
更新时间:2023-07-12 23:27:56 阅读: 评论:0

这些作弊指令只能在 singleplayer 模式或服务器管理员使用。
指令@give xxx/xxx/xxx
指令@give 玩家名/物品ID/数量
@give [Name]/[ItemID]/[Quantity] 得到xx物品
@Teleport [Name]/[Location] 传送门
@Experience [Name]/[Amount] 得到xx经验
@Vehicle [Name]/[VehicleID] 得到交通工具
@Time [Value] 设置时间
@Reputation [Name]/[Value] 荣誉值
@Night 设置为晚上
@Day 设置为白天
@Storm 下雨下雪
@Airdrop 空投
Singleplayer and Vanilla rvers (doesn't have mods/plug-ins) u "@" and "/" to u a command. In multiplayer, only Administrators can u the commands. Cheats in multiplayer rvers must be enabled with the Cheats command in the rver startup file. In singleplayer however, this can be found a little under the play button.
Servers can either have or not have cheats:
Servers with cheats are rvers which administrators can u cheats. This does NOT mean that if you join a rver with cheats you're going to be able to u commands such as /give.
Servers without cheats are rver in which administrators cannot u cheats.
[Server]Name [text] - Set name for rver.
[Server]Port [port] - Set port for rver.
[Server]password [text] - Set password for rver.
[Server]Maxplayers [amount] - Set max amount of players online.
[Server][Local]Map [mapname] - Set map for rver.
[Server][Local]PvP - Allow PvP in rver.
[Server][Local]PvE - Allow PvE in rver (NO PVP).
[Server][Local]Mode [Easy/normal/hard/gold] - Set mode for rver.
[Server][Local]Cycle [Number] - Set time cycle for day/night.
[Server][Local]Day - Set day to Dawn.
[Server][Local]Night - Set day to Dusk.
[Server]Investigate [playername or ID] - Gives information of Player, Console visible only.
[Server]Kick [playername or ID]/Reason - Kicks player with reason if one entered.
[Server]Ban [Name or ID]/Reason/Duration - Bans player. In conds.
[Server]Unban [playername or ID] - Unbans player.
[Server]Bans - Shows banned players in Console.
[Server]Admin [SteamID / Player] - Gives admin priviledge to Player lected.
[Server]Unadmin [SteamID / Player] - Revokes admin priviledge to Player lected.
[Server]Admins - Shows Admin players in console.
[Server]Permit [SteamID / player] - Whitelists Selected Player.
[Server]Unpermit [SteamID] - Removes player from Whitelist.
[Server]Permits - Shows whitelisted players in console.
[Server][Local]Experience [playername or SteamID]/Amount - Gives experience to player.
[Server]Players - Shows list for current players.
[Server]Say [text] - Says text in chat in-game as SERVER.
[Server]Welcome [Text] - Put welcome Message when joining in.
[Server][Local]Slay [Steam ID / Player] - Kills + PermaBans player.
[Server][Local]Give [playername or ID]/ItemID/Amount - Gives item(s) to player.
[Server][Local]Vehicle [Player name or ID]/VehicleID - Spawns a vehicle in front of player.
[Server]Zombie [player name or ID]/Amount-
Spawns zombie. (Doesn't work for now.)
[Server][Local]Teleport [playername or id]/[playername or ID] - Teleport from/to player.
[Server]Timeout [number] - Clos rver for given time.
[Server]Chatrate [number] - I assume this is Flood protection in chat.
[Server]Debug - Gives all funny information about rver in Console.
[Server]Bind [IP] - Binds rver in to one IP address.
[Server][Local]Save - Saves current world + players.
[Server]Shutdown - Shuts down rver, remember to Save first!
