[ti:UNIT 2 Bigges t, Longes t, Widest Lesson 9 Be a Champi on!]
[0:00.357]UNIT 2 第二单元
兰金[0:01.369]Bigges t, Longes t, Widest最大,最长,最宽
[0:04.138]Lesson 9: 第九课:
[0:05.689]Be a Champi on! 成为冠军!
[0:09.734]Do you know of any worldrecord s?
[0:13.262]What are they?
[0:15.106]Do you thinkyou couldbreaka worldrecord one day?
[0:19.422]Whichrecord wouldit be?
[0:22.376]What worldrecord s do Brianand Dannywant to break?
[0:26.441]Any Ideas?有其他主意吗?
[0:28.160]How can ordina ry people breaka worldrecord? 普通人如何才能打破一项世界记录呢?
[0:31.849]I have an idea. 我有个主意。
[0:33.185]Our classcouldplay soccer for a week withou t stoppi ng! 我们班可以一个星期不停地踢足球!
[0:36.419]How couldwe do that? 我们怎么能做到呢?
[0:38.505]Wouldn't we get tired?我们不会累吗?
[0:40.294]And hungry? 不会饿吗?
[0:41.862]We couldtake turns.我们可以轮流着来。
[0:43.178]Some of us wouldplay, whilesome sleepand eat. 一些人踢球的时候,一些人睡觉吃饭。
[0:46.360]I'm goingto drinklots of milk. 我要喝许多牛奶,
[0:48.841]I will eat more fruits and vegeta bles.吃更多的水果和蔬菜。
[0:51.353]Some day I mightbe the world's talles t dinosa ur! 有一天我可能会成为世界上最高的恐龙!
[0:55.608]That's wonder ful, Danny!那真奇妙,丹尼!
[0:57.594]I don't know if it will make you tall. 我不知道那是否可以使你长高。
[0:59.908]But you'll be health y! 但能使你健康!
[1:01.780]Hey, Danny!嘿,丹尼!
[1:02.846]I have two banana s for lunch.我中午吃两根香蕉。
[1:04.711]Wouldyou like one of them? 你想要一根吗?
[1:06.309]That's very kind of you, 你真好,
[1:07.892]but my mother gave me donuts for lunch.但我妈妈给我油炸圈饼做午饭。concussion
[1:10.655]I don't need any banana s. 我不要香蕉了。
[1:13.022]You hold a worldrecord, Danny.丹尼,你保持了一项世界记录。
[1:15.230]You're the world's funnie st dinosa ur! 你是世界上最搞笑的恐龙!
[1:17.688]Why? 为什么?英文爱情文章
[1:18.620]Did I say someth ing funny?难道我说了什么好笑的事了吗?
[1:21.645]PROJEC T
[1:24.760]Couldyou run a hundre d metres in eightcond s?
[1:29.053]That wouldbe a new worldrecord.
[1:31.614]If you were threemetres tall, that wouldbe a worldrecord, too!
[1:37.288]But you're not a champi on runner.
[1:39.535]And you're not threemetres tall!
[1:42.046]Someti mes, averag e people also breakworldrecord s.
[1:46.753]What kind of worldrecord couldyou break?
[1:50.808]Couldyou standon one foot for a week?
[1:54.398]Couldyou eat twenty apples in one minute?
[1:58.189]Thinkof a worldrecord you wouldlike your classto break.
[2:02.357]If you like, it can be a funnyrecord.
[2:06.612]Couldeveryo ne in your classget into one car?
[2:10.742]That mightbe a new record!
[2:13.379]Descri be your idea to your classm ates.
[2:16.404]Find inform ation aboutrecord s in booksor on the Intern et.
[ti:UNIT 2 Bigges t, Longes t, Widest Lesson 10 Where's the Highes t Hotel?]
[0:00.571]UNIT 2 第二单元
[0:01.606]Bigges t, Longes t, Widest最大,最长,最宽
[0:04.254]Lesson 10: 第十课:
[0:05.797]Where's the Highes t Hotel?最高的酒店在哪里?
[0:10.115]Do you like travel ling?
[0:12.283]Wherehave you travel led to?
[0:14.917]What famous buildi ngs or struct uresdo you know?
[0:19.627]Tell your classsometh ing aboutthem.
[0:22.191]Chinahas many worldrecord s for its buildi ngs and struct ures.中国在建筑和工程方面有很多世界记录。
[0:26.193]World's highes t hotel.世界最高的酒店。
[0:28.130]Since1999, the highes t hotelin the worldis the GrandHyattShangh ai in Pudong. 自1999年以来,世界上最高的酒店就是上海浦东的凯悦大酒店。
[0:34.680]It is locate d on the top 35 floors of the 88-storey Jin Mao Tower.它位于88层金茂大厦的顶上35层。
[0:39.807]This toweris the talles t buildi ng in Chinaand one of the talles t in the world.这座塔是中国最高的建筑,也是世界上最高的塔之一。
[0:45.521]What is the talles t buildi ng in the world?世界上最高的建筑是什么?
