关于建筑的英语作文学校5篇 monie
obama speech
big bang theory 现代化和城市化带来的好处和问题许多,为了解决住房问题,高层建筑都已经和正在投入越来越大的数量在越来越多的大城市。下面给大家共享一些关于建筑的英语作文学校,盼望对大家有关心。
关于建筑的英语作文学校5 sfv
the one you love In Tianjin,there are many buildings of bygone times.Some of them are imposing and have great artistic and historic value.However,the buildings do mot fit in well with each other,becau most of them were built by foreigners in different times.The traffic in the city is not very convenient.The street are usually narrow and twisted.If the government wanted to have them widened,a large number of buildings would have to be pulled down.Some buildings are too old and are nothing more than cottages,and in place of them,some new high buildings have been t up.However,the new ones are still few and in many places they em quite out of place. purified
infection Yet tho Western-style buildings give Tianjin a different characteristic from other cities and tho new ones lend the city fresh vitality which will spread rapidly with the reform going on.关于建筑的英语作文学校
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