完形填空摘⾃《卫报》the Guardian
阅读理解来源于纽约时报NYT ,⼀字没改
语法填空原⽂来源于外刊 The Week 2019年1⽉的⽂章
让学⽣从低年级开始提升英⽂“思辨式读写能⼒”,New Horizons的ELA阅读与写作课程是如何做到的?
New Horizons的核⼼理念是坚持具有全⾯综合教育意义的⽂理教育。我们的英语语⾔⽂学课程为1-12年级学⽣提供⾼品质的学术指导,开发学习潜⼒。课程读物选⽤欧美中⼩学必读经典作品及现代⽂学作品,结合中国学⽣的学习特点,并以美国Common Core State Standards为标准,从培养低年级孩⼦们对⽂学和阅读的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,到⾼年级专业⽂学素养的养成,帮助学⽣在阅读、写作、逻辑推理、批判性思维和⽂学鉴赏等⽅⾯全⾯提⾼。
Foundations课程⾯向1-2年级学⽣,旨在帮助低年级孩⼦打好阅读、语法和写作等关键能⼒的基础, Foundations课程通过丰富有趣和具有代⼊感的课堂体验,培养学⽣的⾃信⼼,掌握语⾔⽂学的核⼼知识点,帮助他们顺利过渡到⾼级别课程。
秋季第⼆期的Foundations将会学习经典绘本《Mercy Watson to the Rescue》,这本书充满了奇思妙想和乐趣,讲述了和Watsons夫妇住在⼀起的⼩猪Mercy拯救她的家⼈的故事。对Watson夫妇来说,Mercy不仅仅是⼀只猪,她还是⼀只充满奇迹的猪。Mercy很爱吃吐司,在她看来Watsons是奶油吐司
孩⼦们学习的第⼆本绘本是由Doreen Cronin创作的《Diary of a Worm》。Doreen Cronin是《纽约时报》畅销书作者,这本与插画家Harry Bliss合作完成的绘本讲述的是⼀个可爱的地下居民的⽇常⽣活和隐秘世界的⽇记。故事的主⾓是⼀只蚯蚓,令⼈惊讶的是,这只蚯蚓和你我并没有什么不同:他和⽗母住在⼀起,和朋友们⼀起玩耍,甚⾄还去上学。但是他从来不⽤洗澡,他还喜欢吃他的作业....哦,对了,还有他的头看起来很像他的屁股。读者通过蚯蚓的视⾓让读者们对这本插图精美的书中动物界有了⼀个浅显的了解。让我们⼀起阅读这篇幽默的⽇记,了解蚯蚓每天⽣活中的起起落落,以及蚯蚓的学校⽣活和梦想吧!
Young Starters
今年秋季,Young Starters (G3)的课堂上⽼师将带领学⽣们探讨“勇敢追求⾃⼰想要的、同理⼼以及如何交朋友”等主题。
A Boy called Bat
A Boy called Bat是由著名作家Elana K. Arnold创作的,配有Charles Santoso的插图,是⼀部有趣、发⾃内⼼、不可抗拒的书。这是⼀个关于⾃闭症男孩的故事,男孩有⽀持他的家庭和⽼师,所以Bat是⼀个不会因为做事⽅式不同⽽受到惩罚或嘲笑的主⾓。这是⼀个关于发现你想要什么并证明你可以追求它,以及如何交朋友的故事。
对于书中的主⾓ Bat来说,⽣活往往充满了惊喜,有些是好的,有些不太好。Bat的妈妈是⼀名兽医,有次她带了⼀只⼩臭鼬回家,她需要照顾这只⼩臭鼬直到能把它送到野⽣动物收容所。但当Bat⼀见到这只可爱的臭鼬,他就认定了他们是属于⼀体的。 Bat有⼀个⽉的时间向他妈妈展⽰⼀只⼩臭鼬可能会成为⼀个⾮常棒的宠物......