[0:48.829]World's longes t struct ure. 世界最长的工程。
[0:50.687]The GreatWall of Chinais more than 7 240 kilome treslong. 中国的长城有7240多千米长,
[0:55.787]It is the longes t struct ure in the world.是世界上最长的工程。
[0:58.041]In some places, the wall is 9.75 metres thick.在一些地方,城墙有9.75米厚。[1:02.548]The firstperson to walk the wholelength of the GreatWall was Liu Yutian. 第一个徒步走完长城的人是刘雨田。
[1:07.187]He walked for two years!他走了两年!
[1:09.191]Can astron autse the GreatWall from space?宇航员能从太空中看见长城吗?[1:12.920]Some people say yes; some people say no. 一些人说能,一些人说不能。
[1:16.519]What do you think?你是怎么认为的?
[1:18.252]The GreatWall of Chinais famous around the world.中国的长城举世闻名。
[1:22.216]World's bigges t dam. 世界上最大的大坝。
[1:24.074]Since1990, about250 000 worker s have worked on the ThreeGorges Dam. 自1990年以来,约有250000名工人在修建三峡大坝。
[1:30.400]The dam will cost about205 billio n yuan. 大坝将耗资约2050亿元。
[1:33.814]Chinahopesto finish the dam by 2009. 中国希望到2009年能竣工。
[1:37.148]Then the ThreeGorges Dam will t a new worldrecord. 那时三峡大坝将会创造一项新的世界记录。
[1:40.549]It will be the world's bigges t dam. 它将是世界上最大的大坝。
[1:42.894]The ThreeGorges Dam will be about2.3 kilome treslong and almost 185 metres tall. 三峡大坝将有2.3千米长,差不多185米高。
[1:49.919]Do you unders tandthewords: tall, wide and thick?你明白这些词吗:高、宽、厚?[1:55.623]Let's look at this book. 让我们看看这本书。
[1:58.106]LET'S DO IT!
[1:59.876]Did you notice the number s below?
[2:03.049]Each number is part of the descri ption of a buildi ng or struct ure.
[2:08.673]Writedown what each number descri bes and report to the rest of the class!
[2:37.524]7 240
[2:40.793]250 000
[ti:UNIT 2 Bigges t, Longes t, Widest Lesson 11 Don't Fall, Danny!]
[0:00.836]UNIT 2 第二单元
[0:01.855]Bigges t, Longes t, Widest最大,最长,最宽
[0:04.645]Lesson 11: 第十一课:
[0:06.280]Don't Fall, Danny!丹尼,别倒下!
[0:08.512]Afterschool, Jennyes Danny.放学后,詹妮看见丹尼。
[0:10.824]He is standi ng on one foot. 他正一只脚站着。
[0:13.467]What are you doing, Danny?丹尼,你在做什么?
[0:15.950]Can't you e? 你没看见吗?
[0:17.402]I'm standi ng on one foot. 我在单腿站立。
[0:19.735]Yes, I can e, but why are you doingit? 是的,我看见了,但你为什么要那样呢?[0:23.719]I want to t a new worldrecord. 我想创造一项新的世界记录。
[0:26.511]I will be the champi on of standi ng on one foot! 我将是单腿站立的世界冠军!
[0:29.837]And how do you feel? 你觉得怎么样?
[0:31.637]I'm so tired!很累!
[0:34.007]How long will I have to do this? 我还得站多久?
[0:37.060]Here comesBrian.布赖恩过来了。
[0:38.798]He has a book aboutworldrecord s. 他有一本关于世界记录的书。
[0:41.404]Why don't we ask him? 我们何不问问他?
[0:43.228]Hi, Brian.嗨,布赖恩。
[0:44.631]I have been standi ng on one foot for more than threeminute s. 我已经单腿站立三分多钟了。
[0:48.565]I want to t a new worldrecord. 我想创造一项新的世界记录。
[0:50.972]Do you know what the record is? 你知道世界记录是多少吗?
[0:53.405]The record is eighthours.世界记录是8个小时。
[0:55.353]Don't stop, Danny.丹尼,别停。
[0:56.830]In venhoursand 57 minute s, you'll be the champi on! 7小时57分钟后,你就会成为冠军!
[1:01.062]That's so long! 太久了!
