UNIT 3 LIGHT and SHADOWS 第三单元光和影
第1 课光(Lesson 1 Light)
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Identify objects which give out their own light.
Identify objects which do not give out their own light.
State that light travels in straight lines.
Key words:
give out light straight line
Key ntences:
Some objects give out light. Light goes in straight line.
wtf是什么意思Which objects give out light?approach是什么意思
Fire gives out light.
Welcome back to Light up science. Science is about animals, about plants, also about light.(通过一组光的图片,引出思考:如果这个世界没了光照,会发生什么?)
Light is important for us, becau it can make the world bright. Do you want to experience darkness, a world without light? (引导同学思考光照能给人类带来光明,关掉教室的灯,拉上教室的窗帘,师生共同体验黑暗:Can you read? Can you e my face?)
(顺应上面的话题)What can make the classroom bright now? (引导学生思考什么可以让教室重新亮起来,如电灯、多媒体屏幕、蜡烛、手电筒等,因为它们会发光。Lamps, computer, candles and torch can make our classroom bright, becau they can give out light.)
Activity1: show and feel.
T: Which objects can make our classroom bright again?
S: Lamps.
T: Let’s try. Clo your eyes (turn on the lights). Is our classroom bright now?
两会 英文1、Activity 2:Obrve and identify.
Which objects give out light, tick it!引导学生观察Activity 1(活动1)中的图片,允许讨论,然后判断哪些物体会发光;教学过程中可适当暗示孩子,哪些物体能照亮教室,即可由此判断该物体能否发光。
2、Activity 3:Obrve and discuss.
全国四六级成绩查询Good job. Does the moon give out light? 学习了如何感性直观辨别光源后,通过观看月亮发光原理的视频引导学生思考有些物体能反光,但自身并不会发光,如镜子、月亮等。
T: Let’s list more objects which give out light.
S: The sun, moon, the…
T: Yeah, the sun gives out light. But actually, if there is no sun, the moon doesn’t give out light. Let’s e a video about how moon gives out light.
3、Activity3:Draw and discuss.
区分光源和光的反射现象后,分小组在调查表格上绘制能发光的物体,然后由小组成员运用句型The… gives out light.对光源进行表达输出。
4、Activity4: Obrve and try to understand how light travels.
How light travels? Let’s e a video.教师带领学生观看科普视频,直观上了解光沿直线传播的规律。
T: Now know light travels in straight line.
5、Activity5: Do and identify.
T: Light goes in straight line. Let’s try to explore.
T:Can you e the apple when the tube is bend?
Ss: Yes.
T: Can you e the apple when the tube is straight?
Ss: No.
T: Becau light goes in straight line, we can’t e the apple when the tube is bend.
6、Activity6:完成课本Activity 2, 引导学生结合课本活动5(Activity5)的实验进行判断(tick)。
Today we have learned something about light and how the light travels. Let’s try to review together.
T: Some objects give out light. Light travels in straight way.
(六) 作业布置:
1. 观察周围会发光的物体,完成任务单;
2. 仿照课本活动2(Activity2)完成实验;
3. 选做:画一幅影子画。
第2课影(1)(Lesson 2Shadow<1>)
By the end of this lesson,students will be able to:
Describe shadow as a place where the light has been stopped.
Relate the direction of a shadow to the direction of the source of light.
Key words:
move shadow
Key ntences:
I can make shadow. When the light moves, the shadow moves too.
Welcome back to Light Up Science.We know from last class that some objects give out light. Light make our classroom bright. However, where there is the light, there is the shadow.(出示单元主题图,引导学生注意观察图中的影子)
T: Dear children, have you ever paid attention to your own shadow?
Where can you e shadows?
T:If we want to make shadows, light is needed, and one object is needed too. Activity 1: 教师提供手电筒、台灯、蜡烛等光源,各小组两名学生代表选择遮挡物和光源,亲自演示影子的形成过程。
1、Activity 1:Obrve and discuss.
Can you make shadows change direction? 播放影子视频,引起学生兴趣,观察视频中影子的方向在变化。
T:When light moves, shadows move.
2、Activity2:Do and draw.
(1)Plea make the shadows change direction by yourlfand try to draw your
finding. 教师给各学生小组提供一把手电筒,一块外形不一样的积木,由学生自行尝试移动光源,在任务单上绘制不同方向(前、后、左、右、上)的影像。
(2)完成课本活动1 (Activity 1)Draw the shadows for the doll.
T: Dear children, where are the shadows?
S: ...
T: Yeah, the shadows are clo to the blocks.
5172补充:教师提出问题If there are two torches, what will happen?引起学生对影子交叠现象的关注和思考。
4、Activity4: Sing the shadow song.
Teacher sings the song in the tune of OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM by pointing to the sun and the shadow. TPR四步学习。
5、Activity5: Discuss u of shadows.
Today we know that how to make shadow by ourlves. When the light moves, the shadow moves too.
(六) 作业布置:
1. 仿照课本活动1(Activity 1)做光影实验;
2. 和家长一起玩手影游戏,并录制视频。