The complexity of decentralized control of markov decision process

更新时间:2023-07-13 21:10:25 阅读: 评论:0

Daniel S.Bernstein,Shlomo Zilberstein,and Neil Immerman Department of Computer Science
University of Massachutts
Planning for distributed agents with partial
state information is considered from a decision-
theoretic perspective.We describe generaliza-
tions of both the MDP and POMDP models
that allow for decentralized control.For even a
small number of agents,thefinite-horizon prob-
lems corresponding to both of our models are
complete for nondeterministic exponential time.
The complexity results illustrate a fundamen-
tal difference between centralized and decentral-
ized control of Markov process.In contrast to
the MDP and POMDP problems,the problems
we consider provably do not admit polynomial-
time algorithms and most likely require doubly
exponential time to solve in the worst ca.We
have thus provided mathematical evidence corre-
sponding to the intuition that decentralized plan-
ning problems cannot easily be reduced to cen-
tralized problems and solved exactly using estab-
lished techniques.
Among rearchers in artificial intelligence,there has been growing interest in problems with multiple distributed agents working to achieve a common goal(Grosz&Kraus, 1996;Lesr,1998;desJardins et al.,1999;Durfee,1999; Stone&Veloso,1999).In many of the problems,intera-gent communication is costly or impossible.For instance, consider two robots cooperating to push a box(Mataric, 1998).Communication between the robots may take time that could otherwi be spent performing physical actions. Thus,it may be suboptimal for the robots to communi-cate frequently.A planner is faced with the difficult task of deciding what each robot should do in between com-munications,when it only has access to its own nsory information.Other problems of planning for distributed agents with limited communication include maximizing the throughput of a multiple access broadcast channel(Ooi& Wornell,1996)and coordinating multiple spacecraft on a mission together(Estlin et al.,1999).We are interested in the question of whether the planning problems are computationally
harder to solve than problems that involve planning for a single agent or multiple agents with access to the exact same information.
We focus on centralized planning for distributed agents, with the Markov decision process(MDP)framework as the basis for our model of agents interacting with an envi-ronment.A partially obrvable Markov decision process (POMDP)is a generalization of an MDP in which an agent must ba its decisions on incomplete information about the state of the environment(White,1993).We extend the POMDP model to allow for multiple distributed agents to each receive local obrvations and ba their decisions on the obrvations.The state transitions and expected rewards depend on the actions of all of the agents.We call this a decentralized partially obrvable Markov de-cision process(DEC-POMDP).An interesting special ca of a DEC-POMDP satisfies the assumption that at any time step the state is uniquely determined from the current t of obrvations of the agents.This is denoted a decen-tralized Markov decision process(DEC-MDP).The MDP, POMDP,and DEC-MDP can all be viewed as special cas of the DEC-POMDP.The relationships among the models are shown in Figure1.
There has been some related work in AI.Boutilier(1999) studies multi-agent Markov decision process(MMDPs), but in this model,the agents all have access to the same in-formation.In the fra
mework we describe,this assumption is not made.Peshkin et al.(2000)u esntially the DEC-POMDP model(although they refer to it as a partially ob-rvable identical payoff stochastic game(POIPSG))and discuss algorithms for obtaining approximate solutions to the corresponding optimization problem.The models that we study also exist in the control theory literature(Ooi et al.,1997;Aicardi et al.,1987).However,the compu-tational complexity inherent in the models has not been studied.One cloly related piece of work is that of Tsit-
Figure1:The relationships among the models.
siklis and Athans(1985),in which the complexity of non-quential decentralized decision problems is studied.
We discuss the computational complexity offinding opti-mal policies for thefinite-horizon versions of the prob-lems.It is known that solving an MDP is P-complete and that solving a POMDP is PSPAC
E-complete(Papadim-itriou&Tsitsiklis,1987).We show that solving a DEC-POMDP with a constant number,,of agents is com-plete for the complexity class nondeterministic exponen-tial time(NEXP).Furthermore,solving a DEC-MDP with a constant number,,of agents is NEXP-complete. This has a few conquences.One is that the problems provably do not admit polynomial-time algorithms.This trait is not shared by the MDP problems nor the POMDP problems.Another conquence is that any algorithm for solving either problem will most likely take doubly expo-nential time in the worst ca.In contrast,the exact al-gorithms forfinite-horizon POMDPs take“only”exponen-tial time in the worst ca.Thus,our results shed light on the fundamental differences between centralized and de-centralized control of Markov decision process.We now have mathematical evidence corresponding to the intuition that decentralized planning problems are more difficult to solve than their centralized counterparts.The results can steer rearchers away from trying tofind easy reductions from the decentralized problems to centralized ones and to-ward completely different approaches.
