Vulnerability and Interdependency of Critical Infrastructure A review

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Abstract—As infrastructures play an key role in the normal operation of economy and society, more and more concerns are given to all aspects of the infrastructures, including construction process, investment and fund-raising affairs, protection issues and so on. Nevertheless, critical infrastructure is of the first rank, it compris of some fundamental infrastructures for daily production and living, so the vulnerability and interdependency of critical infrastructure systems (CIS) is a hot issue for exploration. This paper prents a comprehensive review of rearch literature on vulnerabilities and interdependencies of CISs from two aspects: (1) Interdependency identification and modeling; (2) Vulnerability identification and asssment. And the further rearch opportunities are considered.
HE American Presidential directive PDD-63 was issued in May 1998 on the subject of Critical infrastructure protection, which is a pioneering step to consider the matter from the national point of view. Then it made an adjustment in 2003 as broadening the definition of infrastructure, so did the European in 2006[1]. Since then, the controversies have been focud on the definition and range of the critical infrastructures. But among the controversies, there is a connsus that the critical infrastructures mainly include PowerStation, water supply, telecommunication, energy supply, municipal rvices, transportation and so on, which can po profound effect on the national economic
development and social stability. Furthermore, while we live in a more complicated and changeable world than before, interconnections and vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure have become more important than ever. Especially, 9/11 attacks happened in America in 2001 not only evokes all the countries in the world to introduce anti-terrorism legislation and put more effort to prevent terrorism attacks, but also rous more countries and experts to concern critical infrastructure protection from attacks and other disasters for the CIS’ s vital function to the society and economy.
From then on, more and more rearchers treat the critical infrastructures as one of the most important subjects for Manuscript received July 6, 2010. This work was supported in part by the Rearch Grants Council of Ministry of  Education of the People’s Republic of China [Project no. 20093514120010], and the Natural Science Rearch Grants council of Department of Science and Technology in Fujian Province, China [Project no. 2009J05158].
LI Xiao-Juan. Author is with the Department of Management Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University,  Fuzhou, China (e-mail: lxjhoo@ ).
Huang Li-Zhen. Author is with the Department of Management Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University,  Fuzhou, China (e-mail: lzshfz@ ) studies. In August 2003, the people in Northea
stern United States and Southern Canada suffered an extensive power outage for up to 29 hours, and so did the people in central Switzerland in June 2005 as a result of the short circuit of power transmission network[2][3], which led to vere economic loss and disrupted the normal functioning of society and even induced a ries of potential pitfalls. This attracts great attention from domestic and foreign scholars. As to China, we are in a stage of rapid development, supposing we are faced with a similar situation, our economy
is likely to be paralyzed. As is well known, China’s electricity consumption increas sharply year by year, along with the overload risk to power facilities. And in July 2007, North China Power Grid, Northwest Power Grid having  been through the Henan Power Grid associated with Central China Power Grid as one synchronous AC power network for better power rvice, which make large-scale blackouts possible, not to mention other critical infrastructures. For this reason, some of China’s rearchers also commit themlves to study the field, like how to reprent the vulnerability quantitatively and qualitatively, and how to measure and asss the interdependency between subsystems of critical infrastructures and their elements as a way to protect the CIS, but mainly on power infrastructures.
