巴西ncm 号码(Brazil NCM number)
00 - rvice
01 - live animals
02 - meat and meat chop
03 - fish and crustaceans, mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates
brazier04 - dairy products, bird eggs, natural honey, animal origin, unlisted edible products include
05 - animal origin, unlisted products include
06 - living trees and other plants, bulbs, roots and similar products; Flowers and ornamental plants
07 - eat vegetables and some roots and tuberscty
08 - eat fruits and nuts; Citrus peel or melon影视制作培训
09 - coffee, tea, mattea and spices
10 - grain
11 - powder industrial products, malt; Starch; Inulin. Wheat gluten
12 - oiled and oil fruit, mixed valley, eds and fruit; Industrial or medicinal plants; Straw and fodder
13 - Latin American and Caribbean, gum, resin and other plant SAP and extract
14 - vegetable woven material products; Other plant products specified or included
15 - movement, vegetable oil and its decomposition products; Refined edible oil, animal, plant wax
16 - meat preparation for crustaceans, mollusks and other aquatic invertebrate fish
17 - sugar and candy天堂午餐
18 - cocoa and cocoa products
Products of 19 - grain, flour, starch or milk; pastry
20 - prepare vegetables, fruits, plant nuts or other accessories for work
21 - miscellaneous foods
22 - drinks, wine and vinegar
23 - residue and waste food industry; Animal feed
24 - tobacco and tobacco substitutes
25 - salt, sulphur, rare earth and stone materials, gypsum, lime
and cement
cay26 - ore, slag and ash
27 - mineral fuels, mineral oils and their distillation products, bitumen material, mineral wax
28 - inorganic chemicals, organic or inorganic precious metal compounds, rare earth metals, radioactive element isotopes or
29-organic chemistry
30 - pharmaceutical products
31 - fertilizer
32 - tan or dye extracts; Tannins and their derivatives, dyes, pigments and other dyes, paints, paints, putty and other adhesives; ink
photo booth33 - esntial oils and perfumes, perfumes, toiletry and toiletry
音乐英文34 - soap, organic surface active agent, cleaning, lubricants, synthetic wax, to wax, polishing or flushing, candles and similar products, cream shape, "dental wax", and bad on gypsum dental preparations
35 - protein substance, modified starch, glue, enzyme
36 - explosives; Pyrotechnics, matches, ignition alloys,be动词
flammable materials
37 - photographic and film supplies
38 - miscellaneous chemicals
39 - plastic and its products
40 - rubber and rubber products
41 - raw leather (other) more than fur and leather
42 - leather products; Saddle and harness; Travel supplies, handbags and similar containers, animal intestines (except for silkworm)
各种化妆品的用途43 - fur and artificial fur; And its products
44 - timber and article timber; charcoal
45 - cork and cork claus
46 - straw production of various other braided materials of esparto; Basket and wicker
47 - wood other fibrous cellulo and pulp, recycling (scrap) paper or cardboard
48 - paper and board; Paper pulp, paper or cardboard
49 - printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of
the printing industry; Manuscripts, typescript and drawings
50 - silk
51 - wool, fine or coar animal hair, hor yarn and woven fabric
上海夜校52 - cotton
53 - other plant textile fibers, paper yarn and woven fabric paper yarn
54 - artificial filament; Belt and wen are like homemade textile materials
55 - artificial staple fiber
56 - packing, felt and non-woven fabrics, special yarns, lines, ropes, cables, cables and products
57 - carpets and other textile floor materials
58 - special machine fabric, tufted fabric, lace, tapestry, decorative ribbon; embroidered
59 - impregnated, coated, coated or laminated textile fabrics,
a class of textiles for industrial u
60 - knitting and crocheted fabric
61 - clothing and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted