Croda Oleochemicals Personal Care Cowick Hall Snaith Goole East Yorkshire DN14
9AA EnglandTel 44 01405 860551 Fax 44 01405 860205Croda Oleochemicals is a trading name of Croda Chemicals Ltd Croda Leek Ltd and Croda Universal LtdPage 1 of 607/01 DC012/2Crills and CrilletsSorbitan esters and their ethoxylatesCrills and Crillets are a range of mild nonionic surfactants providing formulating benefits ina number of personal care applications. Entirely vegetable-derived Crodas Crills andCrillets have long-standing food and pharmacopoeia approvals and a safe history of u incosmetic products.As nonionics Crills and Crillets offer many advantages over ionic surfactants such as soapsincluding incread stability formulating flexibility and wider compatibility. They are stableto mild acids alkalis and electrolytes and do not react with ionic ingredients or actives. Bycombining Crills and Crillets at different ratios formulators are able to produce systemswith a wide HLB range to emulsify most cosmetic oils and waxes. Certain Crills and Crilletsare additionally highly effective solubilirs dispersing agents and wetting aids.Functional benefits?? Nonionic emulsifiers and co-emulsifiers?? Solubilirs?? Dispersants?? Wetting agents?? Stable over a wide pH range?? Electrolyte tolerant?? Compatible with a wide range of cosmetic actives eg AHA/BHA cationics nonionicsApplications?? O/W and W/O creams and lotions?? Sun protection and tanning products?? Antiperspirants and deodorants?? Depilatories?? Hair dyes?? Colour cosmetics?? Bath and massage
oils?? EDT aftershaves and colognesProduct rangeProduct nameINCI namePharmacopoeia monographCrill 1Sorbitan LaurateEP NFCrill 2Sorbitan PalmitateEP NFCrill 3Sorbitan StearateEP NFCrill 4Sorbitan OleateEP NFCrill 43Sorbitan SesquioleateNFCrill 45Sorbitan TrioleateEP NFCrill
英文新闻网站6Sorbitan Isostearate-Crillet 1 SuperPolysorbate 20EP NFCrillet 2 SuperPolysorbate
40NFCrillet 3 SuperPolysorbate 60EP NFCrillet 4 SuperPolysorbate 80EP NFCrillet
成熟英语45Polysorbate 85-Croda Oleochemicals Personal Care Cowick Hall Snaith Goole East Yorkshire DN14 9AA EnglandTel 44 01405 860551 Fax 44 01405 860205Croda Oleochemicals is a trading name of Croda Chemicals Ltd Croda Leek Ltd and Croda Universal LtdPage 2 of 607/01 DC012/2Crills - sorbitan estersCrills are partial esters of natural fatty acids and sorbitan the cyclic ether produced by thedehydration of the hexahydric alcohol sorbitol. A monoester can be reprented by thefollowing general formula where R is the alkyl group of the fatty acid.Figure 1Chemical structure - monoesterProperties and functionsCrill 4 43 45 and 6 ud alone act as effective water in oil W/O emulsifiers. Whencombined with the corresponding Crillet Crills are efficient coemulsifiers for oil in waterO/W systems. Manipulation of the Crill/Crillet ratio produces emulsifying systems ofvarious HLB hydrophilic-lipophilic balance values allowing the emulsification o
f manycosmetic oils and waxes. Specific properties and functions are detailed below.ProductnameDescriptionHLBProperties and functionsCrill
两败俱伤古文翻译1Pale yellowliquid8.6Most hydrophilic of the Crill range soluble in manyfatty compositions and solvents. Acts as a coemulsifierin O/W emulsions often ud in combination withCrillet 1 although other Crillets may be employedCrill 2Cream
solid6.7Posss a wax-like structure which is uful whererigidity is needed in lipophilic compositionsCrill 3Cream/yellowsolid4.7Produces stable O/W emulsions with good aestheticswhen combined with its polyethoxylated derivativeCrillet 3. Recommended for the emulsification of fattyalcohols esters mineral and silicone oils. Ideal forskin creams and lotionsCrill 4Amber liquid4.3Crill 43Amber
viscousliquid3.7Crill 45Amber liquid1.8Liquid W/O emulsifiers particularly
recommendedfor unsaturated lipid components such as oleylalcohol or vegetable oils. May also be ud with thecorresponding Crillet in O/W emulsions. Dispersingagents for insoluble liquids in other lipophilic liquids.Crill 4 and 43 are ud as wetting agents anddispersants for pigments in colour cosmetics and zincoxide/titanium dioxide in suncare productsCrill 6Yellow liquid4.7Excellent W/O em
