
更新时间:2023-07-15 10:23:27 阅读: 评论:0

事⼯太重要,不能随意做。 如何在我们的教会领导核⼼同⼯,与⽣命改变以及决定永恒的结果决定有关。 因此,我们需要思考事⼯是什么。 有时我们对我们的杂货列表⽐我们的事⼯⽅法更具战略性。
这如同⼀个⾝体有许多肢体,肢体虽多,仍同属⼀个⾝体。基督的⾝体也是这样。 不论是 犹太 ⼈或 希腊 ⼈,是奴⾪或⾃由⼈,我们都领受了同⼀位圣灵的洗礼,归⼊了同⼀个⾝体,同饮⼀位圣灵。  ⼈的⾝体并⾮只有⼀个肢体,乃是由许多肢体组成的。 如果脚说:“我不是⼿,所以我不属于⾝体。”难道脚就因此不属于⾝体吗? 如果⽿朵说:“我不是眼睛,所以我不属于⾝体。”难道⽿朵就因此不属于⾝体吗? 如果整个⾝体是⼀只眼睛,哪⾥有听觉呢?如果整个⾝体是⼀只⽿朵,哪⾥有嗅觉呢?  但事实上,上帝按⾃⼰的旨意将各个肢体安置在⾝体上了。
林前 12:12-18 CCB
⾸先它说,⾝体是⼀个由许多部分组成的单位,这是由上帝安排的。 换句话说,上帝希望在他的教会⾥有秩序。 为什么? 因为神是秩序的神。所以我们需要评估我们的事⼯,问:“有秩序吗? 我们是否从事
事⼯有⼋个组成部分,帮助我们集中精⼒。 你越关注你想要做的事情,就越少消耗能量。 这是⼀种直接适⽤于事⼯的⽣活原则。
教会的职责是发展门徒,使他们为上帝的荣耀⽽有效的⽣活。 这就是以弗所书4章所说的,这说明我们都为事⼯和使命⽽成熟。 我们在发展门徒。 我们吸引并赢得成员,将他们发展成为成熟的基督徒,然后动员他们参与教会的事⼯和改变世界的使命。 我们在他们⼈⽣的每个阶段都这样做。 我们的产品是被改变了的⽣命。 我们的主题是帮助⼈们最⼤限度地发展⾃⼰的⽣活。
stretcher第⼆个问题是关于价值的问题。 花⼀些时间写出⼀个列出你最重要的神学和⽂化价值观,因为你领导你的教会。 牧师是教会的主要⽂化创造者,每个领导⼈通过分享和活出⼀些关键价值观,在他们的事⼯中创造⽂化。
换句话说,你所对话的⼈处于哪个属灵成长阶段? 在⼤多数教会,你将在星期天早上的混合。 但是当你启动事⼯和设计过程并准备布道时,记住,你要考虑到⼈们处于属灵的各个阶段。你通过传福⾳将⼀些⼈从社区(不信者)移到你的⼈群(慕道友)中。 你通过团契,将其他⼈从⼈群(慕道友)移动到会众。 其他⼈,通过让他们参与事⼯,从会众到委⾝。 还有其他⼈准备从委⾝转移到核⼼同⼯,以活出他们的⼈⽣使命。 ⽽那些⽣活在使命中的⼈正在把他⼈带到⼈群中,这样周期就会继续下去。
回答这两个问题:我想看到我的教会从现在起六个⽉后在哪⾥? ⼀年后呢? 在⼀个句⼦中写下你的⽬标,并随意添加到下⾯的评论。 如果你能梦想你最疯狂的梦想和你现在参与的事⼯,你会怎样看待它或⼀年后怎样看待它? 现在,听神的声⾳。 如果可能,从你周围的声⾳中撤离,深吸⼀⼝⽓,只等待主。 然后问上帝这个问题,“⽗亲,你愿意从现在起六个⽉后看到我的事⼯在哪⾥? 它会有什么不同?“把进⼊你头脑⾥的⼀个想法,写下来。
“系统”⼀词与教会有什么关系? 记住,教会是⼀个⾝体,你的⾝体是由九个系统组成的。 你有循环系统,呼吸系统,神经系统,结构系统,消化系统等。 当这些系统中的⼀个发⽣故障时,它被称为疾病
或疾病。 上帝希望你有⼀个健康的⾝体,基督的⾝体也需要健康的系统。
我知道这应该是这个事⼯的⼀部分,但还不是? 我可以招聘谁与我⼀起服务? 我应该授权给谁来领导? 起来,⾄少有⼀个名字,也许两个或三个,写下来。 耶稣说,“收获是丰富的,但⼯⼈很少。 为⼯⼈祷告“当你得到⼀个名字,你放下,你可以开始为他们祷告。
这是事⼯的⼀个⽅⾯ - 通过为他们的⽣活增加价值为⼈们服务。 这个事⼯如何为⼈服务? 我们是否满⾜⼈们的实际需求? 这些需求可以是⾝体,情感,精神和社会⽅⾯的。 这四个都是合法的需要。 圣经在路加福⾳2:52中说,“耶稣增长了智慧(情感和智⼒)和⾝材(⾝体),得到上帝(精神)和⼈(社会)的喜爱。”⼀个为⼈们的⽣活增加价值的事⼯找到了⽅法, 以平衡的⽅式满⾜这些需求。
August 7, 2013
8 Ways to Give Definition to YourMinistry
ByPastor Rick Warren
Ministry is too important to be done haphazardly. Howwe’re leading in the core of our churches has to do with life-changing,eternity-conquential decisions. Therefore, we need to think through whatministry is all about. Sometimes we are more strategic about our grocery liststhan our approach to ministry.