be the interconnections
or interrelations between subsystems or CISs. From a systematic view, critical infrastructures are becoming more and more complicated due to technological innovation and high-tech network evolution, in order to satisfy high living standard and more functional requirements, which brings about higher interdependencies than ever within a system and between systems. Tho interconnections exist not only among the internal components of  a CIS but also among CISs from different perspectives. Rinaldi et al. (2001)[4] classified the interdepency between CISs into four categories: (1)physical, (2)cyber, (3)geographic, (4)logical. And Dudenhoeffer et al. (2006)[5] adopted the similar classification as: (1)physical, (2)informational, (3)geospatial, (4)policy/procedural, (5)social as a totally new one. Then De Procellinis et al. (2009)[6] employed the Rinaldi’s assortment with the social interrelation as the fifth category. As to a critical infrastructure, its components are physically linked with each other for integrated function, and the CISs are physically interrelated when one’s operation or production
Vulnerability and Interdependency of Critical Infrastructure: Abadboy什么意思
LI Xiao-Juan, Huang Li-Zhen, Department of Management Science and Engineering, Fuzhou
process depends on other’s material outputs. Cyber interdependency exists if the CISs have the demond of information transmission, information sharing or other forms of internet connection. The computerization and automation of critical infrastructures have led to pervasive cyber interdependencies. If the CISs are in geographic proximity and suffered from the same disasters or other social events simultaneously, they are geographically interdependent which sometimes also implies that they are physically interconnected. If the CISs are affected by policies, social culture, terrorist attacks or so, they are logical or social interrelated. Among the five kinds of interdependencies, physical and cyber interdependencies are two major interconnections among CISs.
Vulnerability is generated by the emergent complexity and connectivity of multi-component systems[7]. Studies have also proved that interdependency and vulnerability is clod interrelated. The higher interdependent between the CI systems it is, the more vulnerable as the CI systems are.
Vulnerability is widely applied to environmental, ecological, systems engineering, disaster fields, it describes their vulnerability to impact and damage,  and the lack of resistance to disturbances and the ability to return to their initial state. Blaikie (1994), Buckle (2000), Gheorghe (2001), Nilsson (2002) had the similar definitions too, all of them emphasized susceptivity and recovery to a degree after damage as two characteristics of vulnerability[8]. And Ding Daoqi (2004)[9], Xiao Zhenyu (2008)[10] particularly defined vulnerabilities in power and financial industries from systematic point, Ding Daoqi stresd the vulnerabilities are the inherent weakness or defects within a system, and their nsitivity to particular threat or danger incident, while Xiao Zhenyu pointed out that a small disturbance may make a system a sudden collap as to its increasing scale and more complex relationships between subsystems, like “Butterfly Effect”. On the other hand, a large number of originally decentralized systems are linked through the network, resulting in higher vulnerability of the systems. Therefore, identifying and modeling the interdependencies and measuring the vulnerabilities of CISs are very important.
III.INTERDEPENDENCY IDENTIFICATION AND MODELING Vulnerability is caud by interdependencies, for better understanding and analyzing vulnerabilities, we need to identify the interdependencies between CISs. In recent years, a great effort has been committed to study the ab
ove mentioned interdependencies. Yong Ge et al. (2010)[11] developed the GeoPetri Net system by incorporating the Petri net in a geographical information system to reveal the geographical interconnections between CI systems, but its feasibility might be limited some degree when other forms of interdependencies are considered. McNally et al. (2007)[12] propod a way to learn the functional and geographic interdependencies diagrammatically and geographically through the looly coupled system of GIS and an ontology-bad information system, both intr-domain and cross-domain interdependencies within CIs. It throws light on visualizing the interdependencies technologically, and GIS is
a more general method for studying geographical interdependencies. Jonas Johansson and Henrik Hasl (2010)[13] also put forward a model by combining functional model into network theory, aimed to capture both functional and geographic interdependencies as McNally et al. did, and tested in a fictional electrified railway network. All of them only took functional  and geographical interdependencies into account without considering social or cyber interrelations. Chang et al. (2007)[14] taking social impact into cinsideration, analyzed the interdependencies when investigating infrastructure failures caud by disasters. Still none of them study the interdependencies comprehensively. In virtue of the advent of computerization and network era, more and more CISs ar