A preci categorization of the two-agent DEC-MDP prob-lem prents an interesting mathematical challenge.The extent of our prent knowledge is that the problem is PSPACE-hard and is contained in NEXP.
2Centralized Models
A Markov decision process(MDP)models an agent acting in a stochastic environment to maximize its long-term re-ward.The type of MDP that we consider contains afinite t of states,with as the start state.For each state ,is afinite t of actions available to the agent.
is the table of transition probabilities,where
is the probability of a transition to state given that the agent performed action in the reward func-tion,where is the expected reward received by the agent given that it cho action in state.
chinanetThere are veral different ways to define“long-term re-ward”and thus veral different measures of optimality.In this paper,we focus onfinite-horizon optimality,for which the aim is to maximize the expected sum of rewards re-ceived over time steps.Formally,the agent should max-imize
where is the reward received at time step.A policy for afinite-horizon MDP is a mapping from each state and time to an action.This is called a non-stationary policy.The decision problem corresponding to afinite-horizon MDP is as follows:Given an MDP,a positive integer,and an integer,is there a policy that yields total reward at least?
An MDP can be generalized so that the agent does not nec-essarily obrve the exact state of the environment at each time step.This is called a partially obrvable Markov de-cision process(POMDP).A POMDP has a state t,a start state,a table of transition probabilities,and a reward function,just as an MDP does.Additionally,it contains afinite t of obrvations,and a table of ob-rvation probabilities,where is the probability that is obrved,given that action was taken and led to state.For each obrvation,is afinite t of actions available to the agent.A policy is now a mapping from histories of obrvations to actions in. The decision problem for a POMDP is stated in exactly the same way as for an MDP.
3Decentralized Models
A decentralized partially obrvable Markov decision pro-cess(DEC-POMDP)is a generalization of a POMDP to allow for distributed control by agents that may not be able to obrve the exact state.A DEC-POMDP contains afinite t of states,with as the start state.The transition probabilities
and expected rewards depend on the ac-tions of all afinite t of obrvations for agent,and is a table of obrvation probabilities, where is the probability that are obrved by agents respectively, given that the action tuple was taken and led to state.Each agent has a t of actions for each obrvation.Notice that this model reduces to a POMDP in the one-agent ca.
For each,let denote the t of obrvation tuples that have a nonzero chance of occurring given that the action tuple was taken and led to state.To form a decentralized Markov decision process(DEC-MDP),we add the requirement
that for each,and each
the state is uniquely determined by .In the one-agent ca,this model is esn-tially the same as an MDP.
We define a local policy,,to be a mapping from local histories of obrvations to actions.
i hate loveA joint policy,,is defined to be a tu-ple of local policies.We wish tofind a joint policy that maximizes the total expected return over thefinite hori-zon.The decision problem is stated as follows:Given a DEC-POMDP,a positive integer,and an integer, is there a joint policy that yields total reward at least? Let DEC-POMDP and DEC-MDP denote the deci-sion problems for the-agent DEC-POMDP and the-agent DEC-MDP,respectively.
4Complexity Results
deenerIt is necessary to consider only problems for which
.If we place no restrictions on,then the upper bounds do not necessarily hold.Also,we assume that each of the elements of the tables for the transition prob-abilities and expected rewards can be reprented with a constant number of bits.With the restrictions,it was shown in(Papadimitriou&Tsitsiklis,1987)that the de-cision problem for an MDP is P-complete.In the same paper,the authors showed that the decision problem for a POMDP is PSPACE-complete and thus probably does not admit a polynomial-time algorithm.We prove that for all ,DEC-POMDP is NEXP-complete,and for all
,DEC-MDP is NEXP-complete,where NEXP NTIME(Papadimitriou,1994).Since P NEXP,we can be certain that there does not exist a polynomial-time algorithm for either problem.Moreover,there probably is not even an exponential-time algorithm that solves either problem.
For our reduction,we u a problem called TILING(Pa-padimitriou,1994),which is described as follows:We are given a t of square tile types,to-gether with two relations(the horizontal and vertical compatibility relations,respectively).We are also given an integer in binary.A tiling is a function
.A tiling is consistent if and only if(a),and(b)for all
,and. The decision problem is to tell,given,,,and, whether a consistent tiling exists.It is known that TIL
ING is NEXP-complete.
Theorem1For all,DEC-POMDP is NEXP-complete.
Proof.First,we will show that the problem is in NEXP.We can guess a joint policy and write it down in exponential time.This is becau a joint policy consists of map-pings from local histories to actions,and since, all histories have length less than.A DEC-POMDP together with a joint policy can be viewed as a POMDP to-gether with a policy,where the obrvations in the POMDP correspond to the obrvation tuples in the DEC-POMDP. In exponential time,each of the exponentially many possi-ble quences of obrvations can be converted into belief states.The transition probabilities and expected rewards for the corresponding“belief MDP”can be computed in exponential time(Kaelbling et al.,1998).It is possible to u dynamic programming to determine whether the policy yields expected reward at least in this belief MDP.This takes at most exponential time.
英才教育Now we show that the problem is NEXP-hard.For sim-plicity,we consider only the two-agent ca.Clearly,the problem with more agents can be no easier.We are given an arbitrary instance of TILING.From it,we construct a DEC-POMDP such that the existence of a joint policy that yields a reward of at least zero is equivalent to the existence of a consistent tiling in the original problem.Furt
hermore, in the DEC-POMDP that is constructed.Intu-itively,a local policy in our DEC-POMDP corresponds to a mapping from tile positions to tile ,a tiling,and thus a joint policy corresponds to a pair of tilings.The pro-cess works as follows:In the position choice pha,two tile positions are randomly“chon”by the environment. Then,at the tile choice step,each agent es a different position and must u its policy to determine a tile to be placed in that position.Bad on information about where the two positions are in relation to each other,the environ-ment checks whether the tile types placed in the two posi-tions could be part of one consistent tiling.Only if the nec-essary conditions hold do the agents obtain a nonnegative reward.It turns out that the agents can obtain a nonnega-tive expected reward if and only if the conditions hold for all pairs of positions the environment can ,there exists a consistent tiling.
We now prent the construction in detail.During the posi-tion choice pha,each agent only has one action available to it,and a reward of zero is obtained at each step.The states and the transition probability matrix compri the nontrivial aspect of this pha.Recall that this pha intu-itively reprents the choosing of two tile positions.First, let the two tile positions be denoted and, where.There are steps in this pha,and each step is devoted to the choosing of one bit of one of the numbers.(We assume that is a power of two.It is straightforward to modify the proof to deal with t
he more general ca.)The order in which the bits are chon is important,and it is as follows:The bits of and are chon from least significant up to most sig-nificant,alternating between the two numbers at each step. Then and are chon in the same way.As the bits of
the numbers are being determined,information about the relationships between the numbers is being recorded in the state.How we express all of this as a Markov process is explained below.
Each state has six components,and each component rep-rents a necessary piece of information about the two tile positions being chon.We describe how each of the com-ponents changes with time.A time step in our process can be viewed as having two parts,which we refer to as the stochastic part and the deterministic part.During the stochastic part,the environment“flips a coin”to choo either the number0or the number1,each with equal prob-ability.After this choice is made,the change in each com-ponent of the state can be described by a deterministicfinite automaton that takes as input a string of0’s and1’s(the en-vironment’s coinflips).The mantics of the components, along with their associated automata,are described below: 1)Bit Chon in the Last Step
This component of the state says whether0or1was just chon by the environment.The corresponding automaton consists of only two states.
2)Number of Bits Chon So Far
This component simply counts up to,in order to determine when the position choice pha should end.Its automaton consists of states.
3)Equal Tile Positions
After the steps,this component tells us whether the two tile positions chon are equal or not.For this automa-ton,along with the following three,we need to have a no-tion of an accept state.Consider the following regular ex-pression:
Note that the DFA corresponding to the above expression, on an input of length,ends in an accept state if and only if.
4)Upper Left Tile Position
This component is ud to check whether thefirst tile posi-tion is the upper left corner of the grid.Its regular expres-sion is as follows:
The corresponding DFA,on an input of length,ends in an accept state if and only if.