商务英语专业描述ulsifier for protective baby careand general purpo emollient creams. Wetting anddispersing agent for physical sunscreens anddecorative cosmetics. Bad on isostearic acid acompletely saturated branched chain ester Crill 6 isnot prone to oxidation and associated changes incolour or odour. Low tting point makes it uful inpourable productsOOHOOHHOORCroda Oleochemicals Personal Care Cowick Hall Snaith Goole East Yorkshire DN14 9AA EnglandTel 44 01405 860551 Fax 44 01405 860205Croda Oleochemicals is a trading name of Croda Chemicals Ltd Croda Leek Ltd and Croda Universal LtdPage 3 of 607/01 DC012/2Crillets - Polyethoxylated sorbitan estersCrillets are polyethoxylated partial esters of sorbitol sorbitans and isosorbide. Apolyethoxylated monoester of 36-sorbitan is reprented in figure 2 where R is the alkylgroup of a fatty acid and xyz is the total number of moles of ethylene oxide.Figure 2Chemical structure - polyethoxylated monoesterProperties and functionsCrillets Polysorbates are excellent O/W emulsifiers solubilirs wetting agents anddispersants. In emulsion systems they are commonly ud in combination with thecorresponding Crill. Manipulation of the Crill/Crillet ratio produces emulsifying systems ofvarious HLB hydrophilic-lipophilic balance values allowing the emulsification of manycosmetic ingredients. Specific properties and functions are detailed below.ProductnameDescriptionHLBProperties and functionsCrillet 1SuperClear yellowliquid16.7Fully saturated liquid ester recommended as anemulsifier for O/W systems and effective solubilirfor esntial oils and perfumes in aqueous and
aqueous/alcoholic systems. Also ud as a mildnessadditive in detergent systems eg baby shampoo andcleansing agent in wet wipesCrillet 2SuperYellow
burson marstellerpastyliquid15.6Co-solvent and wetting agentCrillet 3SuperYellowliquid/soft
solid14.9Produces stable O/W emulsions especially whencombined with Crill 3 and cetostearyl alcohol orother fatty alcohols. Excellent for the emulsification ofesters mineral and silicone oils. Skin creams exhibitgood nsory profileCrillet 4SuperClear yellowliquid15.0O/W emulsifier and dispersant often ud inconjunction with the appropriate Crill. Goodsolubilising properties recommended in systems withunsaturated lipid components such as oleyl alcoholand vegetable triglyceridesCrillet 45Amber
blake shelton
liquid11.0Less hydrophilic than Crillet 4. Excellent dispersingagent for vegetable oils particularly uful in bath andmassage
oilsOOOCH2CH2OyHOOCH2CH2OzHHOCH2CH2xORCroda Oleochemicals Personal Care Cowick Hall Snaith Goole East Yorkshire DN14 9AA EnglandTel 44 01405 860551 Fax 44 01405 860205Croda Oleochemicals is a trading name of Croda Chemicals Ltd Croda Leek Ltd and Croda Universal LtdPage 4 of 607/01 DC012/2Key applicationsOil in water emulsionsFor the formulation of
stable cost effective O/W emulsions a combination of Crill 3 andCrillet 3 is particularly recommended. The ratio of each emulsifier can be adjusted to matchthe required HLB of a wide range of oil pha ingredients. Crill 3 and Crillet 3 can be udfor emulsifying a number of esters mineral and silicone oils. This emulsifying system can beud to formulate thin lotions or thick creams by adjusting the level of fatty alcohol prentor by the u of water pha thickeners. Formulating guidelines for basic systems areprovided overleaf.Combinations
of Crill/Crillet 1 or 4 can be ud in the same way a Crill/Crillet 4emulsifying system is particularly recommended for unsaturated vegetable oils.Typical O/W cosmetic products include moisturising face creams and lotions body lotionsand hand creams aftersuns and cleansing lotions.Water in oil emulsionsCrill 6 and Crill 4 are particularly recommended as emulsifiers for W/O systems. Bothmaterials are bad upon branched or unsaturated lipophiles and are liquid at roomtemperature. Crill 6 is often ud as the sole emulsifier for W/O creams and lotionsparticularly where the external pha is mineral oil. Its low tting point is uful whenformulating emulsions which must remain free from dimentation and crystallisation.W/O emulsions are commonly ud when formulating protective skin creams night andcold creams and baby creams.Pigmented systemsCrill 6 and Crill 4 are recommended as dispersing agents when introducing physicalsunscre
ens and pigments into oily vehicles. Using a dispersing agent results in a moreuniform dispersion and slows agglomeration of particulate materials to give improvedemulsion stability. Applications include sunscreens colour cosmetics and protective babycreams and lotions.Aqueous and aqueous/alcoholic systemsCrillet 1 is an excellent solubilir for fragrance oils oil soluble vitamins and esntial oils.It is a uful ingredient in aqueous systems such as hair gels and spritzes and can helpreduce the levels of alcohol required to solubili fragrances in aqueous/alcoholic productg EDT and aftershaves.Detergent systemsCrillet 1 is widely known to function as a mildness additive in detergent systems and isfrequently ud to formulate gentle baby shampoos.Croda Oleochemicals Personal Care Cowick Hall Snaith Goole East Yorkshire