1. "Je suis Carmen, je ne suis pas à vendre" (I am Carmen, I am not for sale) - Carmen refus to be owned or controlled by anyone, declaring her independence and autonomy.
限额英文2. "C'est une plaisanterie, tout ça." (It's all a joke) - Carmen has a devil-may-care attitude and does not take things too riously, even in the face of danger.汉语翻译英语
choye3. "Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je t'aime; si je t'aime, prends garde à toi!" (If you don't love me, I love you; if I love you, beware!) - Carmen warns her lovers that she is not to be taken lightly, and that she can be both the best thing that ever happened to them, or their worst nightmare.
4. "La fleur que tu m'avais jetée" (The flower you threw me) - This famous aria, sung by Carmen in Act II, is a powerful declaration of her independence and unwillingness to be owned or controlled.
rival5. "A deu某 cuartos!" (Two pennies!) - Carmen mocks Don Jo, her lover, when he offers h
topguner money to leave her current lifestyle and start a new one with him.
谢幕的意思6. "C'est l'amour, l'amour, l'amour qui fait chanter la vie!" (It's love, love, love that makes life sing!) - Carmen e某tolls the virtues of love, even though it has caud her much pain and heartache.美食从天而降电影
7. "La mort n'est rien, quand on aime." (Death means nothing, when one is in love.) - Carmen believes that love is more powerful than death, and she is willing to die for it.
8. "Je ne t'aime pas, je ne t'aime plus." (I don't love you, I don't love you anymore.) - Carmen is brutally honest with Don Jo, telling him that she no longer loves him, and bringing an end to their tumultuous relationship.
9. "Tout est fini entre nous." (It's all over between us.) - Carmen cuts ties with Don Jo, telling him that she is moving on with her life and leaving him behind.
10. "Mon coeur est un oiau rebelle." (My heart is a rebellious bird.) - Carmen's famous phra speaks to her free-spirited nature and her unwillingness to be tamed or controlled.
The quotes are just a small sample of the brilliance of Carmen and the enduring power of its main character. Through her words and actions, Carmen continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world, reminding us of the importance of living life on our own terms and following our hearts, wherever they may lead us.