英语配音大赛台词 海底总动员 片段

更新时间:2023-07-14 15:06:09 阅读: 评论:0

PEACH [yawn] Morning. [gasps] It's morning everyone, Today's the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean and we are getting out of--[gasps]--the tank is clean. The tank is clean!
DEB But how?
GILL Boss must've installed it last night while we were sleepin'.
NEMO:What're we gonna do?
GILL What's it say, Peach?
PEACH [muffled] The AquaScum two-thousand
GILL I can't hear you, Peach. Hetre?
PEACH The Aquascum 2003 is an all-purpo,lf-cleaning.maintenance-free,salt water purifier,that is guaranteed to extend the life of your aquarium fish.
大球:stop it
adele好听的歌PEACH :The Aquascum is programmed to scan,your tank environment five minutes.
小紫:Scan?What does that mean? 啊~
小紫:ooh~~oh!Cur you,aquascum!therebe句型
大胖:That is it for the escape plan. Its  ruined.
dogfightNEMO:Then what are we gonna do about~~
GILL:stay down,kid
大胖:Fal alarm
小紫:My nerves cant take much more of this
大胖:Whatll we do when that brat gets here?
烫发的种类GILL I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin'. NEMO:Aaah! Oh! Gill! GILL [gasps] Nemo! NEMO:Help me! Help me! GILL Hold on! I'm comin'! NEMO:Help me! GILL Swim down! Come on, kid! Swim down! Come on! BLOAT Everybody jump in! DEB Swim down! GILL That's it! DENTIST What the!? ALL Yay! GILL Good work! NEMO:Gill! GILL [gasps] Nemo! BLOAT Sharkbait! GILL:Roll,kid!Lean!lean!
DENTIST:Whoops.That wouldve been a nasty fall.
NEMO:Gill!Dont let me go belly-up!
GILL:Just calm down, Nemo. NEMO:Don't let me go belly up!(前两句话同时进行) GILL You won't go belly up, I promi. You're gonna be okay.
ALL [gasps] Darla! ================================= DORY:All right, do any
of the boats look familiar to you? MARLIN:No, but the boat has to be here somewhere! Come on, Dory, we're gonna find it. DORY:I'm totally excited. [yawn] Are you excited? [yawn] MARLIN: Dory, wake up, wake up. Come on. DORY:[gasps] Duck! MARLIN:That's not a duck. It's a--pelican! Whooooaaaaah! DORY:Aaaaaaaaaaaah!
MARLIN:No! I didn't come this far to be breakfast!
PELICAN Hey, hey, Nigel. Heh, would you look at that? NIGEL Huh? Wha-what? PELICAN Sun's barely up and already Gerald's had more than he can handle. NIGEL Yeah. Reckon somebody oughta help the poor guy.
All:yeah,right,yeah.dontRoll, kid!NEMO:Gill! Don't let me go belly up! GILL guy. PELICANS Yeah, yeah, right.
深圳英语翻译NIGEL成人用英语怎么说: Well, don't everybody fly off at once. NIGEL All right, Gerald, what is it? Fish got your tongue? DORY:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! NIGEL Love a duck! MARLIN:I gotta find my son Nemo!
NIGEL : Nemo? Hey, hey, hey! He's that fish! Y'know the ne we were talking about! The one that's been fighting the whole ocean! Hey, I know where your son i--huh? Hey, wait! Come back! Stop! MARLIN:Dory, keep going! He's crazy! NIGEL I got something to tell 'ya! GULL Mine. NIGEL Okay, don't make any sudden moves. Hop inside my mouth if you want to live. MARLIN:Hop in your mouth, huh? And how does that make me live? GULL Mine. NIGEL Becau I can take you to your son. MARLIN:Yeah, right. NIGEL No. I know your son. He's orange, he's got a gimpy fin on one side.. MARLIN:That's Nemo! GULLS Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! DORY:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! NIGEL NIGEL Everybody hold on! MARLIN:/DORY:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! GULLS Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Fasten your atbelts! GULLS Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! DORY:Whoooooo! Woohooooo! GULLS Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! DORY:Ha-haaaa! Ha ha ha ha! MARLIN:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! 49================================= BUBBLES Aaaah! Too loud! Too loud for me! DARLA [singing] Twinkle, twinkle little star. PEACH Find a happy place, find a happy place, find a happy place! 50 BARBARA Darla,
why not的用法you're uncle will e you now. DENTIST All right, let's e tho pearly whites. DARLA RAAAH! I'm a piranha. They're in the Amazon. DENTIST And a piranha's a fish, just like your prent. DARLA [giggling] I get a fishy! Fishy, fishy, fishy! DENTIST Oh no. Poor little guy. BLOAT He's dead! GILL Sharkbait! DARLA Yay! Fishy, fishy, fishy! DENTIST He he he! Must've left your prent in the car, sweetie. Ha ha ha ha ha! DARLA Awwwww. DENTIST I'll go and get it. GILL [gasps] He's still alive! PEACH He's not dead! BLOAT What's happening? Why is he playing dead? GILL He's gonna get flushed down the toilet! He's gonna get out of here! DEB Yay! BLOAT He's gonna get flushed! GURGLE What a smart little guy! GILL Oh no, not the trash can! BUBBLES Nemo! No! NIGEL Hey! Hey! I found his dad! MARLIN:Where's Nemo!? Where is he!? BLOAT Dentist! Dentist! GILL He's over there! MARLIN : 51 What's a dentist!? What is that!? [gasps] Nigel, get in there! NIGEL I can't go in there. MARLIN:Oh yes, you can! Charge! DARLA Aaaaaaaaaaaah! DENTIST What the--!? Darla, sweetie! Look out! DARLA Aaaaaaaah! DENTIST Hold still! DARLA Aaaaaaaah! DENTIST Easy! Easy! DARLA Aaaaaaaah! DENTIST Hold still! Nobody's going to hurt you! Oof! MARLIN:[gasps] Nemo. DORY:[gasps] Oh my goodness. DENTIST Gotcha! Keep down! MARLIN:Nemo!
NEMO:Daddy? DENTIST Out with 'ya! And stay out! NEMO:Daddy!? DARLA Fishy? Fishy! Wake up! Wake up! DEB Oh no! GILL Quick! To the top of Mt. Wannahockaloogie! DARLA Why are you sleeping!? PEACH Hurry! GILL Bloat! Ring of Fire! DARLA Fishy--aaaaaaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaah! DENTIST What!? All the animals have gone mad!Unh! ================================= DARLA Aaaaaaaah! Get it out! GURGLE Smack her in the head! BLOAT Go, Gill! Go! DARLA Fish in my hair! Aaaaaaaah! NEMO:Gill. GILL Sharkbait. Tell your dad..I said..hi. Go get 'em.

本文发布于:2023-07-14 15:06:09,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:电影   种类   总动员   烫发   台词
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