DN14 9AA EnglandTel 44 01405 860551 Fax 44 01405 860205Croda Oleochemicals is a trading name of Croda Chemicals Ltd Croda Leek Ltd and Croda Universal LtdPage 5 of 607/01 DC012/2Formulating guidelines for emulsion systemsIt is well established that a combination of a high and a low HLB emulsifier is often moreeffective than the u of a single emulsifier. Combinations of Crills and Crillets cantherefore be ud to develop stable oil in water emulsions of various materials.Through experimentation it is important to establish the required HLB of the material tobe emulsified and the appropriate chemical type of the emulsifier blend. Selection of theappropriate chemistry is as important as choosing the correct HLB. For exampleemulsifiers with an unsaturated alkyl chain such as an oleyl chain have an
on and on
incread affinityfor oils with unsaturated bonds. In this ca a blend of Crill 4 Sorbitan Oleate and Crillet4 Polysorbate 80 would be recommended to emulsify vegetable oils. Similarly a blend ofemulsifiers with saturated alkyl chains for example Crill 3 Sorbitan Stearate and Crillet 3Polysorbate 60 would be appropriate for the emulsification of saturated materials.Most raw materials that are likely to be emulsified eg mineral and vegetable oils emollientesters silicone oils have a published required HLB value. For example required HLB valuesof approximately 10 are usually quoted for mineral oils. In order to develop a stableemulsion of mineral oil a blend of Crill 3 Sorbitan Stearate and Crillet 3 Polysorbate 60combined to give an HLB value of 10 could be evaluated at different concentrations.Further minor adjustments will be required to optimi formulation stability viscosityaesthetics etc.In order to calculate how much of emulsifier A to blend with emulsifier B to reach agiven required HLB of X: A 100 X - HLBBHLBA - HLBB B 100 - ATo calculate the blend of Crill 3 Sorbitan Stearate and Crillet 3 Polysorbate 60 toemulsify an oil with a required HLB of 10:HLB of Crillet 3 14.9HLB of Crill 3 4.7 Crillet 3 100 10 - 4.7 51.515 - 4.7 Crill 3 100 - 51.5 48.5If the required HLB of the material or blend of materials to be emulsified is not
英文单词known thiscan be determined by experimentation. Evaluation of the stability of emulsions formed withblends of an appropriate Crill and Crillet pair covering a range of HLB values will identifythe requi
red HLB.The optimum concentration of the emulsifier blend can then be determined by experiment.Generally 10-20 of the level of the emulsified material is a uful starting point ie to makea 30 emulsion of oil would usually require an optimum level of 3 emulsifier blend. Bothemulsifiers are usually introduced into the oil pha.Croda Oleochemicals Personal Care Cowick Hall Snaith Goole East Yorkshire
DN14 9AA EnglandTel 44 01405 860551 Fax 44 01405 860205Croda Oleochemicals is a trading name of Croda Chemicals Ltd Croda Leek Ltd and Croda Universal LtdPage 6 of 607/01 DC012/2SolubilityTable 1 provides data on the solubility of the Crill and Crillet range at 10 w/w in anumber of common solvents and oils at
25°C.ProductCaprylic/caprictriglycerideSoya beanoilEthyloleateIsopropylmyristateMineraloilGlycerinWaterCrill 1PSPSPSPSSIICrill 2PSPSIIGIICrill 3PSPSPSPSGIICrill 4PSSPSPSSIICrill 43PSSPSPSSPSICrill
45PSPSSSIIPSKeyS - SolublePS - Partially solubleG - Gel formedI - InsolubleTable
1Solubility data of Crill and Crillet rangeSpecificationsDetailed lling specifications for individual products are available on request.BiodegradabilityThe Crills are considered to be readily biodegradable and would not be expected to persistindefinitely in the environment. The Crillets are considered to be inherently biodegradableand would not be expected to persist indefinitely in the environment.Health and safetyThe Crills and Crillets are well-established raw materials ud in a variety of applications.Certain sorbitan esters are accepted as food additives in Europe. Sorbitan esters areincluded in the FDA Inactive Ingredients guide. Polysorbates 60 and 80 are GRAS listed.Polysorbates 20 40 60 and 80 are accepted as food additives in Europe and are included inthe FDA Inactive Ingredients guide. Health and safety data and handling advice on individualproducts is provided on parate material safety data sheets available on request.Non-warrantyInformation in this leaflet is given in good faith. Croda Chemicals Ltd and its associate companies cannot assume any liability expresd orimplied in the prentation of this data nor should information contained herein be construed as granting licence to practi any methods orcompositions of matter covered by British or other patents.