中英对照佛教英语读物《因果》(一)Cau And Effect因果Translated by:K.J.Teoh孙果森整理All Dharmas are empty,cau and effect,are not empty!The life of ahuman being is withis his one breath…The life of ahuman being exists within the process of one breath;Once the breath is stopped.The will die!万法皆空,因果不空。人命在呼吸间…人命在一呼一吸之间而生存。呼吸停止,人亦就死亡。Suppo Iwere able to live for one hundred years.Indeed,among the millions of people,how many can really live for one hundred years?Just take an average count of the breathing of aman who can breathe for sixteen times within
aminute,then in an hour he will breathe 60×16=960 times.In aday
which consists of 24 hours,he will breathe for 24×960=23040 times.In ayear which consists of 365 days,he will breathe for 365×
anaconda23040=8409600 times.Then in ahundred years he will breathe eight
billion four thousand milllion times.假如我能活到一百岁(能活到一百岁
touch my heart
refrain16=960次呼吸。一天24小时就是24×960=23040次呼吸。一年365天是365×23040=8409600次呼吸。一百岁就是8亿4千万次呼吸了。Every time when Ibreathe in the air and nd it out.I will be losing one breath…
Oh,poor me,everyday Ilo 23040 breaths.In ayear's time,Iwill be上衣的英文
losing 8409600 breaths.Our lifespan which amounts to afew tens of years will come to an end when Ihave finished nding out the last breath.每当我吸一口气又呼出一口气的时候,我就少了一口气…可怜的我,一天就少23040口气;一年就少了8409600口气。那人生几十年光景,我呼出去diy是什么意思
的气用完时,就一命呜呼了。From here,we can e that life is indeed short and impermanent!Some people say,"As soon as achild is born,he begins to die".由此可见,人命短促,是无可否认的。有人说:"小孩一出生,他就开始走向死亡。"Indeed,the day we come to the human realm,is also the day when we start walking towards death!In this Saha World,what
is that in life which is really worth our clinging to?Becau Iwant
to be liberated from the Saha World of the five turbidities,I am mindful of The Buddha."NAMO AMITABHA"May Ibe born in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!的确,来到人间之日,便是走向死亡之
时!这个娑婆世界,还有什么值得留恋的呢?为了要脱离这个五浊恶世的娑婆世界,我修心念佛,来日往生极乐净土。If in the past,one beat,tortured and caned living beings,in this life ulcers and sores will grow on one's body.The Supreme Sages:The Lord Buddha can understand the unlimited
past,future and prent.To say it more clearly;He completely understands the unlimited three periods of Time and Space.过去鞭打众生,所以今生身上生长恶疮(见《梁皇宝忏》)。完美的圣者:佛陀可以了知无穷无尽的过去、未来和现在。说明白一点:他可以澈底明白无限的时空。The Buddhist Texts state:Sages that have cut off the streams of Karmic afflictions will be able to understand the history within the past 84,000 kalpas.(1 kalpa is 1343,840,000 years)佛经上也记载:断了烦恼的圣人可以知道过去八万四千大劫以内的事情。(一个大劫=1343,840,000
年)When you perform virtuous deeds,you will receive good blessings;When you commit evil acts,you will receive bad endings.Good eds bear good fruits;Bad eds bear bad fruits;This is the Law of Karmic Retribution.你做善就吉祥如意(因);你做恶就会倒霉(果)。(《书经》:作善降祥,作恶降殃)The Avatamsaka Sutra states:Bodhisattvas at the third stage of spiritual attainments,are able to understand their immediate past life,their 2nd and 3rd past lives,their past hundred lives,even their past thousand lives…unlimited hundred thousand past lives.For example:able to remember the formation and destruction of the world,one's own names,family clanship,one's span of life,one's p
hysical appearances,one's happy and unhappy experiences,the places we were born and died.《华严经·十地品》中记载:第三地菩萨就可以明白过去一世、二世、三世、百世、千世…无量百千世的事情。例如:世界的形成和毁灭、自己的名字、家族、寿命、身材样貌、苦乐、生在哪里、死于何处…都能记得。We remember and celebrate each anniversary of our ancestors or late parents,and also other special festive days in the year,even our own birthdays.But if we do not cultivate"ceiling on desires",we
生活大爆炸 第五季are as good as having lost 1precious year of our life-time.祖先、父母之诞日、忌日,以及自己之生日,甲子日、庚申日,均应戒欲事,犯之减寿一年。If aman is born handsome and awoman beautiful,it is becau in
the past,they practid hospitality and were charitable to others.今
钢铁侠3影评生男女,男的长得英俊,女的长得美丽,皆因他们过去世待人和善,不骂人。Practising giving increas fortune.Setting lives free begets longevity.One good thought transports us to Heaven.One evil thought delivers us into Hell.Cau and Effect is just and fair.Like Yin and Yang complementing each other.In our Saha world there are jails.In
the Nether world there is Hell.Doing good or bad all come from
you,Wait not when Death is near to know it's true.佛言:布施得富贵,
即有阴间。阳间有牢狱,阴间有地狱。作善作恶由己,不需要等待死后才知道!Attachment to tastes normally results in sickness of the heart.贪图口味的人多半会生心病(《黄帝内经·上古天真论》)Perform agood act,bad karma you subtract.Prevent acertain death,good karma you
add.Influence aperson never to kill,thousands of lives are already saved by you.What if athousand people you instil,what greatness one virtuous act can fulfil!除一事则消一业,减一杀则杜一怨。能劝一人不杀,如救百万生灵。劝至十人、百人,以及千万亿众,积极功德浩大,善的果则无
穷无尽了。If in the past we had committed robbery and created bad karma,that will cau us to suffer from lungs and no problems.But after we had started to uphold the precept of not stealing,our lung and no problesm will gradually diminish.Such is the truth that"upholding precepts can diminish karmic debts".譬如前世犯偷盗的罪业会引起肺部和鼻子的毛病。当我们持守不偷盗戒后,肺部和鼻子只出些小毛病。这就是真的"持戒引动恶业而轻受果报"的原因。If in this life one
does evil deeds and easily gets angry;if one often gets jealous or likes to scold people,in the next li
fe,the karmic retribution will be rebirth with an ugly and crooked mouth.今生之男女或作恶性循环,或发脾气,或嫉妒,或破口骂人…种如是因,来世长得丑陋,又歪嘴。If in this
bygonelife one mixes with people who disbelieve in the Karmic Retribution
of the 3periods of time,and also embraces deviant and immoral knowledge and values,…in one's next life one will have alow and deficient mind.今生亲近不相信三世因果的人,称赞邪知邪见的行为…来世做人见解不正确。A person is rich but is revulsive and ugly,this is becau in the past one was generous but easily lost one's temper.丑陋而富贵的人,是因为他过去慷慨大方,可是却容易发脾气。All the ill-oments and bad luck that we encounter in this life is adirect result of our past evil actions and thoughts.今生的境遇不好,都是由于我们过去(包括前世)所造的恶念导致的结果。