1.arithmetic science of numbers
2.notation writing numbers
3.numeration reading numbers
4.Arabic numeration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5.addition(加法):75+23+16=114 75.23.16(addend)114(sum)+(plus)
6.subtraction(減法):15-8=7 15(minuend)8(subtrahend)7(difference)-( )
7.multiplication(乘法)multiplying:58×27=406+1160=1566 58.27(factor)406.1160(partial
product) 1566(product)×(times cross)
8.division(除法)dividing:352784÷437=807…125 352784(dividend)437(divisor)
(quotient 商) 125(remainder 餘) check(驗算) estimate
9.rounding number(概數):if determining digit is 5 or more round up,if determining digit is less
then 5, round down to nearest digit。
10.commas ones tens hundreds(units)one thousands ten thousands hundred thousands(thousands) one millions ten millions hundred millions (millions) one billions ten billions hundred billions(billions)
11.linear measures :kilometer hectometer decameter meter decimeter centimeter millimeter
12.measure of capacity:kiloliter hectoliter deciliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter
13.measure of time:1000years=millennium 100years=century 20years=score 10yaers=decade
12months=1year 366days=1 leap year 365days=1year =about 52weeks
7days=1week 24hours=1day 60minutes=1hour 60conds=1minutes
14.measure of weight:kilogram hectogram decagram gram decigram centigram milligram
15.converting measure(轉換單位):multiply or divide by conversion rules and conversion factors
16.converting metric measure(公制單位):mutiply or divide by 10,convert from larger to smaller
each step taken to the right
17.divisibility rules:
a number is divisible by 2,if it is an even number
3,if sum of the digits is divisible by 3
4,if last two digits are divisible by 4
5,if it ends in 0 or 5
6,if it is even and divisible by 3
9,if sum of the digits is divisible by 9
18.Pairs of factors(因素分解):factors means all the numbers that will divide without a
into a number
ateat common factor(gcf最大公因數):common factor is a factor that is shared by two or more
numbers,the largest factor is gcf
20.prime to each other (互質):numbers share only the common factor of 1护肤要点
21.prime number (質數):no factor except for 1 and itlf
posite number (合數):has other factors beside 1 and itlf
23.1 considered neither prime nor composite:1 不是質數也不是合數
24.prime factor(質因數):2 is a prime factor of 8
25.fundamental theorem of arithmetic (因數分析)中国海洋大学研究生
26.division by primes(質因數分解):all the prime factor are found when the quotient is prime
27.factoring tree:
4 6
2 2 2 3
28.least common multiples(lcm最小公倍數):u the letters l c m to make finding the lcm
list-list the prime factors of numbers
online to offline contest-have a contest to find which number has the most of each prime factor
multiply-multiply the prime factors from the contest
multiply all the different factors is the smallest multiple that is shared by two or more numbers
29.exponents(指數):4=2‧2=22 is read guest是什么意思two squared and two is ud as factor twice,23 is read two cubed 24is read two to the fourth power,exponents are small numbers written a little to the right and above a number(called the ba 底數)
30.fractions(分數):a fraction is one or more of the equal parts of a wholeopportunities
31.numerator(分子):the top number,tells how many equal parts are ud
32.denominator (分母):the bottom number,tells how many equal parts the whole is divided into
33.mixed number(帶分數):contains a whole number and a fraction
34.equivalent fraction(等值分數):cross multiplication can check equivalent fraction
35.reduce a fraction to lowest terms(約成最簡分數)
36.proper and improper fractions(真分數和假分數):proper fraction less then 1,numerator is less then denominator,the numerator of an improper fraction is equal to or greater than the denominator
37.adding or subtracting fractions:keep the common denominator by finding the lcm of the denominator and add or subtracting(borrow 1 from whole number)the numerator
38.multiplying fractions:multiply the numerator together for the product numerator and denominator together for the product denominator