much too soon本书是由第三⼈称写成,这个迷⼈⽽深刻的故事让读者深⼊了解Bat是如何思考、感知周围发⽣的事件和⽣活的。带着同理⼼和幽默感,Arnold深⼊研究了 Bat与他的⽗母、姐姐、⽼师和同学的关系。
Early Years
Early Years(G4-5)第⼆期的课程中,学⽣将学习和探讨的主题是 “ 宽容、理解与接纳” 。
Out of My Mind
Middle Years
Middle Years(G6-7)秋季课程的主题是“勇⽓、冒险和⼼灵的成长”。
The Phantom Tollbooth
The Phantom Tollbooth
本书的作者Norton Juster是⼀名建筑师和规划师,作为Hampshire学院的名誉设计教授的同时,他也是许多备受好评的⼉童读物的作者,包括被改编成奥斯卡获奖动画电影的 The Dot and the Line 。
这本 The Phantom Tollbooth ,采⽤了男孩⼦们最为喜闻乐见的探险模式,讲述了⼀个⽆所事事的男孩 Milo,某天下午收到了⼀个神秘的包裹,他按照包裹的说明组装了⼀个收费亭,他通过收费亭却进⼊了⼀个奇幻的世界。在这个世界⾥,他⾝陷懒散国、误⼊结论岛,经由词语国和数字国,最终在闹
Advanced Years
Advanced Years(G8-10)秋季课程的主题是“我们如何与他⼈、与世界、与⾃⼰相处”。
The Fault in our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars这本写给青少年的书,却意外的获得了年轻⼈的欢迎,作者也未曾意想到。⼩说的基调从书名和男⼥主⾓的名字便可看出,痛苦中带着⼩确幸。故事的两位主⾓Hazel和 Ausgustus都已接受⾃⼰是癌症患者的事实,决⼼勇敢的活下去,却依旧⽆法消逝各⾃⼼中的困惑与苦闷。
好看的美剧排行⽽⼥主⾓Hazel 会⼀遍遍地看 An Imperial Affliction这本书,希望从阅读中能够找到⼀个答案,假如有⼀天她死了,她的⽗母、朋友们会如何挺过那段痛苦、重拾⽣活的信⼼,她最怕的莫过于妈妈⼼灰意冷,不再好好⽣活。于她⽽⾔,最希望的莫过于能与其他少⼥⼀般呼吸着清新的空⽓,感受每⼀天的不同,⽽⾮沉闷的活着;希望⽗母不会因为⾃⼰的⾝体状况⽽遭受沉重的打击。
⼀个⼈独⾃承受的痛苦,远远超过于两个⼈的共患难,两个孤单的⼼因互助会结缘, An Imperial Affliction 这本书将他们紧紧联系在⼀起。⽣命旅程的格外短暂,使他们对于⽣命、理想、友情、爱情的理解反⽽更为深刻。在寻找原书作家Peter Van Houten的过程中,他们渐渐懂得珍惜当下的美好,积极⽣活。Hazel不再执念于⼩说中其他⼈物的归宿,她相信Ausgustus已经为她编写了⼀个崭新的篇章,带着那份爱和勇敢,更为坚定的⽣活,感受⽣命的美好。
Recently, the English ction for the Chine GaoKao college entrance examination has been front page news becau students who took it thought it was too difficult.
The fill-in-the-blank questions on the GaoKao English ction were lected from the Guardian newspaper.
Reading comprehension questions came from the New York Times, and test creators did not change a single word from the articles.
The original grammar fill-in-the-blank ction came from a New York Times article published in ‘The Week’ in January 2019.
Many parents are realizing just how difficult the English ction can be, and many parents view the difficulty of this past year's test as a signal:
Judging from the breadth and depth of exam materials, English education needs to change from exam-oriented English to practical English. The requirements for vocabulary, reading comprehension and English thinking are getting higher and higher. It is impossible to learn English only by memorizing vocabulary and doing exercis in class.
When taking such a difficult exam, students who normally readoriginal English books have a clear advantage.
Students who read books in English can learn a lot of idiomatic expressions and ntences and they can naturally master the idiomatic usage of words and syntax in subtle ways. The language n and speed when doing exercis will be greatly improved, and the children's English thinking will be further improved too.zaha hadid
Therefore, students need to improve their English "critical reading and writing ability" from the lower grades. How do the ELA reading and writing cours at New Horizons help students improve the skills? What is our teaching content?
At New Horizons we believe liberal arts education is extremely important and significant for students’ holistic education. Our English language arts cours provide high-quality academic guidance for stu
dents in grades 1-12 and help students to develop their learning potential. We lect both classic and modern literary works that are must-read novels in American and other western primary and condary schools. We combine the learning characteristics and tendencies of Chine students with the American Common Core State Standards to cultivate our students’ interest in literature and reading to develop good study habits, help students develop professional literature literacy, and to improve students' reading, writing, logical reasoning, and critical thinking skills.
