Unit 1
1. Do you agree that it is sheer neuron overload on the doctor side that leads to the complaint that doctors don’t listen? (Pre. 1)
Neuron overload
Patients’ high expectations
Mistrust and misunderstanding between the patients and physician
2. One stray request (偏离正题的要求)from Mrs. Osorio nds the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down. (Pre. 4)
The author was in moderate state of panic: juggling so many thoughts about Mrs. Osorio’s conditions and trying to resolve them all
Mrs. Osorio made a trivial request, not so important as compared to her conditions
Mrs. Osorio emed to care only about her “innocent—and completely justified—request”: the form signed by her doctor
The doctor tried to or at least pretended to pay attention to the patients while completing documentation
The doctor could no longer handle everything properly.rohm
3. Compare multitasking in human beings and in the computer field. (Pre. 5)
Multitasking originated in computer science.
Microprocessors in fact linear, actually performing only one task at a time
Multitasking is just as an illusion both in computer and humans.
At best, human juggling only a handful of thoughts in this manner
The more thoughts we juggle, the less we are able to attune fully to any given thought.
4. U numbers to justify that it is juggling mind that keeps doctors awake at night. (Pre. 6)
If the doctor does a good job juggling 98% of the time, that still leaves ten thoughts that might get lost in the process.
5. Possible solutions to the impossible high-wire act of juggling competing details and panicking about slipping a critical one. (Pre. 7)
computer-generated reminders (计算机提示)
ca managers (病例管理人)
ancillary rvices (辅助服务)
the simplest: time
Unit 2
1. What does the author imply by mentioning two choices? (Pre. 1)
The war against infectious dias is not over.
If we do not do anything about the reemerging dias, there will be rious conquences.
People are wrongly complacent about the prevention and control of infectious dias.
2. Describe the heady days (令人兴奋的日子) of victory declarations and what followed ever since. (Pre. 2)
Victory declarations
Surgeon General William Stewart’s hyperbolic (夸张的) statement of closing “the book on infectious dia”
A string of (一系列的) impressive victories incurred by antibiotics and vaccines
The thought that the war against infectious dias was almost over
Unexpected outcome
Appearance of new dias such as AIDS and Ebola
Comeback of the old afflictions
Diphtheria (白喉) in the former Soviet Union
TB in urban centers like New York City
Rising Group A streptococcal conditions like scarlet fever (猩红热)
The fear of a powerful new flu strain (流感病毒) sweeping the world
3. Justify “the realization that world health is indivisible”. (Pre. 4)
We can not meet most local needs without proper attention to the health conditions of the globe.
National borders are meaningless as pathogenic microbes may spread across the world.
4. What are the four areas of focus according to Bob Howard? (Pre. 7)
Need for surveillance
Updated science capable of dealing with discoveries in the field
Appropriate prevention and control
Strong public health infrastructure (基础设施)
5. “Old enemies never dies.” Justify it medically. (Pre. 8)
Resurgence of infectious dias
Scarlet fever
Unit 3
1. How much do you know about MS and autoimmune dia? (Pre. 2)
Symptoms as mentioned by the author
loss of stamina and strength体力和精力下降
2012山东高考英语problems with balance平衡问题 虔诚什么意思
bouts of horrific facial pain可怕的脸部疼痛
洒脱的英文dips in visual acuity视敏度下降
Cau as mentioned by the author
the assault of immune cells on the brain, with possible origin in genetic make-up and/or combination of environmental factors
Treatment as mentioned by the author
Interferon(干扰素) and copolymer-1(共聚物-1)
2. 西蒙菲莎大学What did Terry do before she lf-experimented? (Pre. 3)
Relearning much of what I had forgotten in my basic science years: cellular physiology, biochemistry and neurophysiology
Turning to articles concerning neurodegeneration of all types—dementia, Parkinson’s dia, Huntington’s, and Lou Gehrig’s dia