[Server]Spy [playername]- Show's the player's screen
[Server]Airdrop [Place] - Calls an airdrop, if a place is typed it will drop the crate in the nearest position to the place typed
[Server]Storm - Enables or disables rain
[Server]Reputation - Gives reputation to a player [Playername]/[Ammount]
枪械 Gun
004 = 【鹰火军用突击步枪】Eaglefire
018 = 【森林狼军用狙击步枪】Timberwolf
097 = 【柯尔特民用手枪】Colt
099 = 【眼镜蛇民用自动手枪】Cobra
101 = 【斯科菲尔德民用步枪】Schofield
nelson mandela107 = 【王牌左轮手枪】Ace
109 = 【猎鹰犬民用狙击步枪】Hawkhound
112 = 【钝器霰弹枪】Bluntforce
116 = 【蜜獾军用消音步枪】Honeybadger
122 = 【AK俄制突击步枪】Zubeknakov
126 = 【尼克雷夫俄制轻机枪】Nykorev
129 = 【SVD狙击步枪】Snayperskya
132 = 【龙牙军用轻机枪】Dragonfang
297 = 【灰熊军用狙击步枪】Grizzly
300 = 【暗影枪】Shadowstalker
346 = 【十字弩】Crossbow
353 = 【枫木弓】Maple bow
355 = 【桦木弓】Birch bow
356 = 【松木弓】Pine bow
shotgun357 = 【复合弓】Compound bow
363 = 【MS军用突击步枪】Maplestrike
380 = 【马斯特奇双管霰弹枪】Masterkey
474 = 【枫木自制步枪】Mapple rifle
479 = 【桦木自制步枪】Birch rifle
480 = 【松木自制步枪】Pine rifle
484 = 【民用运动步枪】Sportshot
488 = 【沙漠之鹰民用手枪】Dert Eagle
519 = 【火箭筒】Rocket Launcher
1000 = 【VSS俄制消音步枪】Matamorez
1018 = 【剑齿虎军用半自动步枪】Sabertooth
1021 = 【复仇者军用手枪】Avenger
1024 = 【P90军用冲锋枪】Peacemaker
1027 = 【MP5军用冲锋枪】Viper
1037 = 【SCAR军用自动步枪】heartbreaker
1039 = 【PMM民用手枪】Kryzkarek
1041 = 【野牛冲锋枪】yuri
1165 = 【射钉枪】Nailgun
1300 = 【坦克大炮】Tank Cannon(必须保证主武器槽没东西否则放上去直接朝你准星处发射!)
1337 = 【彩蛋枪】Paintball Gun
1360 - Teklowvka【Tek冲锋枪】
1362 - Augewehr【Aug步枪】
1364 - Hell's Fury【加特林机枪】不能放在自动炮塔上
1366 - Vonya【Vo连发散弹枪】
1369 - Bulldog【Bd冲锋枪】
1372 - Friendly Sentry【友方全自动炮塔】
1373 - Hostile Sentry【敌方全自动炮塔】
1374 - Care Package【?】不知道是啥
1375 - Fusilaut【FAMAS步枪】
1377 - Nightraider【G36步枪】
1379 - Calling Card【波
1382 - Ekho【大口径步枪】
1394 - HMG【无形步枪】
1436 - Quadbarrel【短管12号散弹枪】
1441 - Shadowstalker Mk II【暗影枪2代】
1447 - Scalar【Sc冲锋枪】
1476 - Luger to care packages【卢格手枪】
1477 - MP40【MP40冲锋枪】
1480 - Determinator【美式短管12#散弹枪】
1481 - Empire【Emp冲锋枪】
1484 - Devil's Bane【Devil12#连发散弹枪】
弹药 Ammo
006 = 【军用步枪弹匣】Military Magazine
017 = 【军用步枪弹鼓】Military Drum
020 = 【森林狼弹匣】Timberwolf Magazine
098 = 【柯尔特弹匣】Colt Magazine
100 = 【眼镜蛇弹匣】Cobra Magazine
103 = 【斯科菲尔德步枪弹夹】Schofield Clip
108 = 【王牌左轮手枪弹夹】Ace Clip
111 = 【猎鹰犬步枪弹匣】Hawkhound Magazine
113 = 【12号口径霰弹】Shells
123 = 【俄制步枪弹匣】Ranger Magazine
125 = 【俄制步枪弹鼓】Ranger Drum
127 = 【尼克雷夫轻机枪弹箱】Nykorev Box
130 = 【SVD弹匣】Snayperskya Magazine
133 = 【龙牙轻机枪弹箱】Dragonfang Box
298 = 【灰熊弹匣】Grizzly Magazine
301 = 【电磁炮弹】Rail
347 = 【铁箭】Arrow
348 = 【枫木箭】Maple Arrow
351 = 【桦木箭】Birch Arrow
352 = 【松木箭】Pine Arrow
381 = 【20号口径弹药】20 Gauge Shells
478 = 【自制步枪弹夹】Rifle clip
485 = 【运动步枪弹匣】Sportshot magazine
489 = 【沙漠之鹰弹匣】Dert Eagle magazine
520 = 【火箭弹】Rocket
1003 = 【VSS弹匣】Matamorez Magazine
