HFE - MM Inventory Control Roles HFE - MM Master Data
MIGO Good Receipt ME11Create Info Record
MB1A Goods Issue ME12Change Info Record MB1B Stock Transfer ME01Create Source List
MB21Create Rervation MM02Change Material Master MB22Change Rervation XK01Create Vendor Master MB26Picking List XK02Change Vendor Master
ME14Change Info Record MB31GR for production order ME04Change Source List MB1C Other GR MK01Create Vendor Master MB04Subcontracting subquent adjustment MK02Change Vendor Master MB02Material document change text MK04Change Vendor Master MB03Material document display MK05Block Vendor
MBSL Material document copy MK06Delete vendor
MBST Material document cancel/rever XK04Change Vendor Master MB90Material document print out XK05Block Vendor
MB23Rervation display ME1P Order price history
MB5L List of stock values ME1E Quotation Price history MB51Material document list ME06Source list analysis
MR51Accounting document for material ME07Delete source list MBSM Cancelled material documents MEk1Condition creation MBGR Reason for movements MEK2Condition change MMBE Stock overview MN04PO Message create MD04Stock/requirement list MN05PO Message change MB53Plant stock availability
服装设计与工艺CO09Availability overview
MB52Warehou Stock
MB5B Stock for posting date
MB5T Stock in Transit
MBBS Valuated special stock
MBLB stock with subcontractor
MB5S List of GR/IR balance
MB54consignment stock
MRKO Liability of consignment
周到CKME Relea planned prices
CKMPRPN Maintain future prices
MR21Change material prices
MRN0Market prices
HFE - MM Purchasing HFE - Shipping Roles
ME21N Create Purcha Order VL10B Create Outbound Delivery - PO
ME22N Change Purcha Order VL06O Monitor Outbound delivery
MD14Convert Plan Order to PR MB52Display Stock on-hand
MD15Convert Plan Order to PR - CollectiveVL02N Change Outbound delivery
ME29N Relea PO VL01N Create Outbound delivery - single item ME28Relea PO VT01N Create shipment - single item
VL31N Create Inbound Delivery VT04 Create shipment - collective
VL32N Change Inbound Delivery VL09Rever PGI
ME51N Create PR VF01Create Billing
ME52N Change PR VF02Change Billingorigami
ME54N Relea PR VF21Create Invoice List
ME55Relea PR - Collective VF21Change Invoice List
ME31K Create Contract
gregateME32K Change Contract
ME35K Relea Contract
ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement
ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement
ME35L Relea Scheduling Agreement
ME38Maintain Scheduling Agreement Sch. Line
ME41Create RFQ
ME42Change RFQ
ME45Relea RFQ
ME47Maintain Quotation
ME49Quotation Price Comparison
MEMASSRQ PR Mass maintenancefubu
ME56Assign resouce to PR
ME57Assign and process
ME58Convert assigned PR to PO
MEMASSPO PO Mass maintenance
ME80FN PO general analysis
ME81N PO value analysis
ME20SC stock
ME2V Expected good receipt
HFE - MM Adjustment HFE - MM MRP RUN HFE - MM Info. System
MD01MRP Run - total planning MCE1 MB04Subcontracting subquent adjustm
MI07Post Inventory Difference MD03MRP Run - single item, single-level MCE3
MR21Material Price Change MD20Planning File entry MCE5
MR22Material Debit/Credit MCE7
elivery - single item MCBA
HFE - MM Info. System HFE - MM Invoice Processing HFE - MM Stock Take PIS standard analysis - by purchasing group M IRO Enter invoice MI01
PIS standard analysis - by vendor MIR4Display invoice document MI02
PIS standard analysis - by material group MR8M Cancel invoice MI03
PIS standard analysis - by material MRBR Relea blocked invoice MI11
inventory controlling standard analysis - by pl MIR6Invoice overview MI21
inventory controlling standard analysis - by S MRKO consignment ttlement MI04
inventory controlling standard analysis - by Material MI05
Usage ABC analysis MI06
Requirement ABC analysis MI07
inventory turnover MI20
Slow-moving items MI22
Current stock value MI23
Average stock value MIDO
Dead stock MI24
Usage value MI12
Requirement value MI31
HFE - MM Stock Take
Create Physical inventory document
change physical inventory document
Display physical inventory document
Print physical inventory documentenke
Enter inventory count
change inventory count
display inventory count
Post differences
Differences list
Physical inventory doc. List
Physical inventory data List
Physical inventory overview
Physical inventory list
Display changes of phy. Inventory doc.
create phy. Inventory. Doc. Using ssion
Session:block material
Session:block book inventory balance
Session:post differences