dick什么意思Phosphorus Efficiency and Root Exudates in Two Contrasting Tropical Maize Varieties 期刊名称: Journal of Plant Nutrition
作者: Isabel,Corrales,Montrrat,Amenós,Charlotte,Poschenrieder,Juan,Barceló作者机构: Lab
ordinaryday年份: 2007年multiply翻译
期号: 第6期wison
burma关键词: acid phosphata;citric acid;maize;phosphorus efficiency;root
compactdiscexudate;Zea maysazbil
摘要:Potential evapotranspiration (PET) is a climatic variable which reprents the "water demand of the atmosphere". In Sri Lanka, PET values approximated to the nearest point obrvation of Pan evaporation are ud for agricultural planning such as estimation of crop water requirement, irrigation scheduling etc. Hence planners are hindered with lack of reasonable approximations of PET values for their respective irrigation schemes, which lead to inaccurate planning, resulting in low water productivit
y.Therefore, a study was carried out to identify the spatial and temporal variability of PET over the Island in order to facilitate their usage in agricultural planning. Daily Pan evaporation values collected during the period 1970-2003 for 49 locations within the Island were ud for the study. Pan evaporation values were converted