1005 = 【VSS步枪加长弹夹】Extended Matamorez magazine
1006 = 【眼镜蛇手枪加长弹夹】Extended cobra magazine
1020 = 【剑齿虎弹匣】Sabertooth Magazine
1022 = 【复仇者弹匣】Avenger Magazine
1026 = 【P90弹匣】Peacemaker Magazine
1029 = 【MP5弹匣】Viper Magazine
1040 = 【PMM弹匣】Kryzkarek Magazine
1042 = 【野牛冲锋枪弹匣】yuri magazine
1166 = 【射钉枪弹匣】Nailgun Magazine
1479 - MP40 magazine【MP40冲锋枪弹夹】
1483 - Empire Magazine【Emp冲锋枪弹夹】
1485 - Devil's Bane Magazine【Devil12#连发散弹枪弹夹】
1487 - Luger Magazine【卢格手枪弹夹】
1177 = 【曳光弹】Military Tracer
1200 = 【军用爆炸弹】 Military Fragmentation Magazine
1209 = 【爆炸箭】 Explosive Arrow
1302 = 【坦克弹药】Missile
1339 = 【蓝色彩蛋染料】Blue Painball Hopper
1340 = 【绿色彩蛋染料】Green Paintball Hopper
1341 = 【橙色彩蛋染料】Orange Paintball Hopper
1342 = 【紫色彩蛋染料】Purple Paintball Hopper
1343 = 【红色彩蛋染料】Red Paintball Hopper
1344 = 【黄色彩蛋染料】Yellow Paintball Hopper
弹药箱 Ammo crate
043 = 【军用弹药箱】Military Ammunition Box
044 = 【民用弹药箱】Civilian Ammunition Box
119 = 【俄制弹药箱】Ranger Ammuniton Box
1192 = 【军用大口径弹药箱】 High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate
1193 = 【俄制大口径弹药箱】 High Caliber R
anger Ammunition BOX
武器配件 Accessories
005 = 【鹰火机械瞄具】Eaglefire Iron Sights
007 = 【军用消音器】 Military Suppressor
008 = 【直立枪械握把】 Vertical Grip
019 = 【森林狼机械瞄具】Timberwolf Iron Sights
021 = 【8倍瞄准镜】8x scope
022 = 【红点瞄准镜】Red Cross Scope
102 = 【斯科菲尔德机械瞄具】Schofield Iron Sights
110 = 【猎鹰犬机械瞄具】Hawkhound Iron Sights
114 = 【钝器霰弹枪机械瞄具】Bluntforce Iron Sights
117 = None
118 = 【蜜獾机械瞄具】Honeybadger Iron Sights
124 = 【AK机械瞄具】Zubeknakov Iron Sights
128 = 【尼克瑞夫轻机枪机械瞄具】Nykorev Iron Sights大学生入伍条件
131 = 【SVD机械瞄具】Snayperskya Iron Sights
134 = 【龙牙机械瞄具】Dragonfang Iron Sights
143 = 【双脚架】 Bipod
144 = 【俄制步枪消音器】 Ranger Suppressor
145 = 【横向握把】 Horizontal Grip
146 = 【红点机械瞄具】Red Dot Sight
147 = 【红圈机械瞄具】Red Halo Sight
148 = 【红V字瞄准镜】Red Chevron Sight
149 = 【军用强化枪管】 Military Barrel
150 = 【军用消焰器】 Military Muzzle
151 = 【战术激光辅瞄器】 Tactical Lar
152 = 【战术灯光辅瞄器】Tactical Light
153 = 【7倍瞄准镜】7x Scopenido
296 = 【16倍瞄准镜】16x Scope
299 = 【灰熊机械瞄具】Grizzly Iron Sights
302 = 【暗影枪瞄准镜】Shadowstalker Scope
349 = 【十字弩瞄具】Crossbow Iron Sights
364 = 【MS机械瞄具】Maplestrike Iron Sights
476 = 【自制6X瞄准镜】Makeshift scope
477 = 【自制消音器】 Makeshift muffler
1004 = 【红色科布拉瞄准器】Red Kobra sight
1007 = 【高速射击配件】 adaptive chambering attachmen
1008 = 【测距仪·战术配件】 rangefinder attachment
1019 = 【剑齿虎机械瞄具】sabertooth iron sights
1025 = 【P90机械瞄具】 peacemaker iron sights
1028 = 【MP5机械瞄具】 viper iron sights
1038 = 【SCAR机械瞄具】 heartbreaker iron sights
1190 = 【俄制消焰器】 Ranger Muzzle
1191 = 【俄制枪管】 Ranger Barrel
1201 = 【军用夜视瞄准镜】 Military Nightvision Scope
近战 Melee
016 = 【斧子】Camp Axe
104 = 【消防斧】Fire Axe
105 = 【棒球棒】Baball Bat
