
更新时间:2023-07-13 03:04:28 阅读: 评论:0

双语稿 | 我是同性恋,孩子该叫我爸爸,还是妈妈?
LB Hannahs坦诚地分享了作为一个同性恋个体的育儿经验,以及她可以教会我们什么是真实性和倡导。真实性并不意味着舒适。它意味着管理和协商日常生活中的不舒适。
So the other morning I went to the grocerystore and an employee greeted me with a "Good morning, sir, canI help you with anything?"I said, "No, thanks, I'mgood." The person smiled and we went our parate ways. Igrabbed Cheerios and I left the grocery store. And I went through thedrive-through of a local coffee shop. 
线上英语一天早上,我走进一家杂货店 店员跟我打招呼:早上好,先生,有什么可以帮您?我说,不用了,谢谢。他冲我笑了笑,然后我们就分开了。我拿了一盒麦片,离开了杂货店。会计信息系统 
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After I placed my order, the voiceon the other end said, "Thank you, ma'am. Drive rightaround." Now, in the span of less than an hour, I was understoodboth as a "sir" and as a "ma'am." But for me, neitherof the people are wrong, but they're also not completely right.         
然后我去了一家本地汽车穿梭咖啡厅。下单之后,另一头的声音说,谢谢您,女士。请开到另一边。人教网网址在不到一个小时内, 我被人同时认作了先生三星i908e广告”女士。对我而言,他们都没错,但是也不全对。
This cute little human is myalmost-two-year-old Elliot. Yeah, alright. And over the past twoyears, this kid has forced me to rethink the world and how Iparticipate in it. I identify as transgender and as a parent, that makesme a transparent.  As you can e, I took this year's themesuper literal. 
这个可爱的小家伙是我的埃利奥特,差不多2岁。是的,可爱吧。在过去的2年里,这个小家伙让我重新思考世界和如何生活。我既是跨性别人,也是父亲,所以我是夸父。如您所见,我这一年 比夸父还累。
Like any good dad joke should. Morespecifically, I identify as genderqueer. And there are lots of ways toexperience being genderqueer, but for me that means I don't reallyidentify as a man or a woman. I feel in between and sometimes outside of this gender binary. 
And being outside of this gender binary means that sometimes I get "sired" and "ma'amed" in the spanof less than an hour when I'm out doing everyday things like gettingCheerios. But this in between lane is where I'm mostcomfortable. This space where I can be both a sir and a ma'am feelsthe most right and the most authentic. But it doesn't mean that theinteractions aren't uncomfortable. 
Trust me, the discomfort can range fromminor annoyance to feeling physically unsafe. Like the time at a barin collegewhen a bouncer physically removed me by the back of the neck andthrew me out of a woman's restroom. But for me, authenticity doesn't mean"comfortable." 
It means managing and negotiating the discomfortof everyday life, even at times when it's unsafe. And it wasn't untilmy experience as a trans person collided with my new identity as aparent that I understood the depth of my vulnerabilitiesand how they arepreventing me from being my most authentic lf.
Now, for most people, what their child willcall them is not something that they give much thought to outside ofculturally specific wordsor variations on a gendered theme like"mama," "mommy," or "daddy,""papa." 
But for me, the possibility is what this child, whowill grow to be a teenager and then a real-life adult, will call me forthe rest of our lives, was both extremely scary and exciting. And Ispent nine months wrestling with the reality that being called"mama" or something like it didn't feel like me at all. 

本文发布于:2023-07-13 03:04:28,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:性别   意味着   思考   真实性   酷儿   孩子   女士
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