletta(=It refers to Kristi’scoming back to her progra m, whichshowed her energy and determ inati on.)
(2) W hatdoes“tribut e”mean?
(=It means someth ing that you say, do or make to show your admirationand respect for someon e.)中国进入3g时代
(3) Transl ate the nten ce into Chines e.
3. I’veendozens of youngmen and womenlike Kristi who reache d deep
into themse lvesat a critic al moment and foundsometh ing that brough t out theirbest.
(1) Whatdoes“reache d deep into themse lves”mean?
(=The phrase means“exerte d themse lves to the utmost.”)
(2) Whatdoes“someth ing that brough t out theirbest”mean?
(=It means“a way to bringout theirmaximu m potent ial.”)
(3) Transl ate the nten ce into Chines e.
4. They mounte d the winner s’standnot simply becaus e of athlet ic talent but
becaus e of firm innerfiber.
(1) Whatdoes“firm innerfiber”mean?
(=“Firm inner fiber” means strong willpo wer.)
(2) Paraph rathis nten ce.
(=The champi ons won not only becaus e of theirtalent for sports, but becaus e of theirinnerqualit y of determ inati on and perv eranc e.)
5. But once the dreamtook shape, both youngwomenclungto it courag eousl y
and worked to make it come true.
(1) Whatdoes“takeshape”mean?
(=“T ake shape” means“beformed.”)
(2) Whatdoes“clingto”mean?
(=“Cling to” means“stickto” or “holdonto.”)
(3) Paraph rathe nten ce.
(=But once the dreamwas formed, both youngwomenpursue d it bravel y and did theirbest to realiz e it throug h trials and tribul ation s.)
6. They’refiredup.
(1) Whatdoes“firesb.up”mean?
(=“Fire sb. up”means“to make sb. become very excite d, intere sted,
etc.”Anothe r exampl e: We’vegottogetfiredup for this game or we
have no hope of winnin g. 我们得鼓起劲来,不然就没有获胜的希望。)
(2) Paraph rathe nten ce.
(= They are enthus iasti c aboutwhat they are doing.)
7. The Olympi c Flamethat top perfor merspursue burnsinside them.
(1) Paraph rathe nten ce.
(=They are immens ely inspir ed by the Olympi c spirit, whichthe Olympi c
flamerepres entsand the best athlet es pursue.)
(2) Transl ate the nten ce.
8. that’sexactl y wherehe finish ed
Paraph rathe nten ce.
(= that’sexactl y what he did: he came in fifth)
9. She had not only en herl f winnin g, but called her winnin g time to the
(1) Paraph rathe nten ce.
(=She had not only predic ted that she wouldwin, but had also predic ted the exacttime of winnin g the race.)
(2) Transl ate the nten ce.
10. the clearleader
(=“The clear leader” means“theperson who has an obviou s lead in a race or compet ition.”)
11. I was the last person expect ed to make the winner s’podium.
csbs(1) Paraph rathe nten ce.
(=I was not at all expect ed to be the winner.)
(2) Transl ate the nten ce.
12. But I had traine d like crazy, and when the favori tes falter ed, I was ready.
(1) Paraph rathe nten ce.
(=I had exerte d mylf fullyin traini ng, and was theref ore ready
to izethe opport unity pren ted by the failur e of the leadin g
compet itors.)
(2) Transl ate the nten ce.
13. Olympi ans I know go throug h a grindof pointi ng toward theirbig moment.
(1) Paraph rathe nten ce.
(=The athlet es I know who have partic ipate d in the Olympi c Games
experi encelots of hardsh ips on theirway to succes s.)
(2) Transl ate the nten ce.
14. So is the assist ant salesmanage r who fillsin for the boss in an emerge ncy.
What does this nten ce imply?
(=The assist ant salesmanage r who has worked dilige ntlymay also be luckyif he is giventhe placeof the boss in an emerge ncy.)
15. In the Olympi cs—in everyt hing—luck strike s thoprepar ed to capita lize
on it.
(1) Whatdoes“strike”meanhere?
(=“Strike” means“fallon.”)
(2) Whatdoes“capita lizeon”mean?
(=“Capital i ze on” means“u a situat ion or someth ing good that you
have, in order to get an advant age for yourself.”)
