【参考译文】The world-renowned Silk Road is a ries of routes connecting the East and the West. The Silk Road reprents the ancient Chine silk trade. The Silk Road trade played an important role in China, South Asia, Europe and Africa. It was through the Silk Road that Chine papermaking, gunpowder, the compass and the printing press spread all over the world. Similarly, Chine silk, tea and porcelain also spread all over the world through the Silk Road. And Europe exported all kinds of goods and plants through the Silk Road to meet the needs of the Chine
泰山 Mount Tai
东岳 East Yue
五岳独尊 the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains
享誉 have a great reputation
五行学说 the theory of five elements
生发 liveliness
生命之源、万物之本 a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures 登基 be crowned
封禅祭拜 make pilgrimages to
稳如泰山 as firm as Mount Tai
重于泰山 as weighty as Mount Tai
宣布 proclaim
Mount Tai, called “East Yue”, has a great reputation for the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains. According to the theory of five elements, the East belongs to mu, which means liveliness. Therefore, the East is a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures. This explains why important emperors made pilgrimages mostly to Mount Tai when they were crowned or in their later years. It is a symbol of loftiness and might, hence, there are the Chine idioms: “as firm as Mount Tai” and “as weighty as Mount Tai”. Mount Tai was proclaimed world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987.一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难;但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待劳动、工作等等的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动、多工作、多学习、不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。
Is there a standard to evaluate the significance of one's life?It's certainly difficult to offer a definite standard.But generally speaking,we can tell it by judging his attitude towards life and work,making clear whether he is rious about his life.
Throughout the history,the outstanding people were all very rious about their lives.They made best u of every minute of their lives to work and study as much as possible,never wasting their time.None of the working people and the great statesmen and their thinkers were of exception.
长江是中国最长的河流,也是世界第三长河,仅次于非洲的尼罗河和拉丁美洲的亚马逊河。长江总长度约为6 300米,发源于青海省,向东流入东海。长江流域是中国重要的农作物产区,粮、棉产量分别占全国总量的40%和30%。长江三峡大坝是世界上最大的水利枢纽工程之一,为通航、发电和运输带来了很大的便利。
长江 the Yangtze River/Chang Jiang
尼罗河 the Nile
亚马逊河 the Amazon
向东 eastward
东海 East China Sea
长江流域 the Yangtze River valley
农作物产区 agricultural ba
产量 output
分别 respectively
长江三峡大坝 the Three Gorge Dam
水利枢纽工程 water control project
为…带来便利 benefit
通航 navigation
发电 generate electricity
The Yangtze River or Chang Jiang is the longest river in China and the third longest in the world, after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. The river is about 6 300 km long and flows from its source in Qinghai Province, eastward into the East China Sea. The Yangtze River valley has always been an important agricultural ba in China. Grain and cotton outputs make up 40 percent and 30 percent of China’s total respectively. As one of the largest water control project in the world, the Three Gorge Dam benefits for navigation, generating electricity and transportation.
高消费时代【题目】随着中国经济迅速发展到新的高度,中国目前已经进入了大规模消费时代,中国民众的购买力随着中国市场经济的发展而迅速增长。因此,那些追求物质生活的人们只要有购买力,就不可避免地会购买奢侈品。一项报告显示,中国的奢侈品消费总额占全球市场份额的四分之一,且位居世界第二,仅次于日本。然而,从消费观念方面来讲,很多中国的消费者还处在“炫耀性消费”的阶段,这是一种不健康的状态。奢侈品不应该是炫耀的手段,或者是与权力、财富和社会关系相关的标志。大规模消费时代 an era
of mass consumption 追求物质生活 pursue material life 购买力 purchasing power 因此 therefore 奢侈品 luxury 占 account for 市场份额market share 从…来讲 in regard to 炫耀性消费 conspicuous
consumption 炫耀 show off 与…相关 be associated with 社会关系 social tie 【精彩译文】As China has achieved new heights in its economy and recently entered an era of mass consumption, the purchasing power of Chine people is rising along with the development of market economy. Therefore, it is inevitable that people who pursue material life buy luxuries as long as they can afford. According to a report, the total consumption of luxuries in China accounted for a quarter of the global market share and ranked cond in the world after Japan. However, in regard to consumption concept, a large number of Chine consumers are still in the stage of “conspicuous consumption”, which is unhealthy. Luxuries should not be the tools of showing off or signs associated with power, wealth and social ties. 秧歌舞(Yangko dance)是中国汉族的一种传统民间舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。秧歌舞者通常穿上明亮多彩的表演服装,他们的表演动作迅速有力。在农历春节、元宵节等节日期间,人们一旦听到锣鼓声,不管外面天气有多冷,他们都会蜂拥到街上观看秧歌舞表演。近年来,中国东北某些城市的老年人自发组织了秧歌队,队员常年通过跳舞来保持健康,同时他们也乐在其中。
热衷于:be obsd with; be wild about; be bound up in; be keen on; be on fire for; be enthusiastic about; be full of enthusiasm about
被驯服的:domesticated; saddled
对……情有独钟:have an affinity to sth. ; prefer
形态各异:in different shapes; in different pos; in a rich variety of pos 有魅力的:captivating; charming, attractive
beta什么意思笔画:brush stroke
Unlike ancient artists obsd with saddled hors, Xu Beihong preferred feral and wild ones. Trained in France, the Chine master studied equine anatomy, spending hours obrving hors’ movements and expressions. Xu’s portrayals of hors galloping or trotting past, in a rich variety of pos, are some of the most captivating of their kind. Using mostly black ink, they combine the best methods from East and West. The lines and brush strokes are simple, yet invariable evoke the esnce of the animals.
