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BY:  CHARLES FISCHER                                            APPROVAL: DATE:  10/18/01                      REVISION:  A
The purpo of this specification is to indicate the labeling requirements for Hasbro,
Inc. cosmetic products.  Conformance with this specification will provide compliance with the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act and FDA regulations.
This specification is applicable to all Hasbro, Inc. cosmetic products that are
distributed in the U.S.  (For European cosmetics plea e SRS-078).  Products that
are a combination of drugs and cosmetics are not included within the scope of this
specification (e.g. A cosmetic that also reduces pain, or reduces the verity of an
affliction or illness).
This specification adequately covers the labeling requirements of the vast majority of cosmetic product types.  However, cosmetic product types can vary considerably and specific product types may generate requirements not explicitly covered in this
specification.  Always notify and consult with Corporate Quality Management when
developing and/or labeling cosmetic products.
Cosmetics are products or articles (except “normal” bar soap) intended to be
sterilizerrubbed, poured, sprinkled, or sprayed on, introduced into, or otherwi applied
to the human body or any part thereof for cleansing, beautifying, promoting
attractiveness, or altering the appearance.
Cosmetic Labeling Requirements – Location
PA GE 1 OF 4 Description Outer Container Inner Container Statement of Identity Yes (PDP) No
Net Quantity of Content Yes (PDP) Yes
Name and Place of Business
of Manufacturer, Packer or
Distributor Yes Yes Declaration of Ingredients Yes No
Warning Statements Yes Yes
Directions for u Yes Yes
NOTE:  “PDP” = Principal Display Panel
4.2Type Size and General Information
4.2.1Statement of Identity
The statement of identity of a cosmetic may be its common or usual
name, an appropriately descriptive name, a fanciful name understood
by the public, or an appropriate illustration or vignette reprenting the
intended u.
课程英语There is no minimum type size, but the statement must appear “in bold
type on the Principal Display Panel (PDP)….in a size reasonabl y
related to the most prominent printed matter on the panel in lines
generally parallel to the ba.”
4.2.2Net Quantity of Contents
The declaration of net quantity shall appear as a distinct item on the
principal display panel, shall be parated (by at least a space equal to
the height of the lettering ud in the declaration) from other printed
label information appearing above or below the declaration and, shall
not include any term qualifying a unit of count such as "when packed"
"minimum" or words of similar import.  The declaration of net quantity
shall be parated (by at least a space equal to twice the width of the
letter "N" of the type ud in the net quantity statement) from other
printed label information appearing to the left or right of the declaration.
It shall be placed on the principal display panel within the bottom 30%
of the area of the label panel in lines generally parallel to the ba on
which the package rests as it is designed to be displayed.
Units of weight or mass or fluid measure shall be in terms of both
English and Metric systems.
Examples: Net wt. 15 oz. (425 g)
Net wt. 1 1/2 lbs. (680 g)
Net contents:  8 fl. oz. (236 ml)
Contents: 1 qt. (946 ml)
Letter size shall be as follows:
Not less than 1/16" in height on packages the principal display panel of
which has an area of 5 square inches or less.
Not less than 1/8 inch in height on packages the principal display panel
of which has an area of more than 5, but not more than 25 square inches.
Not less than 3/16" in height on packages the principal display panel of
which has an area of more than 25 but not more than 100 square inches.
Not less than 1/4" in height on packages the principal display panel of
which has an area of more than 100 square inches, except not less than
1/2" in height if the area is more than 400 square inches.
4.2.3Name and Place of Business
The actual corporate name must be ud and if it is the name of a
distributor or packagers, the label must so indicate.  For example, a
福五鼠主题曲distributor’s label should have it s actual corporate name preceded by a
phra such as “distributed by” or “manufactured for.”  No minimum
type size is prescribed, but the information should appear
“conspicuously.”  The place of business must include the street address, city, state, and zip code, although the street address may be omitted if it
is shown in a current city directory or telephone directory.
4.2.4Declaration of Ingredients
Ingredients should be listed by the name generally recognized by
consumers or the name adopted for that ingredient as listed in:
ten years
人教版小学英语1.CTFA cosmetic ingredient dictionary
2.United States Phamacopeia
3.National Formulary
4.Food Chemical Codex
5.Usan and the USP Dictionary of Drug Names
Declaration of ingredients except flavor, fragrance and trade cret
ingredients must be in descending order of predominance.  Ingredients
prent at a concentration of less than 1% may be listed in any order
after the ingredients that are prent more than 1%.  Color additives
may be listed in any order after the ingredients which are not color
additives.  The name of an ingredient accepted by the FDA as a trade
cret need not be disclod on the label.  In lieu of declaring a name of
that ingredient, the phra “and other ingredients” may be ud at the
end of the declaration.  Fragrance and flavors compounds may be
declared in descending order of predominance as fragrance and flavor.
The ingredients statement may be on any information panel and it also
may appear on a card, tape or card affixed to a decorative or small
container.  The statement must appear with prominence and
lemon tree什么意思conspicuousness so that it can be read with ea.
The type size for the ingredient statement must be at least 1/16”, except
that 1/32” may be ud if the total surface area of the package available
for labeling is less than 12 square inches.
4.2.5Warning Statement
Warning statements must be in a type size of not less than 1/16” and
must appear conspicuously in relation to other words and statements on
the package.  Examples of warning statements are:  “U only as
directed”, “For external u only”, “Discontinue u if signs of
irritation occur”, etc.  Warning statements must u the exclamation
point circumscribed by an equilateral triangle.  For warning statement
format e SRS-070, Section 2.3.
NOTE:  Foaming detergent products (bubble baths) for u by children
require special labeling:
(Caution – U only as directed.  Excessive u or prolonged exposure
may cau irritation to skin and urinary tract.  Discontinue u if
rash, redness or itching occurs.  Consult your physician if irritation
persists.  Keep out of reach of children except under adult supervision)
4.2.6Direction For U
It is not a strict legal requirement that “Directions For U” a ppear on
cosmetic labeling.  However, it is highly desirable that they do appear
and they may be omitted only if their omission is approved by
Corporate Quality Assurance.  Whenever possible, they should appear
on both outer and inner containers.  They need not appear on the
Principal Display Panel (PDP) and their size must be reasonably related
to any adjacent printing.  If there are instructions included, they should
appear on the instructions.
5.1Transparent Outer Containers
A transparent outer container or wrapper need not bear the required labeling if
the label on the inner container is easily legible through the transparent
wrapping.  Thus, a “shrink wrap” does not have to be labeled if it surrounds a
container that is properly labeled.
5.2Legal Approval
The Hasbro Legal Department must approve all cosmetic labeling.
6.121CFR (various ctions)
6.2CTFA Labeling Manual, 6th Edition, 2000 (CTFA = Cosmetic, Toiletry,
and Fragrances Association)

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