A add ad aid aide air heir ale ail ascent asnt B Bail 趣多多广告曲Bale bald bawled ball bawl band banned bans banns barmy balmy block bloc blue blew bold bowled bolder boulder bore boar bored board born borne bow bough bowed bode boy buoy bread bred break brake carve calve cash cache cast caste cau cores ceiling aling cereal rial check cheque Chile chilli chilly choo chews clau claws colonel kernel compliment complement curb kerb current currant D damn dam days daze dear deer dert desrt die dye disc disk discreet discrete dough doe draft draught draw drawer floor flaw flow floe flower flour for four fore fought fort foul fowl fourth forth freeze frees fur fir G gamble gambol great grate heard herd here hear here’s hears heroin heroine hey hay hi high him hymn hoard horde hor hoar hue hew I idle idol lent leant lesson lesn licence licen lightning lightening liken lichen loan lone M made maid main mane maize maze male mail manner manor marshal martial night knight no know nor gnaw not knot O or ore oar our lady peaceour hour ours hours overas overes P pain pane pair pear pail pale plum plumb poll pole pour poor pore practice practi prai prays influence的用法preys pray prey principle principal profit prophet queue cue rain reign rein rai rays sack sac sale sail e a ed cede em am en scene es as ize ll cell ller cellar nsor censor nt cent scent shake sheikh son sun sort sought soul sole source sauce stair stare stake steak stationary stationery steal steel story storey straight strait sweet suite tale tail wait weight waited weighted 腐蚀英文war 简 爱wore warn worn waste waist wave waive way weigh whey weak week weighed wade we’ll wheel wet whet we’ve weave whale wail | baron barren ba bass bays baize be bee beach beech bear bare bearer barer bearing baring beat beet bell belle birth berth bite byte brewed brood brews brui bridle bridal brooch broach brow brows build billed bury berry bust busd by buy bye C cannon canon canvas canvass carrot carat complimentary complementary core corps cord chord corn-flour cornflower council counl councilor counlor coup coo cour coar court caught coward cowered creak creek crui crews dual duel due dew faint feint fair fare fate fete father farther feet feat find fined flair flare flawed floored how comeflee flea flew flu flue greater grater grill grille grown groan guerrilla gorilla guest guesdtammy guild gild guilt gilt H hail hale hair hare hall haul hangar hanger heal heel illicit elicit in inn isle aisle K key quay knows no L lane lain laps lap lava larva leak leek least lead led lead mat matt mayor mare medal meddle meet bbq是什么意思meat mind mined miner minor misd mist moan mown mode mowed morning mourning N need knead new knew panda pander past pasd paste paced pau pours paws pores 同等学力英语考试peace piece peak peek dareyoupique pedal peddle peel peal peer pier plane plain plea pleas raw roar read red read reed rest wrest right write rite ring wring road rode rowed roll role ro rows route root rows rou rung wrung sheer shear shoe shoo shoot shute side sighed sight site cite sighted sited cited size sighs slay sleigh so w sow soar sore some sum team teem their there theirs there’s through threw thrown throne tied tide tire tyre to too two toe tow troop troupe vain vein vane veil vale what watt where wear ware whether weather which witch whole hole who who’s wield wheeled wine whine wrap rap wrote rote wry rye |
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