元宵节:the Lantern Festival
特色小吃:special food
糯米:glutinous rice
家庭团聚圆满:family unity and completeness
猜灯谜:guess riddles attached to the lanternsmona
slaves文学典故:literary allusions
知识份子:educated class
舞龙狮:dragon and lion dancing
Like most Chine festivals, the Lantern Festival has its own special food, called “tang yuan”. The are round, glutinous rice dumplings with sweet or spicy fillings. The dumplings are said to symbolize both the first full moon and family utility and completeness. Part of the lantern festival tradition involves a game to guess riddles attached to the lanterns. In the old days the riddles were obscure literary allusions to the Chine classics and so were mainly the prerve of the educated class. Stilt-walking, drumming and dragon and lion dancing are the main entertainment forms of the Lantern Festival.
众所周知,在中国与欧洲的经贸关系中,欧盟占有重要的地位。2008年中国与欧盟的贸易额占中国与欧洲贸易总额的77%,目前中国欧盟已互为第三大贸易伙伴。欧盟是中国产品出口的一个传统市场,在我对外贸易中的比重不断上升。与此同时,中国也成为欧盟一个重要出口市场,在其对外贸易中的比重也在上升。欧盟还一直是中国引进先进技术和设备的重要来源。中国与欧盟在先进技术,尤其是高科技产品方面的合作有助于欧盟扩大对华出口,也有利于中国企业产业升级、技术更新,符合双方利益,具有很大的发展空间。参考翻译It is widely acknowledged that the EU occupies animportant position in terms of Sino-Europeaneconomic and trade relation.In 2008,the tradevolume between China and the EU accounted for77% of Sino-European total trade.Currently,Chinaand EU have mutually become the third largest trading partners.The EU is a traditional marketfor China's exports,t
he precentage of which is increasing in China's foreign trade.At the sametime,China also has become an important market for the EU's exports and its percentage is alsoincreasing in EU's foreign trade.The EU has always been an important source from which Chinaintroduces advanced technologies and equipments.The Sino-EU cooperation in the field ofadvanced technologies,especially the new and high-tech products,helps expand the EUexports to China and also helps Chine enterpris upgrade their industries,renovate theirtechnologies.All the are in the interests of both sides and have considerable space forfurther development.keen
万美元的富裕消费者。这些消费者中75%住在“较小城市”。随着网络的发展,较小城市的消费者的一种必然趋势是他们更加依赖社交网络服务上的信息。很多网络顾客都是通过微信、微博和QQ空间分组的。据估计今年中国将会有2.5亿消费者进行网购,位于四线城市的消费者平均每人会花费他们50%或者更高的工资在网购上,这一数据要比一线城市的消费者的花费高。【参考译文】A recent study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group says there will be 220 million affluent consumers, who are from houholds earning between $ 20,000 to $ 1 million, in China by 2020, and 75 percent of them will live in “smaller” cities. With the development of the Inte rnet, an inevitable trend among the consumers is they are much more dependent on information from social networking rvices.
Many of the website’s customers are “grouped” by Wechat, Weibo and QQ Zones. It is now estimated that 250 million Chine consumers will shop online this year and the average shopper in a fourth-tier city in China will spend 50 percent or more of their income on e-commerce than tho in top-tier cities。
聘金是中国传统习俗的一部分。这一习惯在整个中国都很普遍。但是近几年来其标准不断上升,致使大多数家庭都很难达到。高额的聘礼常常“抢劫”了新郎父母必生的积蓄,甚至引起家庭纠纷。此外,许多新婚夫妇被迫举行奢侈的婚礼宴会,在这个过程中,大量债务的累积可能使他们的新婚生活变得辛酸,至少在最初阶段是这样。想想老一辈节俭的婚礼,虽然简简单单,但也幸福美满,没有给他们婚后的生活带来任何负担。【参考译文】Endowment may be part of Chine tradition, but the standards have become so high in recent years that a majority of families are finding it difficult to meet them. The high endowment amounts often rob grooms’ parents of their life’s savings and caus family disputes. Besides, many newly married couples are forced to host extravagant wedding ceremonies to keep up with the Jones and, in the process, run up huge debts that could turn their married life sour, at least in the initial pha. Considering the frugal wedding of many parents, simple but happiness, didn’t have any bearing on their married life。
市区公园 urban park
门票 entrance fee
纳税人 taxpayer
休闲 leisure
娱乐 entertainment
公共场所 public establishment
考虑到 considering
公民责任意识淡薄 lack of a n of civic duty
较认同 be inclined to
与…相适应 proceed with