pad是什么意思We should add before we get started that generally, the reason to avoid the ladies has nothing to do with the woman herlf, but it has everything to do with her context in your life.
1. Your best friend's sister
The woman you know the best will often appeal to you the most. But if she is your best friend's sister, getting lucky can mean two months of fun followed by the need to move to another part of the city. She makes the “7 women you can never date小学课程表” list becau as soon as sis becomes sweetheart, you'll be walking on eggshells with your buddy. Gone are the days of complaining to your friend about your women troubles becau the conflict of intere
st ruins the good times, and the first time you make a mess of things, he will likely want to beat your ass.
2. Your cretary
There are plenty of reasons to keep your mitts off the help. It can get you into all kinds of trouble — legal and otherwi — should the relationship go south. But even if the fling goes well, you have problems. You'll soon be tempted to push the limits of what you can get away with at work, perhaps in the janitor's clot. Love at the office is an enormous distraction from your work, especially if you are in charge of her. Others are always watch
ing what you are doing. Worst of all, once the relationship ends, she will enjoy leverage over you, and may u it simply by gossiping about what happened in the aforementioned clot.
3. The ex-girlfriend
Ex-girlfriends are one of the 7 women you can never date. Yet, the ex-girlfriend becomes increasingly ductive as loneliness ts in. After veral years of eating the only three meals you know how to prepare, you can easily get blown away when she follows up chicken parmesan one night with chicken marsala the next. She might clean your apartm
ent one day while you were getting loaded at happy hour, and you'll want her there permanently. The loneliness will make you forget the reason the two of you broke up in the first place, but should you jump back into the relationship, tho reasons will resurface in no time.
4. The hot trailer girl
Have you en Maury Povich? Let that show be a warning to you if you are smitten by the hooker with a heart of gold. It's fool's gold — the hot trailer girl is definitely one of the 7 girls you can never date. The scenario goes something like this: You were in the club enjoying the company of a young woman who breasts were rubbing against you like tw
o a lions on a beach, and then you got confud. Enjoy the one-nighter, but the next time you e her at bar time, you would be wi to end up at Denny's eating a Grand Slam breakfast.
看过《Maury Povich秀》(Maury Povich为该节目主持人)吧?如果你被一个心美如金的妓女吸引了,这个秀就是个警钟。妓女绝对在约会黑名单上,心美如金也是枉然。剧情大概如此:你在一个俱乐部,一个年轻姑娘的胸脯摩挲着你,如同沙滩上的两只海狮,此时,你有点困惑。你享受了123,但下一次你又在酒吧见到她时,一起在Denny’s(餐馆名)吃顿早餐就赶快再见吧,这才是明智之选。
5. Your friend's ex
When you witness the breakup of your buddy and his hot girlfriend, your mind will invariably wander to a place better left untouched. Since you’ve spent lots of time around her, you already have an established relationship — albeit a non-xual one. Chances are you already imagined what it would be like while she was still dating your pal, and her new freedom may pique your interest, but be forewarned: She is one of the 7 women you
can never date. If you value your friendship, avoid her at all costs. What men forget to consider is the aftermath of hooking up with a friend’s ex. The word will spread to everyone el in your circle about what type of friend you are, and you’ll kill your own reputation. It doesn’t matter how long ago they broke up, whether they’re friends now or not, if your buddy’s replaced her with a new girlfriend, the answer is always no. Unless, of cour, you enjoy getting your ass kicked.
6. The high-maintenance piranha
If you value your money and your manhood, the high-maintenance chick is also one of the 7 women you can never date. She will love you for your incread earnings at first, but then will consider you to be a soulless workaholic incapable of intimacy. Once you've built up a nest egg, her divorced friends will start directing her on how to devour that nest egg whole, just like a snake. She will give you the screw of a lifetime, but not the kind you’re eking.
7. The stripper
pennywiOf the women you can never date, the stripper is wor than the hot trailer girl. No, she is not stripping to pay for school. Yes, she might be a hard-luck ca, but sooner or later you will be acting like a bodyguard, thinking you can protect her honor from a rowdy bach
elor party. If you think jealousy is beneath you, wait until you obrve a private dance from afar when the john offers an extra C-note for a happy ending.