how do i liveThe body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts;and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body–whether Jews or Greeks,slave or free–and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Now the body isnot made up of one part but of many. If the foot should say, “Becau I am nota hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason cea to bepart of the body. And if the ear should say, “Becau I am not an eye, I do notbelong to the body,” it would not for that reason cea to be part of the body.If the whole body were an eye, where would the n of hearing be? If thewhole body were an ear, where would the n of smell be? But in fact God hasarranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them tobe. 1 Corinthians 12:12-18 (NIV)
Two thoughts… First it says the body is a unit made up ofmany parts, which are arranged by God. In other words, God wants order in Hischurch. Why? Becau God is a God of order. So we need to evaluate ourministries and ask, “Is there order? Are we getting the maximum return out ofthe ministries that we have?”转租赁
There are eight components to ministry that help us tofocus our efforts. And the more you focus on what you’re trying to do, the lesnergy it takes to do it. That’s a principle of life that applies directly toministry.
What Is Your Purpo?
The business of the church is developing disciples wholive effective lives for God’s glory. That’s what Ephesians 4 is all about,which says that we’re all built up into maturity for ministry and for mission.We’re in the disciple development business. We attract and win members, developthem to Christlike maturity, then mobilize them for ministry in the church anda life mission in the world. We do that in each stage and gment of theirlives. Our product is changed lives. Our theme is helping people develop theirlives to the fullest.
What Are Your Values?
The cond question is a question about values. Take sometime to write out a list of the theological and cultural values that are mostimportant to you as you lead your church. The Pastor is the primaryculture-creator in a church, and every leader creates culture within theirministry by sharing and living out some key values.
Who Are You Reaching?
In other words, at what stage of spiritual developmentare the people to whom you are speaking? In
most churches, you will have amixture on Sunday morning. But as you launch ministries and design processand prepare rmons, remember that you have people at various placesspiritually to think about.dotdot
You’re moving some people from the community into yourcrowd through evangelism. You’re moving others from the
crowd to thecongregation through fellowship. Others, you’re moving from the congregation tothe committed by involving them in ministry. And still others are ready to movefrom the committed into the core to live out their life mission. And tho whoare living their life mission are bringing others into the crowd so that thecycle continues.
What Is Your Strategy?
Answer the two questions: Where would I like to e mychurch be six months from now? And, a year from now? Write your goal down in antence, and feel free to add it to the comments below. If you could dreamyour wildest dream and the ministry you’re involved in right now, how would youe it or a year from now? Now, listen to God. If possible, withdraw from thenoi around you, take a deep breath and just wait on the Lord. Then ask Godthis question, “Father, where would You like to s
ee my ministry six months fromnow? How would it be different?” As an idea comes to your mind, write it down.
无敌破坏王2考研集训What Systems Do You Need to Have in Place?
What does the word “system” have to do with the church?Remember, the church is a body, and your human body is made up of nine systems.You have a circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system, a structuralsystem, a digestive system, and so forth. When one of tho systems gets out oforder, it’s called illness or dia. God wants you to have a healthy body andthe body of Christ needs healthy systems too.
What People Do You Need to Hire or Empower?
Who do I know that ought to be a part of this ministrybut isn’t? Who could I recruit to rve with me? Who is right under
my nothat I should be empowering for leadership? Come up with at least one name,maybe two or three, and write them down. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentifulbut the laborers are few. Pray for laborers.” When you get a name and you putit down, you can start praying for them.
How Are You Adding Value to People’s Lives?
This is one aspect of ministry – rving people by addingvalue to their lives. How does this ministry rve people? Are we meeting thereal needs that people experience? Tho needs can be physical, emotional,spiritual, and social. All four are legitimate needs. The Bible says in Luke2:52 that “Jesus incread in wisdom (emotional and intellectual) and
stature(physical), in favor with God (spiritual) and man (social).” A ministry thatadds value to people’s lives finds ways to minister to the needs in abalanced way.nothingintheworld
How Can Your Structure Increa Your Effectiveness?
Saddleback Church is structured according to five purpoteams. Each of the purpo teams of our church relate to the five purpos ofour church and the five targets that we have for moving people forward in theirlives. We have a Membership
Team which helps cares for and supports themembership of the church through lay counling, prayer, and recovery ministry.We have a Maturity Team that overes our thousands of small groups. OurMinistry Team helps people to plug in according to their SHAPE. Our PEACE(Missions)
fortunatelyTeam carries out our calling to take on the global giantsthreatening our world. We’ve gone into every nation on the planet and are nowinfiltrating every possible people group and planting international campus.And our Worship and Creative Arts Team leads our church in its corporateworship life. We have a few other teams that overlap or support the, but ourapproximately 400 staff are organized around our purpos in a structure thatlets us maintain healthy systems so that we can move people forward and producemature disciples.
This might be a good time to do some real brainstormingand writing. Begin by asking God to help you define your ministry for greatereffectiveness.

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