Chapter 1 Introduction 导言 (1)
1.1What Is Economics?经济学是什么? (1)
1.2The Production Possibility Frontier生产可能性边界 (4)
Chapter 2 Demand and Supply 供给与需求 (5)
2.1 Demand 需求 (5)
2.2 Supply 供给 (6)
2.3 Equilibrium 均衡 (7)
Chapter 3Elasticity弹性 (9)
3.1 Elasticity of Demand 需求弹性 (9)
3.2 Elasticity of Supply 供给弹性 (11)
3.3 Application of Elasticity 弹性的应用 (11)
Chapter 4 Consumer Choices 消费者选择 (12)
4.1 Utility Theory 效用理论 (12)
4.2 Indifference Curve Analysis 无差异曲线分析 (13)
Chapter 5 Production Theory 生产理论 (14)
5.1 Production in Short Run and Long Run 短期和长期生产 (14)
5.2 Business Organization 生产组织 (15)
Chapter 6 Cost Analysis 成本分析 (17)
6.1 Cost Analysis in Short Run 短期成本分析 (17)
6.2 Cost Analysis in Long Run 长期成本分析 (18)
Chapter 7 The Date of Macroeconomics 宏观经济数据 (20)
7.1 Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 (20)
7.2 Price Level 价格水平 (21)
Chapter 8 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 总需求和总供给 (23)
8.1 Aggregate Demand 总需求 (23)
vegas8.2 Aggregate Supply 总供给 (23)
8.3 Macroeconomic Equilibrium 宏观经济均衡 (24)
Chapter 9 Saving and Investment 储蓄与投资 (25)
9.1 Saving 储蓄 (25)
the rock9.2 Investment 投资 (25)
Chapter 10 Fiscal Policy 财政政策 (26)
10.1 Aggregate Production and Expenditures 总产出和总支出 (26)
10.2 Multiplier 乘数 (27)
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10.3 Fiscal Policy 财政政策 (27)
Chapter 11 Money and Finance 货币与金融 (29)
11.1 Money 货币 (29)
11.2 Finance Market 金融市场 (29)
11.3 Financial Intermediaries Market 金融中介市场 (30)
Chapter 12 Money Policy 货币政策 (31)
12.1 The Federal Rerve System 联邦储备体系 (31)
12.2 Money Market 货币市场 (31)
Chapter 13 International Trade 国际贸易 (33)
Chapter 14International Finance国际金融 (35)
References 参考文献 (36)
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Chapter 1Introduction导言
Why economics is important? Economics arms us with a very powerful t of conceptual and problem solving tools. When you learn economics, you will learn a skill that will help you enormously in both your personal and professional life.
1.1What Is Economics?经济学是什么?
Definition of Economics经济学的定义
The word economy comes from a Greek word for “one who manages a houhold.” What is economics? Economics is the study of how societies choo to u scarce productive resources that have alternative us, to produce commodities of various kinds, and to distribute them among different groups. We study economics to understand not only the world we live in but also the many potential worlds that reformers are constantly proposing to us.
经济一词来源于希腊语,意思是“管理家庭的人”。什么是经济学?经济学是研究社会如何进行选择,以利用具有多种用途的、稀缺的生产资源来生产各种商品和服务,并将它们在不同的人群中间进行分配的学科。我们研究经济学不仅旨在理解我们生活于其间的现实世界,而且旨在理解那些改革者们不断倡导的拥有许多可能性的世界。Microeconomics and Macroeconomics微观经济学和宏观经济学
The word micro means small, and microeconomics focus on the behavior of individual markets and the smaller individual units. The word macro means big or large, and macroeconomics is the study of the effects on the national and global economy of the choices that individuals, business, and governments make.
Positive and Normative S tatements实证表述与规范表述
Positive statements are statements that describe the world as it is. It is called descriptive analysis. For example, an increa in the minimum wage will cau a decrea in employment among the least-skilled. Higher federal budget deficits will cau interest rates to increa.
Normative statements are statements about how the world should be. It is called prescriptive analysis. For example, the income gains from a higher minimum wage are worth more than any
slight reductions in employment. State governments should be allowed to collect from tobacco companies the costs of treating smoking related illness among the poor.
Ceteris Paribus, the Post Hoc Fallacy, and the Fallacy of Composition其他因素不变,后此谬误与合成谬误
Ceteris paribus or “other things being equal” is the logic that econom ists try to isolate cau and effect relationship by changing only one variable at a time, and hold all other relevant factors unchanged.
The post hoc fallacy means “after this, therefore becau of this”。The error of reasoning is that a first event caus a cond event becau the first occurs before the cond.
The fallacy of composition is the fal statement that what is true for the parts is true for the whole or what is true for the whole is true for the parts.新概念英语第二册听力下载
Market, Common, and Mixed Economy市场经济,指令经济与混合经济
A market economy is an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and houholds as they interact in markets for goods and rvices. Houholds decide what to buy and who to work for. Firms decide who to hire and what to produce.
Common economy is that the government makes all the important decisions about production and distribution. The government owns most of the means of production (land and capital). It also owns and directs the operations of enterpris in most industries. It is the employer of most workers and tells them how to do their jobs.
Mixed economy us both market and non-market signals to allocate goods and resources. All socie
ties have different combinations of command and market; all societies are mixed economies.
Invisible Hand看不见的手hospitalize
In the wealth of nations, Smith identified the remarkable efficiency properties of perfectly competitive markets. Using his now famous “invisible hand” analogy, Smith argued that the lf-interested actions of individuals actually guide market outcomes to yield great economic benefits for the broader society.
Becau houholds and firms look at prices when deciding what to buy and ll, they unknowingly take into account the social costs of their actions. As a result, prices guide decision makers to reach outcomes that tend to maximize the welfare of society as a whole. Adam S mith’s keen insights provi
de an important foundation for many discussions in our study of microeconomics.
However, few ctors of the economy fulfill Adam S mith’s vision of a perfectly competitive marketplace delivering goods and rvices at lowest price and highest quality.
Market and Government Failure市场失灵与政府失灵
Market failure occurs when the market fails to allocate resources efficiently. Market failure may be caud by an externality, which is the impact of one person or firm’s actions on the well-being of a bystander. Examples include air and water pollution. Market failure may be caud by market power, which is the ability of a single person or firm to unduly influence market prices. When the market fails, government can intervene to promote efficiency and equity.
Government failure is government intervention that fails to improve economic outcomes. There is no guarantee that the visible hand of government will be any cleaner than the invisible hand of the marketplace. Government intervention might not only worn the mix of output but even reduce the total amount of output through over-regulation.