(3) Transl ate the nten ce.
(=在奥运会上——在任何情况下——好运只光顾那些做好准备的人。) II. Wordsand Expres sions
1. specta tor: n. an obrv er of an event; someon e who is watching an event
or game
*Specta torscheere d and clappe d as the ship came into the harbor.
*In the discus-throwi ng when his turn came and he hurled the heavymissil e, it swerve d and fell amongthe specta tors.
九月 英文这场比赛吸引了四万多名观众。
(=The matchattrac ted over 40,000 specta tors.)
2. groan:
(1) vi. to make a long deep soundbecaus e of pain, upt, or
disapp ointm ent
*The otherpeople in the queuehad obviou sly been waitin g longer than I and were moanin g and groani ng.
(=The wounde d man lay theregroani ng, with no one to help him.)英文吻别
(2) n. a long deep soundone makeswhen he is in pain or does not want to
do sth.
*The crowdlet out a groanwhen the ball was droppe d and the otherteam scored.
nonverbal(=The little girl let out a groanof protes t at having to go to bed.)
*The door opened with a groan.
Colloc ation:
groanout 用低沉的声音说出
3. evapor ate:
(1) vt. to (cauto) change into steamand disapp ear
(=The sun evapor atesmoistu re on the leaves.)
*This gets the oil hot enough to evapor ate any moistu re that reacts to form acidsin the engine.
(2) vi. to change into vapor; to disapp ear or vanish
(=When you cook rice, bringthe rice to the boil and contin ue to cook untilmost of the waterhas evapor ated.)
*Hopesof achiev ing peaceare beginn ing to evapor ate.
4. tumble:
(1) vi. to fall down quickl y and sudden ly , especi allywith a rollin g
moveme nt
*A few stones came tumbli ng down the cliff.
(= She lost her balanc e and tumble d backwa rds.)
*The intere st ratestumble d to theirlowest levelfor 25 years.
aut(2) n. a fall, especi ally one from a height
*It's possib le that stocks couldtake a tumble next year.
逃避英文*Aftera lifeti me in politi cs he knowsall aboutthe roughand tumble of public life.
5. spin:
(1) vt. to cauto rotate swiftl y; to twirl
*The villag e has a reputa tionfor spinni ng fine wool yarn.
* He spinsthe ball well, and is very impres siveindeed.
(2) vi. to turn roundand roundfast; to rotate rapidl y
*The ice skater beganto spin faster and faster.
猛烈的一击打得敌人昏头转向, 倒在地上。
(=The heavyblow nt the enemyspinni ng to the ground.) CF: turn, rotate, revolv e, swirl& spin
turn 为最普通词,指以以圆圈形途径移动。例如:
*A planet turnin g on its axis. 行星以自己的轴为中心旋转。
*The top rotate d with decrea singspeedas the spring wounddown. 当发条越来越松时,陀螺也越转越慢。
revolv e的意思与 rotate大致一样,但在特定的语境中,它涉及到在轨道上的运动,因此与 rotate有所区别。例如:
*The earthrevolv es around the sun. 地球绕太阳公转。
*The floodwaters swirle d wildly underthe bridge. 滚滚急流在桥下翻滚而过。
*The millin er swirle d tullelavish ly abovethe brim of the hat. 卖帽子的商人将面纱过多地卷在帽沿上。
*The wheels wherespinni ng in the mud, but the car wouldn't move. 车轮在泥浆里打转,但汽车不动。
6. consul tant: n. one who givesexpert or profes siona l advice
*Mr. BrownSmithhas left his job as a comput er progra mmerand is workin g as a consul tantfor a German firm.
*The consul tanttold Jean that an operat ion was necess ary to
save her life.
7. mount:
(1) vt.
a. to go up; to climba step or stairs
*He mounte d the stairs and looked around him slowly.
*A car sudden ly mounte d the paveme nt to avoida vehicl e coming in the opposi te direct ion.
b. to placeor fix on or in the approp riate suppor t or ttin g for displa y
or study
*John mounte d his newlybought stamps in his album.
*Entrie s to the photog raphy compet ition should be mounte d on whitepaper.
(2) vi. to go upward; to ri; to increa in amount, extent, or intens ity
*Casual tieson both sidesof the battle have contin ued to mount.