No. | Figure of speech | Definition | Example |
1 | Simile 明喻 | An explicit comparison is made between two or more things that are unlike but have something in common. Normally introduced by like or as. | 1. He was as brave as a lion. 2. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. |
2 | Metaphor 暗喻 | An implicit comparison between two or more things that are unlike but that have something in common. | Military glory is a bubble blown from blood. (Jerrold) |
3 | Analogy 类比 | Relates the unfamiliar things to the familiar things 类比:一种逻辑推理形式或一个例子,基于这样的假设,如果已知两个事物在某些方面是相似的,那么它们在其它方面也一定是相似的 | A New York Times article describes methadone as a drug that "blocks the craving from heroin." |
4 | Allegory 象征 | generalization about human nature expresd symbolically | Just as the tiger can not change his stripes, neither can man deny his basic drive to survive. |
5 | Metonymy 转喻 | The substitution of the name of an adjunct or attribute of a thing for the name of the thing itlf. | The kettle is boiling. (Really it’s the water in the kettle.) |
6 | Synecdoche 代喻 | A form of metonymy in which a part---usually an important part---is ud for the whole; or the whole for the part. | All hands on deck! (“Hands” ud for sailors) |
7 | Personification 拟人 | The ascription of life or personality to inanimate objects or to abstractions. | And Time, a maniac scattering dust, And life, a Fury slinging flame. (Tennyson, In Memoriam) |
8 | Zoomy 拟物法 | The ca of domesticated animals or to rever personification animal or things attributes applied to people | Children are flowers of our country. |
9 | Onomatopoeia 拟声 | The u of words who sound is “an echo to the n” | How the little ladies talk----Tittle tattle, tittle tattle! 怎么样快速美白 |
10 电风扇的英文 | Irony 反语 | U of a word in such a way that it conveys a meaning opposite to its literal meaning. Typically, there is an intention to mock. | “oh, wonderful timing!” (someone has arrived at the worst possible moment) |
11 | Paradox 隽语 | A statement is made which appears to be contradictory or true, but on clor examination surprisingly proves to be well—founded or true. | The Child is father of the Man. (Wordsworth) When Greece had been enslaved she made a slave of her rough conqueror. |
12 | Oxymoron 矛盾 | The union of contradictory terms | James I of England was called by the French “the wist fool in Christendom” |
13 | Innuendo 暗讽 | It is a mild form of irony, hinting in a rather roundabout (曲折)way at something disparaging(不一致) or uncomplimentary(不赞美) to the person or subject mentioned. | The weatherman said it would be worm. He must take his readings in a bathroom. |
14 | Sarcasm 讥讽 | A form of wit that is marked by the u of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule. | vox angeli“Sarcasm I now e to be, in general, the language of the Devil; for which reason I have, long since, as good as renounced it” (Thomas Carlyle). |
15 | Hyperbole 夸张 | It is the deliberate u of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis. | Few people manage to carry less than 40 pound… and never for a moment does it escape your notice. It is one thing to walk 2,000 miles with a wardrobe on your back. |
16 | averagesUnderstatement 掩饰(间接肯定法和曲言法) | Restraint or lack of emphasis in expression, as for rhetorical effect. | She is dying to know what job has been assigned her. |
17 | Euphemism 委婉 | The expression of a harsh or unpleasant truth in a gentle way. | Pasd away = died Powder her no = go to the lavatory, of a lady Play away = commit adultery (slang) |
18人教版高一英语单词 | Parody 模仿 | Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: | The trial was a parody of justice. 这次审判是对公正的一次拙劣的模拟 |
19 | Reverd 序换 | Changing the order of words of a ntence to form a new one. | Life has taught me to think, but thinking has not taught me to live. |
20 | Anadiplosis 联珠 | Rhetorical repetition at the beginning of a phra of the word or words with which the previous phra ended | He is a man of loyalty—loyalty always firm. 他为人忠诚-忠诚不移。 |
21 | shawn johnsonRegression 回环 | It is formed by repeating the former words in inverted order. | Other man live to eat while I eat to live. |
22 | Paregmenon 同源词并列 | the u of veral words of similar origin clo together. He believes the best defen is to be offensive | He believes the best defen is to be offensive |
23 | Malapropism opposite词语误用 | Ludicrous misu of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound. | Firefighter,member of a fire department who fights fires. |
24 | Correction 换语 | To replace what is said or written with a more proper, more accurate, more impressive or more powerful expression. | …most brave, nay, most heroic act! |
25 | Pun 双关 | A play on words which have different meanings but which are similar or identical in sound | A man walked into a bar. Ouch! |
26 | Transferred epithet 眼神训练转移 | An adjective, or phra ud adjectivally, that characterizes incisively. | The Grape of Wrath |
27 | Syllepsis 一语双叙 | In construction, it means a word collocate simultaneously with two parts which are paratactic. | He addresd you and me, and desired us to follow him. (Here us is ud to refer to you and me.) |
28 | Contrast 对照 | Differences clearly en when unlike things are compared or put together, thing showing such a difference. | Fire and water are good rvants but bad masters. |
29 | Parallelism 排比 | Similarity of structure in a ries of related units of equal importance | “…we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” (US Declaration of Independence) |
30 | Antithesis 对照 | The balance of contrasted words, claus or ideas | Fire and water are good rvants but bad masters. |
31 | Alliterationant怎么读 头韵 | The u in clo proximity of two or more sounds that begin with the same sound, or quence of sounds. | A strong man struggling with the storms of state. |
32 | Assonance 半韵 清明节 翻译 | The repetition of similar vowel sounds in the stresd syllables of different words. The consonants surrounding the vowels must be different otherwi it would be Rhyme. | An old, man blind, despid, and dying king. (Shelley) Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone… |
33 | Consonance 一致,尾韵 | The state or quality of being in accord with | Never late on Father’s Day.”,两个元韵[ei]能起一种和谐的音乐美。 Do something for nothing and you’ll get everything. |
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