Figure 1. The IQsignal for WiMAX analysis screen
1.Basic Functionality Description
A PC is ud to run the IQsignal for WiMAX analysis software and is typically also ud to control the DUT through the IC vendor’s
driver. Interface between the PC and the RSA3408A is via either 10/100 Ba-T TCP/IP Ethernet or IEEE 488.2 GPIB. The installer program on the included CD loads all software, associated documentation, and any required files.
2.Software Description
IQsignal for WiMAX offers advanced analysis of WiMAX waveforms captured by the RSA3408A or retrieved from file, including EVM and spectral measurements. For example, IQsignal for WiMAX can easily analyze frequency ttling time and pha error that occurs during a burst transmission. Such capabilities significantly help in understanding and debugging RF performance-related issues.
The IQsignal for WiMAX software supports in-band transmit analysis through a graphical display of the tests including: •Spectrum (PSD) and mask
• symbol
•spectral flatness, delta spectral flatness
•captured waveform display in the time domain
To support product debugging, various other graphical displays are supported by IQsignal for WiMAX, including: •pha error versus time
•frequency error versus time
•CCDF (to support compression analysis)
• spectrogram
•EVM (versus OFDM subcarriers; versus time)
Besides the graphical display of VSA measurements, IQsignal for WiMAX also prents relevant numerical data including: •EVM (all, data, pilots)
• power
• frequency
•symbol timing error
ng是什么意思•integrated pha noi
•I/Q imbalance (amplitude, pha)
• Reed-Solomon
Average of numerical data over multiple captures can be displayed as well.
IQsignal for WiMAX additionally provides a wide range of compensation methods that can be ud for advanced analysis of a captured signal’s nsitivity to certain impairments. For example, the available compensation methods when analyzing OFDM signals include:
•pha tracking (off, fast)
•channel estimation (bad on averaging of the long training quence, averaging of the full packet)
•symbol timing tracking
•frequency synchronization (bad on long training quence, or full packet)
• amplitude
3.Applications Information
For developers of WiMAX products the IQsignal for WiMAX Analysis Software offers the capability to analyze the functionality and performance of the DUT through the intuitive and powerful GUI. All key transmit parameters of a WiMAX prototype can be verified.
The IQsignal for WiMAX software can be ud to analyze “live” captures from the RSA3408A instrument, or it can analyze captures stored in a file (off-line analysis). The software supports the Tektronix’ .IQT fileformat, and LitePoint’s .SIG and .MOD formats.
4.Analysis Measurement Parameters
capture mode single / continuous enables one-shot or non-stop data capture and analysis
sample interval 100 μs, 200 μs, 300 μs, 400 μs, 500 μs, 1 ms, 2
ms, 3 ms, 4 ms, 5 ms, 10 ms The sample interval is limited by the buffer size and A/D sample rate of the instrument.
•802.16-2004 / WirelessMAN-OFDM (fixed WiMAX) •Automatically detected: Signal type (up- / downlink burst), Bandwidth, Modulation / coding, Cyclic Prefix length
signal type
• 802.16e-2005 / WirelessMAN-OFDMA (mobile WiMAX) •Automatically detected: Signal type (up- / downlink burst), Bandwidth, Modulation / coding, Cyclic Prefix length, Uplink fields.
•Ur defines up- and downlink maps (GUI) •Supported mode: PUSC, single zone, single constellation per symbol.