剑桥商务英语The following is a brief introduction to the themes and novels in the cond pha of our fall 2020 cours.
Our Foundationsprogram for students in grades 1-2 helps young learners build key competencies in reading, grammar, writing, and overall language comprehension. Our skills-bad curriculum creates a fun and engaging classroom that helps students build confidence and mastery in core language arts concepts and helps them to transition to more advanced cours at New Horizons or international schools.
The cond novel we will u in our Foundations cours this fall is the classic picture book Mercy
Watson to the Rescue. This book is filled with such whimsy and fun that one can almost hear it humming simply by touching it. A charming tale of a pig, Mercy, who lives with the Watsons family and in this story has to save her family. To Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Mercy is not just a pig — she’s a porcine wonder. And to the portly and good-natured Mercy, the Watsons are an excellent source of buttered toast, not to mention that buttery-toasty feeling she gets when she snuggles into bed with them. This is not, however, so good for the Watsons' bed. BOOM! CRACK! As the bed and its occupants slowly sink through the floor, Mercy escapes in a flash — "to alert the fire department," her owners assure themlves.
slowly sink through the floor, Mercy escapes in a flash — "to alert the fire department," her owners assure themlves. But could Mercy possibly have another emergency in mind — like a sudden craving for their neighbors' sugar cookies? After learning the whole book students need to write a creative story: a story about an imaginary character - imagine what this character likes best, and how he or she pursues his or her favorite things.
Illustration in Mercy Watson to the Rescue
The third picture book that our Foundations students will learn is Diary of a Worm written by Doreen
Cronin. Doreen Cronin, the New York Times best-lling author, teams up with illustrator Harry Bliss for this hysterical journal about the daily doings and the hidden world of a lovable underground dweller. This is f a worm. Surprisingly, a worm not that different from you or me: He lives with his parents, plays with his friends, and even goes to school. But unlike you or me, he never has to take a bath, he gets to eat Oh, and his head looks a lot like his rear end. The reader gets a worm's-eye view of the world in this wonderfully illustrated book. Learn about the daily ups and downs, school life, and dreams of a worm by reading this humorous diary.
Young Starters
This fall, in our Young Starters (G3) cours, teachers will lead students to discuss topics such as "Be brave in pursuing your dreams”, “empathy”and “how to make friends".
A Boy called Bat
A Boy called Bat , was written by the famous writer Elana K. Arnold and illustrated by Charles Santoso. It is an interesting, heartfelt and irresistible book. This is a story about an autistic boy who has his family and teachers to support him. Becau Bat is the protagonist, the narrative does not mock him for doing things differently. This is a story about discovering what you want and proving yo
u can go after it, about working things out with family, and making friends.
For Bat, the protagonist in the book, life tends to be full of surpris — some of them good, some not so good. Today, though, is a good-surpri day. Bat’s mom, a veterinarian, has brought home a baby skunk, which she needs to take care of until she can hand him over to a wild-animal shelter. But the minute Bat meets the kit, he knows they belong together. And he’s got one month to show his mom that a baby skunk might just make a pretty
This book is written in the third person. This charming and profound story gives readers a deep understanding of how Bat thinks and perceives events and life around him. With empathy and a n of humor, Arnold deeply express the relationship between Bat and his parents, sisters, teachers and classmates.
At the end of Chapter 21 of the novel, Bat leaves the candy store and feels overwhelmed. Students need to establish personal emotional connection with this chapter, recall a time when they felt really frustrated or overwhelmed, and write down what happened at that time.香港中文大学排名
Early Years
In the cond part of Early Years(G4-5), students will study and discuss the theme of "Tolerance, Understanding and Acceptance".
Out of My Mind
The protagonist in the book is Melody, a fifth-grade student. She suffers from cerebral palsy and cannot walk, talk, eat or take care of herlf, but she has the ability to never forget anything. She can remember the details of everything she has experienced. She is even smarter than most adults who try to diagno her, and also smarter than her classmates in the same classroom who think she has a cognitive impairment. Melody refud to be defined by her cerebral palsy,