1. Early in the ve ntee nth cen tury, the En glish ttleme nts iVirgi nia and
MassachuttdDega n the mai n stream of what we recog nize as the America n n atio nal history.
2. The earliest ttlers in America in cludeDutch, Swedes, Germa ns,
Fren ch,Spa ni ards, Italia nsand Portugue
3. The first perma nent En glish ttleme nt in North America was established at
Jamestow n, Virgi nia, in 1607.
4. Captain John Smith' reports of exploration, published in the early 1600s, have
been described as the first distinctly American literature to be written in English.
5. There was a little of thereligious ferme nt ans zeal that in spired such a tide of
literature to flow Purita n New En gla nd.
6. The Purita ns had come to New En glish for the sake orfeligious freedom, while
Virgi nia had bee n pla nted main ly as acommercial ven ture.
公共英语培训班7. Hard work, thrift, piety _ and sobriety were the Purita n values that domin ated
much of the earliest America n writi ng, in cludi ng the rm ons, books, and
letters of such no ted Purita n clergyme n as Joh n Cott on and Cott on Mather. 8. William Bradford , first governor of Plymouth, and John Winthrop, who held the
same post at Bost on, were superior to eve n the remarkable qualities that
distinguished many of their associations. Each has left a priceless gift: the former, The History of Plymouth plantation, the latter,the History of New England.
9. The best way to learn more of the colonial Puritan mind is to meet two important
figures, Joh n Cott on and Roger Williams.
regedit10. Most Puritan ver was directly plodding, but the work of two writers, Anne
Bradstreeta nd Edward Taylor, ro to the level of real poetry.
1. Who were the earliest ttlers? Where were they the n? Who was the most in flue
ntial group?
2. What were the first America n writi ngs?
3. Could you give a descripti on of America n Purita ns?
1. As we have e ntheology domin ated the Purita n pha of America n writi ng.
Politics was the n ext great subject to comma nd the atte nti on of the best min ds.
2. Freedom was won as much by the fiery rhetoric of Thomas Paine Com mon
Senand the eloque nee of thQeclarati on of In depe nden ceas by the weap ons of Washi ngton or Lafayette.
3. The British gover nment hampered colo nial economy by requiri ng America ns to
ship raw materials abroad and to importfi ni shed goods at prices higher tha n the lost of making them in this coun try.
4. America n En lighte nment dealt a decisive blow upon the purita n traditi ons and
brought to life cular education and literature.
5. The cular ideals of America n En lighte nment were exemplified in the life and
career of Benjamin Fran kli n, who in structed his coun tryme n as 印rin ter, n ot a priest.
6. In 1783, the year the Un ited States achieved its in depe nden cNoah Webster
declared, America must be as independent in literature as she is in politics, as famous for the arts as for arms .
Born in Bost on in 1706, Benjamin Fran kli n went to Philadelphia as a young man
and bega n his career as |arin ter. From 1732 to 1758, Fran kli n wrote and published his famouPoor Richard's
dust on drum
AlmanaG an annual collecti on of proverbs.
Thomas Pai newas the Great Commoner of Mankin d ”,s on of a nominal
Quaker of Thetford, En gla nd.
On January 10,1776, Pai n 'famous pamphletsCo mmon Sen appeared.
Philip Fren eau is perhaps the most outsta nding writer of the post-Revolutio nary
Fren eau wasneoclassicalby training and taste yet roma ntic in es ntial spirit.
For a few years, writing with sporadic fluency, Freneau earned his living variously
as farmer, journalist . and a captain.
groceryAs a poet,Fre neauheralded America n literary in depe nden ce, his clo
obrvation of nature distinguished his treatment of indigenous wild life and
other native American subjects.
Fren eau has bee n called the 'Father of America n Poetry ”,a nd it i ultimately
in a historical estimate that Fren eau is importa nt. What is your impressi on upon the pers on of Benjam in Fran kli n? What belief does the Autobiography sta nd fo ? What is Thomas Pain esCom mon Sen about? What does Fren ea 'poem The Wild Hony Suckle in dicate? Say somethi ng about the style of the Autobiography