strategic cost management
questions for writing and discussion权责发生制原则
1. A competitive advantage is providing better customer value for the same or lower cost or equivalent value for lower cost. The cost management system must provide information that helps identify strategies that will create a cost leadership position.
south africa2.短裙英语怎么说 Customer value is the difference between what a customer receives and what the
customer gives up (customer realization less customer sacrifice). Cost leadership focus on minimizing customer sacrifice. A differentiation strategy, on the other hand, focus on increasing customer realization, with the goal of ensuring that the value added
exceeds the costs of providing the differentiation. Focusing lects the customers to which value is to be delivered. Strategic positioning is the choice of the mix of cost leadership, differentiation, and focusing that a company will emphasize.
3. External linkages describe the relationship between a firm’s value chain and the value chain of its suppliers and customers. Internal linkages are relationships among the
activities within a firm’s value chain.
4. Organizational activities are activities that determine the structure and business process of an organization. Operational activities are the day-to-day activities that result from the structure and process chon by an organization. Organizational cost drivers are the structural and procedural factors that determine a firm’s long-term cost structure. Operational cost drivers are the factors that drive the cost of the day-to-day activities.
5. 拉丁语词典冗杂A structural cost driver is a factor that drives costs associated with the organization’s structure, such as scale and scope factors. Examples include number of plants and management style. Executional cost drivers are factors that determine the cost of activities related to a firm’s ability to execute
successfully. Examples include degree of employee participation and plant layout mk
6. Value-chain analysis involves identifying tho internal and external linkages that
result in a firm achieving either a cost leadership or differentiation strategy. Managing organizational and operational cost drivers to create long-term cost reductions is a key element in the analysis. Value-chain analysis is a form of strategic cost management. It shares the same goal of creating a long-term competitive advantage by using cost information.2013年诺贝尔文学奖
7. An industrial value chain is the linked t of value-creating activities from basic raw
materials to end-u customers. Knowing an activity’s relative position in the value chain is vital for strategic analysis. For example, knowing the relative economic position in the industrial chain may reveal a need to backward or forward integrate in the chain. A total quality control strategy also reveals the importance of external linkages. Suppliers, for example, create parts that are ud in products downstream in the value chain. Producing defect-free parts depends strongly on the quality of parts provided by suppliers.
conquer8.英语词组在线翻译 The three viewpoints of product life cycle are the marketing viewpoint, the production viewpoint, and the consumption viewpoint. They differ by the nature of the stages and the nature of the entity’s life being defined. The marketing viewpoint has a revenue-oriented viewpoint, the production viewpoint is expen oriented, and the consumption viewpoint is customer value oriented.
9. The four stages of the marketing life cycle are introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. The stages relate to the sales function over the life of the product. The introduction stage is slow growth, the growth stage is rapid growth, the maturity stage is growth but at a decreasing rate, and the decline stage is characterized by decreasing sales.
10. Life-cycle costs are all costs associated with the product for its entire life cycle. The costs correspond to the costs of the activities associated with the production life cycle: rearch and development, production, and logistics.