e cloly interrelated nowadays, which increas the probability of cyber interdependencies, making the CISs more susceptible to disasters, attacks or defects within the CIS or between CISs. H.M. et al. (2005)[15] mainly focud on the cyber interdependencies between infrastructures, and rearched to model and simulate it, then designed information sharing mechanism to keep their cyber interdependencies  from being threatened, however, no specific framework model had been proprod. In addition, some rearchers take effort to explore ways for better describing interdependencies. The main interdependency models are as follows: (1) Dynamic Simulations-Bassiouni et al. (2002)[16] from a different point of view, adopted advanced temporal databa management systems to model and analyze the temporal failure and degradation behavior of CISs;  And  Chakrabarty  M. et al. (2004)[17] developed a visual and mathematical model in order to monitor and manage the interdependent critical infrastructures; S. Sultana and Z. Chen (2009)[18] prented a kind of integrated model for simulating the vulnerability of a network of hydroelectricity generating infrastructures bad on the fragility curves development, flood frequency analysis, petri net development with extended stochastic analysis and Markov Chain generation and its extended analysis, when the hydroelectricity generating infrastructures are subjected to floods, it specially models the flood induced infrastructure interdependency and can be applied to other disasters induced interdependencies’ modeling. (2) Economic Input-Output Models-Ping Chen (2006)[19] prop
od methods to asss the critical infrastructure system interdependency bad on the economic input-output model and its extension. (3) CN and OOM model-Ouyang et al. (2009)[20] brought forward a Complex Network theory bad topology-driven method to comprehensively analyze the vulnerability between interdependent infrastructures, and Complex Network theory (CN) is one of the best known approaches for performing interdependency analysis. Nevertheless, the approach can only model the certain topology structure of interdependencies, while  it can do nothing on uncertain characteristics and behaviors of studied CISs like social or human factors. Hence, Object-Oriented Modeling (OOM) has
emerged as a method  to make up for CN’s defects. But OOM is bad on obtaining thorough knowledge of studied systems and model development is difficult and time-consuming[3]. So, hierarchical models and decomposition are another two new methods under study. Baiardi et al (2009)[21] prented a quence of hierarchical models in risk management to detail the components in the CI system. And Cen Nan and Irene Eusgeld (2010)[3] considered to adopt High Level Architecture (HLA) standard to study interdependencies by decomposing the type of all-inclusive simulator into multiple domain-specific simulators and combining them in a distributed simulation environment, and communicating through network connection. But the communication infrastructure itlf is still vulnerable when completely interconnected.
IV.V ULNERABILITY IDENTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT learning various interdependencies within or between CISs, an help to understand vulnerabilities and build up a number of models or simulations to identify, measure them. Apostolakis and Lemon (2005)[22] ud Multi-Attribute Utility (MAUT) for identification and Prioritization of vulnerabilities within a CIS, and Ezell (2007)[23] employed the same method to study the vulnerability of a medium-sized clean water system. Gerald Brown et al. (2006)[24] from the perspective of counter-terrorism, adopted new bi-level and tri-level optimization models to identify vulnerabilities in order to implement an optimal defen, while Tomas Hellstrom (2006)[25] showed an analytical planning framework for learning vulnerability in multi-aspect points as taking the technological change into account, and Cao et al. (2006)[26] partly analyzed the vulnerability when the CI ctors transform their traditional  phone systems into VOIP system. The vulnerability identification is a way to improve the critical infrastructures’ curity, yet evaluating the vulnerabilities between the CISs is another rearch domain, and diver approaches have been employed. Some of them try to study  ways to quantify vulnerabilities while others attempt to t up a criteria or evaluation system to measure vulnerabilities. LI Jianfeng et al. (2006)[27] adopted quantitative risk analysis to evaluate the risks and learned the vulnerability by analysis. Theoharidou M et al. (2006)[28] firstly defined the inter-dependent infrastructures, then integrated the existing curity plans and risk asssments to t three different layers of curity asssments
as to apply it in the critical infrastructures protection. They all try to measure vulnerabilities from the point of risk management. But there are also some special asssment models developed. Barry Charles Ezell (2007)[23] ud the Infrastructure Vulnerability Asssment Model (I-VAM) which is an approach requiring the subject matter experts (SMEs) to establish value functions and weights to quantify the vulnerability. and Ilker Akgun (2010)[29] propod fuzzy integrated vulnerability asssment model (FIVAM) to determine the vulnerability of such s system defending against the terrorist attack, and also provided a framework to identify the hidden vulnerability caud by the functional interdependencies within the system. But as we know, as long as they are scored by specialists,  the objectivity of the asssment methods  is questionable, which enlighten us on developing methods to eliminate subjectivity or other more objective asssment models.