[1:02.887]I'll be too late for supper! 我吃晚饭会晚的!
[1:05.344]We're having pizzaat our hou.我们家要吃比萨。
[1:07.838]Later, I'll bringyou a piece.一会儿我给你拿一块。
[1:09.948]That's very kind of you, Jenny, but my mother is cookin g chicke n tonigh t. 詹妮,你真好,但我妈妈今晚要做鸡肉。
[1:14.515]I love chicke n! 我喜欢吃鸡肉!
[1:16.811]Well, you can't walk thereon one foot. 噢,你不能用一只脚走回去。
[1:19.368]I'll walk thereon two feet. 我要双脚走回去。
[1:21.341]Supper is more import ant than a record! 晚饭比一项记录更重要!
[1:24.680]Specia l Animal s 特殊的动物
[1:27.187]World's larges t animal世界上最大的动物
[1:29.334]The blue whale.蓝鲸。
[1:30.860]On averag e, it weighs more than 26 tons. 平均体重有26吨多。
[1:34.211]That's very, very large!那真是非常,非常大!
[1:36.519]That's huge! 是个庞然大物!
[1:38.021]The larges t blue whaleon record weighe d 212 tons. 所记录的最大的蓝鲸重212吨,[1:42.303]It was more than 27 metres long. 长27米多。
[1:45.244]The averag e blue whaleis aboutfour timesas big as the bigges t elepha nt. 蓝鲸的平均体积大约是最大的大象的四倍。
[1:49.886]The elepha nt is the bigges t land animal in the world.大象是世界上最大的陆地动物。[1:53.721]World's smalle st animal世界上最小的动物
[1:56.364]The bumble bee bat. 大黄蜂蝙蝠。
[1:58.275]It's such a smallanimal! 它是那么小的一种动物!
[2:00.559]It weighs only 17 gramsand is about2.8 centim etres long. 体重只有17克,长约2.8厘米。
[2:06.739]The bumble bee bat livesin Thaila nd. 大黄蜂蝙蝠生活在泰国。
[2:09.780]World's oldest animal世界上最老的动物
[2:12.088]The gianttortoi livesthe longes t of all animal s, includ ing humans. 象龟是所有动物(包括人类)中活得最长的。yxg
[2:16.941]Gianttortoi s can live to be two hundre d yearsold. 象龟能够活两百年。
[2:20.714]They live on island s in the Indian Oceanand on the island s of west of SouthAmeric a. 它们生活在印度洋和南美洲西部的岛屿上。
[2:26.348]World's fastes t animal世界上跑得最快的动物
[2:28.979]The world's fastes t animal is the cheeta h. 世界上跑得最快的动物是印度豹。
[2:32.054]It can run one hundre d kilome tresper hour. 它能以每小时100千米的速度奔跑。[2:35.467]Cheeta hs live in Africa and Asia. 印度豹生活在非洲和亚洲。
[2:38.237]LET'S DO IT!
[2:39.927]Read the cond part of this lesson,
[2:43.307]u your imagin ation to create a new animal.
[2:47.527]What does it look like?
[2:49.608]What does it eat?
[2:51.918]Wouldthis animal be famous?
[2:54.992]Draw a pictur e of your animal and writea descri ption.
[ti:UNIT 2 Bigges t, Longes t, Widest Lesson 12 Let's Go the Farthe st!]
[0:00.344]UNIT 2 第二单元
[0:01.400]Bigges t, Longes t, Widest最大,最长,最宽
[0:03.692]Lesson 12: 第十二课:
[0:04.831]Let's Go the Farthe st! 让我们走得最远!
[0:09.912]This road goes farthe r, 这条路更远,
[0:12.033]That bridge is longer, 那座桥更长,
[0:14.259]That buildi ng is higher, Than all the others. 那个建筑比其他所有的都高。
[0:18.539]Let's go the farthe st! 让我们走得最远!
[0:20.705]Let's run the fastes t! 让我们跑得最快!
[0:22.988]We can be strong er, Than all the others. 我们可以比其他所有的都强壮。
[0:27.436]This tree trunk's thicke r, 这棵树干更粗,
[0:29.566]That bird fliesfaster, 那只鸟飞得更快,
[0:31.746]That animal's smalle r, Than all the others. 那种动物比其他所有的都小。
[0:36.040]Let's go the farthe st! 让我们走得最远!
[0:38.138]Let's run the fastes t! 让我们跑得最快!
四级估分器[0:40.439]We can be strong er, Than all the others. 我们可以比其他所有的都强壮。
[0:49.251]This bird is a falcon. 这只鸟是猎鹰。
[0:51.885]It is the fastes t bird in the world.它是世界上飞得最快的鸟。