106 = 【曲棍】Hockey Stick
120 = 【菜刀】Kitchen Knife
121 = 【军用匕首】Military Knife
135 = 【高尔夫球杆】 Golf Club
136 = 【大铁锤】 Sledgehammer
137 = 【切肉刀】 Butcher Knife
138 = 【小锤子】 Hammer
139 = 【瑞士军刀】 Swiss Knife
140 = 【蝴蝶刀】 Butterfly Knife
487 = 【狼牙棒】Makeshift bat
1023 = 【警棍】police baton
1030 = 【煎锅/平底锅】 frying pan
1031 = 【铁铲】 shovel
1032 = 【撬棍/物理学圣剑】 crowbar
1033 = 【船桨】 paddle
1034 = 【草叉】 pitchfork
1035 = 【开山刀/砍刀】 machete
1036 = 【武士刀】 katana
1174 = 【长柄镰刀】 scythe
1198 = 【十字镐】 Pickaxe
包 Backpacks
009 = 【红色小背包】Red DayPack
200 = 【黑色小背包】 Black Daypack
201 = 【蓝色小背包】 Blue Daypack
202 = 【绿色小背包】 Green Daypack
203 = 【橘色小背包】 Orange Daypack
204 = 【紫色小背包】 Purple Daypack
205 = 【白色小背包】 White Daypack
206 = 【黄色小背包】 Yellow Daypack
245 = 【黑色旅行包】 Black Travelpack
246 = 【蓝色旅行包】 Blue Travelpack
247 = 【绿色旅行包】 Green Travelpack
248 = 【橘色旅行包】 Orange Travelpack
249 = 【紫色旅行包】 Purple Travelpack
laura story
250 = 【红色旅行包】 Red Travelpack
251 = 【白色旅行包】 White Travelpack
252 = 【黄色旅行包】 Yellow Travelpack
253 = 【爱丽丝军用小背包】 Alicepack
1014 = 【皮质背包】 leather pack
1170 = 【特种部队帆布背包】 Spec Ops Rucksack
1182 = 【黑色行李包】 Black Dufflebag
1183 = 【蓝色行李包】 Blue Dufflebag
1184 = 【绿色行李包】 Green Dufflebag
1185 = 【橙色行李包】 Orange Dufflebag
1186 = 【紫色行李包】 Purple Dufflebag
1187 = 【红色行李包】 Red Dufflebag
1188 = 【白色行李包】 White Dufflebag
1189 = 【黄色行李包】 Yellow Dufflebag
T恤 Tees
155 = 【橘色T恤】Orange Tee
159 = 【紫色T恤】Purple Tee
164 = 【绿色T恤】Green Tee
168 = 【红色T恤】Red Tee
172 = 【黄色T恤】Yellow Tee
176 = 【蓝色T恤】Blue Tee
180 = 【白色T恤】White Tee
184 = 【黑色T恤】Black Tee
派克外套 Parkas
156 = 【橘色派克外套】Orange Parka
160 = 【紫色派克外套】Purple Parka
162 = 【绿色派克外套】Green Parka
166 = 【红色派克外套】Red Parka
170 = 【黄色派克外套】Yellow Parka
174 = 【蓝色派克外套】Blue Parka
178 = 【白色派克外套】White Parkathanks
182 = 【黑色派克外套】Black Parka
衬衫 Shirts
154 = 【橘色衬衫】Orange Shirt
158 = 【紫色衬衫】Purple Shirt
163 = 【绿色衬衫】Green Shirt
167 = 【红色衬衫】Red Shirt
171 = 【黄色衬衫】Yellow Shirt
175 = 【蓝色衬衫】Blue Shirt
179 = 【白色衬衫】 White Shirt
183 = 【黑色衬衫】Black Shirt
211 = 【格子衬衫】Plaid Shirt
连帽衫 Hoodies
157 = 【紫色连帽衫】 Purple Hoodie怎么给皮肤补水
161 = 【绿色连帽衫】 Green Hoodie
165 = 【红色连帽衫】 Red Hoodie
169 = 【黄色连帽衫】 Yellow Hoodie
173 = 【蓝色连帽衫】 Blue Hoodie
177 = 【白色连帽衫】 White Hoodie
181 = 【黑色连帽衫】 Black Hoodie
面巾 Bandanas
011 = 【红色印花蒙面巾】Red Bandana
185 = 【黑色印花蒙面巾】 Black Bandana
186 = 【蓝色印花蒙面巾】 Blue Bandana
187 = 【绿色印花蒙面巾】 Green Bandana
188 = 【橘色印花蒙面巾】 Orange Bandana
189 = 【紫色印花蒙面巾】 Purple Bandana
190 = 【白色印花蒙面巾】 White Bandana
191 = 【黄色印花蒙面巾】 Yellow Bandana
帽子 Hats
027 = 【大礼帽】 Top Hat
192 =

本文发布于:2023-07-12 23:27:56,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:步枪   军用   瞄具   机械   弹夹
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