Literature with regard to the vulnerability and interdependency of critical infrastructure bad on Chine situation are just emerging, most of the domestic scholars majorly explore the relationship between the critical infrastructure and the national or local economy development[30]-[32]. And Ding Daoqi (2004)[9] discusd the vulnerability of the electric power and communication systems for establishing the strategic power infrastructure defen system and infrastrusture WAMS, which just gives us an inspiration to do the empirical study. However, more experts primarily focus on vulnerabil
ity evaluation. Wang Zhen et al. (2006)[2] ud quantitative risk analysis to evaluate the terrorist attack risks in the critical infrastructure-the electric power system. The vulnerability in banking is also being concerned. Xiao Zhenyu (2008)[10] ud the method of entropy to analyze china’s banking system vulnerability, this approach overcomes  the bias brought by the subjective evaluation as traditional method does.  As we know, each critical infrastructure has its own special features and techniques in construction and operation. Therefore, we cannot  directly apply the rearch results to the specific critical infrastructures like water plant, transportation and so forth, but can make some amendments according to the types of critical infrastructures.
What’s more, the studies on the network vulnerability evaluation is a hot topic at home and abroad. Glantz et al. (2003)[33] raid a kind of approach as cyber curity lf-asssment to identify the cyber vulnerabilities for critical infrastructures protection, particularly in electric power industries. Feglar. T. et al. (2004)[34] concentrated on cyber critical infrastructures through the integration of information systems risk management and environmental risk management to protect the critical infrastructure. Li Ming et al. (2007)[35] prented the PKI (public key infrastructure) system, its vulnerability as well as the measure implemented to resolve its vulnerability. Chen Sisi et al. (2008)[36] ud the bayesian networks to quantify the  asssment of the network vulnerability. According t
o the above analysis, the study of the vulnerabilities and dependencies within and with the CISs is mainly the extension and application of the risk management methodology to the field, but ways are varied. There are also some scholars paying their attentions to the network and dynamics between the critical infrastructures. Bayrak et al. (2006)[37] designed a model which is taking human and technical performance measures into cinsideration for the critical network infrastructure asssment. Bush et al. (2005)[38] and Dauelsberg et al. (2005)[39] adopted the critical infrastructure protection Decision Support System to trace the dynamics in critical infrastructure system and among the critical infrastructure systems according to their
interdependencies. While Liu et al. (2009)[40] propod a framework for the CI vulnerability analysis in term of network theory and object-oriented modeling to capture the dynamics of CI systems. But all of them just analyze the network or the dynamics of the CI systems parately, so there is a need to combine the two  aspects together to make a comprehensive and further rearch.
In brief, literature on critical infrastructure vulnerability and interdependency can be categorized into two assortments: (1) interdependency identification and modeling; (2) vulnerability identification and
measurement. Through many studies are only applied the risk management and its relevant evaluation methods th the studies of critical infrastructure vulnerability and interdependency, but some other new approaches are also employed , like the input-output modeling, entropy theory, fuzzy interated asssment method, HLA standard,  information technology and so on. We can find out that the approaches ud are diver, but they can be summarized into one pattern, that is, firstly, we need to find out the vulnerability and interdependency of CIS, then u a kind of mehthods to quantify them ,thirdly asss them or implement correspondent measures for our further rearch. However, each step is still a massive program for other rearchers costing a lot of time and effort to improve and optimize it. For future rearch, there would be four aspects: (1) models or simulations for gaining comprehensive knowledge of interdependencies, including dynamics among the CISs; (2) tting up a standard asssment system for better evaluating the vulnerability; (3) cyber interdependency identification and vulnerability evaluation; (4) the ways or measures to avoid vulnerabilities induced disasters.
LI Xiao-Juan Author thanks Huang Li-Zhen for advices and revis.  Authors also acknowledge the anonymous referee for the constructive suggestions.
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