Review on Legacy
Ⅰperilso yesterday. Plot
The plot of this story can be divided into three parts. At the initiation, the hero finds a brooch which his wife had left for her cretary. By describing sorts of things after her death, including the diary, here the author ts a suspen that Angela, the heroine, ems to “foree” her death. And then the rising action is the meeting with Miss Miller, the cretary. A foreshadowing is t here when the cretary tells the hero that she would like to help him when she leaves, which hints that she knows the truth of Angela’s death. 单价英文At the denouement as well as the climax, the writer employs the devices of flashback by referring to the heroine’s diary—from their happy life to the heroine’s isolation; from Angela’s public welfare work to the emergence of B.M., the husband comes to realize that his wife is commit suicide for her lover, i.e B.M. who is Miss Miller’s brother. (157words)
Ⅱ. Character
For character, there is no doubt that Angela is the very heroine, who dies coincidentally of car accident, but actually it is a suicide. As a round character, she has obvious spiritual growth and psychological transformation. At first, from Angela’s early records, the reader can get an upper-class houwife image, who is “the loveliest”, happy, “ignorant” yet empty. She becomes the victim of man-dominated society. The transformation of protagonist begins when she feels “so idle and uless” and gradually recognizes her individual value by helping others. As following, the encounter with B.M., the reprentative of working class with revolutionary ideas, makes the heroine complete transformed. She wakes up to the formalization of her marriage which she and her husband never communicate. On the contrary, she and B.M. have same value学英语有什么用—emergethe sympathy for the poor. However, as a complicated figure, she hesitates when she falls in love with B.M. as she has no courage to abandon her family. Nonetheless, at the ending, by her lover’s death, she recognizes her true love and a free life out of man’s control. (179words)
Ⅲ. Symbol
hiphoneAs far as the central symbol is concerned, the diary also referred as the legacy, is the crowning image throughout the fiction. On the surface, the diary is one of sorts of things the heroine had left, which records her life and feelings. One the other hand, the diary indicates, in a deeper n, writing diary is the device of the heroine resists patriarchal society. “It was the only thing they had not shared when she was alive”, as the author hints, Angela has no wealth and work except the diary. Through it, she has a relatively independent thinking space, which her husband can’t control. Besides, the kerb, another symbol in the story, suggests the patriarchal conventions and regulation which imprisons her freedom, independence and spirit. When “she stepped off the kerb to escape from him”, the heroine obtains the final liberation and the awakening of feminism. (147words)
Ⅳ. Irony
When it turns to irony in this fiction, three instances can be found. The first one is that the couple’s completely different attitudes toward the lower class. Taking the pearl brooch as example, the husband thinks it is “a rather incongruous gift” for a cretary. Furthermo
re, in the following, the politician constantly shows his contempt for the poor, such as his wife’s public welfare work and B.M., the spokesman of working class. Besides, the cond situational irony lies in the tremendous contrast between their happy married life in the early years and apparently happy domesticity afterwards. The last not the least, the hero thinks that he provides a happy and satisfied life for his wife, but it is turns out to be the imprisonment for the heroine, whereby leading Angela’s suicide to escape his control. All tho ironies ver the purpo of the heroine’s gradually feminist awareness. (147words)aureole
克兰顿(Clandon)先生风流倜傥,少年得志,年纪轻轻就成为议员候选人。然而,他是个大男子主义者,自我中心主义者。他以为女子无才便是德,对妻子安吉拉(Angela Clandon)多方面的情感需求,毫无体察。在他的生活中,美丽的妻子就像一件玩偶、一种摆设,能否生育子女都无所谓。婚礼上,看到妻子的美丽打动了上司爱德华爵士,他的心里好不得意,心想,也许妻子将来会成为自己政治生涯中的一个筹码。他虚伪而趋炎附
安吉拉从事社区工作期间,结识了自己的秘书西西·米勒(Sissy Miller)的兄弟B. M.。B.M.是个激进的社会主义者,认为英国普通民众正被上层阶级的政治家所愚弄,生活在一个愚人的天堂里,他呼唤革命的到来。在他的思想影响了,安吉拉对下层民众的艰难生活抱有极大的同情。她在日记中写道:“B.M.给我讲自己童年的故事,讲她母亲过去如何外出打零工……,每当我想到这些,我就几乎不能忍受再这样奢侈地活下去。买一顶帽子竟然要花三个几尼!”可能正是安吉拉对穷苦大众的同情,使B.M.对她产生了恋情。在数次遭到安吉拉拒绝后,B.M.自杀身亡。他的自杀当然还会有别的原因。比如,正如克兰顿夫妇一