5)Horizontally Adjacent Tile Positions
This component is ud to check whether thefirst tile po-sition is directly to the left of the cond one.Its regular expression is as follows:
The corresponding DFA,on an input of length,ends in an accept state if and only if.6)Vertically Adjacent Tile Positions
This component is ud to check whether thefirst tile posi-tion is directly above the cond one.Its regular expression is as follows:
The corresponding DFA,on an input of length,ends in an accept state if and only if.
So far we have described the six automata that determine how each of the six components of the state evolve bad on input(0or1)from the environment.We can take the cross product of the six automata to get a new automaton that is only polynomially bigger and describes how the entire state evolves bad on the quence of0’s and1’s chon by the environment.This automaton,along with the en-vironment’s“coinflips,”corresponds to a Markov process. The number of states of the process is polylogarithmic in, and hence polynomial in the size of the TILING instance. The start state is a tup
le of the start states of the six au-tomata.The table of transition probabilities for this process can be constructed in time polylogarithmic in.
We have described the states,actions,state transitions,and rewards for the position choice pha,and we now describe the obrvation function.In this DEC-POMDP,the obr-vations are uniquely determined from the state.For the states after which a bit of or has been chon,agent one obrves thefirst component of the state,while agent two obrves a dummy obrvation.The rever is true for the states after which a bit of or has been chon.Intu-itively,agent one“es”only,and agent two“es”only.
When the cond component of the state reaches its limit, the tile positions have been chon,and the last four com-ponents of the state contain information about the tile po-sitions and how they are related.Of cour,the exact tile positions are not recorded in the state,as this would require exponentially many states.This marks the end of the posi-tion choice pha.In the next step,which we call the tile choice step,each agent has actions available to it, corresponding to each of the tile types,.We de-note agent one’s choice and agent two’s choice.No matter which actions are chon,the state transitions de-terministically to somefinal state.The reward function for this step is the nontrivial part.After the actions are chon, the following statements are checked for validity:
If all of the are true,then a reward of0is received.Oth-erwi,a reward of-1is received.This reward function can be computed from the TILING instance in polynomial
time.To complete the construction,the horizon is t to(exactly the number of steps it takes the process to reach the tile choice step,and fewer than the number of states).
Now we argue that the expected reward is zero if and only if there exists a consistent tiling.First,suppo a consis-tent tiling exists.This tiling corresponds to a local policy for an agent.If each of the two agents follows this policy, then no matter which two positions are chon by the en-vironment,the agents choo tile types for tho positions so that the conditions checked at the end evaluate to true. Thus,no matter what quence of0’s and1’s the environ-ment choos,the agents receive a reward of zero.Hence, the expected reward for the agents is zero.
For the conver,suppo the expected reward is zero. Then the reward is zero no matter what quence of0’s and1’s the environment ,no matter which two tile positions are chon.This implies that the four condi-tions mentioned above are satisfied for any two tile posi-tions that are chon.Thefirst condition ensures that for all pairs of tile positions,if the positions are equal,then the tile types chon are the same.This implies that the two agents’tilings are exactly the same.The last three condi-tions ensure that this tiling is consistent.
Theorem2For all,DEC-MDP is NEXP-complete.
Proof.(Sketch)Inclusion in NEXP follows from the fact that a DEC-MDP is a special ca of a DEC-POMDP.For NEXP-hardness,we can reduce a DEC-POMDP with two agents to a DEC-MDP with three agents.We simply add a third agent to the DEC-POMDP and impo the following requirement:The state is uniquely determined by just the third agent’s obrvation,but the third agent always has just one action and cannot affect the state transitions or rewards received.It is clear that the new problem qualifies as a DEC-MDP and is esntially the same as the original DEC-POMDP.
The reduction described above can also be ud to con-struct a two-agent DEC-MDP from a POMDP and hence show that DEC-MDP is PSPACE-hard.However,this technique is not powerful en
ough to prove the NEXP-hardness of the problem.In fact,the question of whether DEC-MDP is NEXP-hard remains open.Note that in the reduction in the proof of Theorem1,the obrva-tion function is such that there are some parts of the state that are hidden from both agents.This needs to some-how be avoided in order to reduce to a two-agent DEC-MDP.A simpler task may actually be to derive a better up-per bound for the problem.For example,it may be pos-sible that DEC-MDP co-NEXP,where co-NEXP
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