人教版高中英语第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction教学设计

更新时间:2023-07-13 16:41:27 阅读: 评论:0

人教版高中英语第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction教学设计
本单元阅读文本是美国著名科幻小说家艾萨克·阿西莫夫的同名科幻小说《包君满意》(Satisfaction Guaranteed)的改编版本节选。小说采用顺序的叙述方式,通过女主人公克莱尔的视角,讲述了家用机器人托尼在她家进行使用试验期间发生的故事。托尼由克莱尔丈夫拉里的公司制造,在他被送到克莱尔家之前,克莱尔对此有轻微的抵触情绪。因为拉里要出差,只有她和托尼相处生活于同一屋檐下,她觉得有所不便。但是最后她被拉里说服,表示同意。当见到托尼时,她被他英俊的仿真外型震惊了。随着故事的发展,因为托尼的细心、贴心,克莱尔从尴尬拒绝,到习惯接受,再到依赖信任。克莱尔敏感、脆弱、自卑,觉得自己不如当地名媛格拉迪斯·克拉芬托尼漂亮,也不是一个能干的女主人,不能助力丈夫拉里实现社会阶层的跨越。于是,托尼帮助克莱尔改变妆容、改善家居,提升她的魅力值,增加房子的美观度,增强她的自信力。故事的结局,因为克莱尔爱上了托尼,所以托尼需要被送回公司改造。机器人不能让人类爱上自己,否则就是在情感上伤害到了人类,这标志着试验的失败。小说聚焦艾萨克·阿西莫夫所提出的机器人三大行为定律中的第一条定律,即机器
1. 通过了解背景知识、预测和速读,导入主题情境,分析文本体裁,理解故事主要内容,厘清人物关系,培养整体阅读能力。 
2. 通过自主阅读,明确克莱尔的情绪链。运用比较和对比的阅读策略,剖析托尼特征形象,提升分析思维能力。 
3. 通过思考、分析、讨论,切换人物视角,思考辨析,为预测后续情节和深入探究主题作好铺垫,提高阅读逻辑思维能力和思辨能力。 
Activity 1: Getting into the topic about AI and robots 
1.Talk about AI and robots. 
雅思听力特训The teacher draws students’ attention to AI and robots. 
Q1: What does AI stand for? 
S: AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. 
Q2: When it comes to AI, or Artificial Intelligence, what do you usually think of? 
S: Robots. 
Q3: What roles do robots play in our life? 
Q4: How are robots similar to humans? 
Q5: How are robots different from humans? 
Answers vary. 
Students air their views. The teacher provides feedback or make comments if necessary. 
negro的意思2.Activate and supply the background knowledge about American writer Isaac Asimov. 
Students share their knowledge about Isaac Asimov and the teacher introduces some background information as well. 
Q1: Have you ever read novels written by Isaac Asimov, a master of science fiction? 
Q2: What impress you the most about Isaac Asimov’s works? 
S1: He wrote about robots. 
S2: His works focus on exploring the relationship between robots and humans. durham
S3: He developed three laws for robots. 
[设计意图]通过谈论“人工智能”,直接进入主题情境,激活学生的认知图式,引导学生运用比较和对比的策略,思考机器人和人类的异同点,为探究人类和机器人的关系做好铺垫。了解关于美国著名科幻小说家艾塞克·阿西莫夫的背景知识,激发阅读期待,增强阅读兴趣。 stop的用法
Activity 2: Outlining the story and clarifying the relationships among characters 
1. Skim the title and predict the plot. 
The teacher asks students to skim the title, view the photo and make possible guess about the story. 
acquire怎么读Q1: How do you understand the word “adapted” in the title? 
S: Rewritten. 
T: It was originally written by Isaac Asimov, a photo of whom is shown with the passage. 
Q2: What is the story entitled Satisfaction Guaranteed probably about? 
S1: It is probably about a product which makes its urs feel satisfied. 
S2: Maybe it is about a ller who promis to make his buyers satisfied. 
S3: Since it was originally written by Asimov, it might be about a robot which guarantees
英语学习培训班哪个好a satisfactory ur experience. 
compare2. Scan the passage, check the predictions and understand the story. 
Students go through the passage, focusing on the outline of the story and the relationships among characters. 
Q1: Who are the main characters of the story? 
S: Claire, Tony, Larry, Gladys Claffern. 
Q2: What are the relationships among the characters? 
S: Claire and Larry are wife and husband. Tony is a houhold robot tested out by Claire. Gladys is a wealthy and beautiful lady whom Claire envies. 

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