decode on / off enable or disable payload decoding (fixed WiMAX only) input mode1baband / RF lects type of signal input and enables appropriate ports IQ swap1on / off interchanges I and Q channel signals on input ports triggers • free run
• external triggerdouble dragon
•data capture trigger mechanism
max signal level •RF input: -60 to +30 dBm in 1 dB increments
•baband input: -60 to +30 dBV in 1 dB
•peak signal level at instrument input, affecting display
•can be determined automatically (Auto Range
•limited by instrument performance
external attenuation -25.0 to 125.0 dB with 0.1 dB resolution •attenuation between DUT output and IQmax input
(applied as a correction to measurements)
•RF input mode only
acquire new on / off •acquire new signal capture for analysis or reload
current capture
EVM & power averaging 1, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 •number of measurements (packets) ud to calculate
average EVM and power
•LitePoint API allows arbitrary number of
measurements to be ud
Rx IF 0 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 11 MHz •to asss Tx performance at IF, down convert the
signal to 5 MHz, 10 MHz, or 11 MHz and input it to the
baband ports
•to asss Tx performance at baband or at a
supported RF channel, t to 0 MHz
RF channel
(RF mode
•ur-defined center frequency (resolution is HW dependent)
pha tracking / correction • off
• symbol-by-symbol correction
•pha tracking method
•symbol-by-symbol correction is specified by IEEE
standard for EVM calculation but will mask
measurement of Tx pha noi
channel estimate •raw (averaging over long training quence)
•raw (averaging over full packet)
•channel estimation method
•averaging over long training quence is most
common in practical receiver implementations
symbol timing tracking on / off •enable timing jitter correction
•symbol timing tracking is specified by IEEE standard
1 Only relevant when Option 03 is installed on the RSA3408A
frequency sync •long training quence (includes short training
quence if prent)
•full data packet •carrier frequency error estimation method •estimation bad on short or long training quence is most common in practical receiver implementations
on / off enable automatic gain control
海淀区留学中介Note that the specified corrections are implemented prior to measurement taking; for example, EVM is calculated after any specified corrections are applied, thereby affecting the results.
5.Analysis Measurement Results – Graphical Display
陪练网amplitude vs time instantaneous and peak power averaged over a symbol duration (dBm) versus time
spectrogram •3D plot of power spectral density versus time
•time is displayed on x-axis; frequency offt on y-axis; color coding reprents power
(maximum strength is red; minimum strength is green)
PSD •power spectral density (dBm/Hz) versus frequency offt
•spectrum mask per IEEE 802.16-2004
•center frequency ± 30 MHz
•resolution bandwidth 100 kHz
symbol constellation visual display of each demodulated symbol in the I/Q complex plane (data symbols are red; pilot
tones are green)
spectral flatness variation from average energy as a function of OFDM subcarrier number (dB).
spectral delta power delta between adjacent subcarriers (dB).
pha noi (PSD) pha noi power spectral density (dBc/Hz) versus frequency offt
pha error (time) integrated pha error of pilot tones (degrees) versus time
CCDF (complementary cumulative distribution function) probability of peak signal power being greater than a given power level versus peak-to-average power ratio (dB). Shown over all data or payload only.
I & Q signals I/Q signal voltages (Vrms) versus time
frequency error •frequency error (kHz) versus time
•frequency error during short and long training quences
EVM versus carrier Error Vector Magnitude averaged over all symbols for each subcarrier (dB) versu
subcarrier number
EVM versus time Error Vector Magnitude averaged over all subcarriers (dB) versus time
6.Analysis Measurement Results – Numerical Data
packet information •Signal type, down and uplink
•Bandwidth, cyclic prefix
•Modulation and coding per burst (rate ID)
•Number of symbols for each rate ID type
EVM all •EVM averaged over all symbols and all subcarriers (dB; %)
EVM data •EVM averaged over all symbols and all data subcarriers (dB; %)
EVM pilots •EVM averaged over all symbols and all pilot subcarriers (dB; %)
peak power peak power over all symbols (dBm)
average power (all) average power of complete data capture (dBm)
average power (no gap) average power over all symbols after removal of any gap between packets (dBm)
average power (syms) average power over all symbols, excluding preamble (dBm)
LO (DC) leakage variation from center carrier (dBc)
I/Q amplitude error I/Q amplitude imbalance (%)
I/Q pha error I/Q pha imbalance (degrees)
total I/Q mismatch
approximate contribution of amplitude and pha imbalances to EVM (dB) frequency error carrier frequency error (kHz)
symbol clock error symbol clock frequency error (ppm)
rms pha noi integrated pha noi (degrees)
Reed-Solomon errors Number of symbols with RS errors (available only if payload decoding is enabled; fixed WiMAX
Note that the above measurements are shown for the current data packet only.
7.PC System Minimum Requirements
PC Intel Pentium processor or compatible, 500MHz (1GHz or higher reccommended)
operating system Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP3 or higher), Windows XP (SP1 or higher)
US English versions
memory 512MB of RAM
disk space 500MB of available hard disk space
monitor 1024 x 768 resolution
over 10/100BaT Ethernet
connectivity TCP/IP
8.Shipping Contents
IQsignal for WiMAX Analysis CD
9.Order Information
RSA-IQWIMAX LitePoint IQsignal for WiMAX Analysis Software