试卷编号: | 15-16-1-2-quiz3 |
考试时间: | 80 分钟 |
满分: | 100 分 |
注意事项 | |
兜圈子 请各位同学务必在规定时间内完成并确保提交成功。凡本学期缺少一次成绩记录者将被取消期末网考资格!请各位同学在完成新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第一册Unit7-Unit10在线学习之后再完成此试卷。 If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? | |
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structurerenslaer polytechnic institute (Each item: 1) |
Directions:Choo the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. | ajar
1. | A man walked in off the street and fell flat ________ his face, unconscious. |
A. for图片英文 | |
B. on | |
C. against | |
D. in | |
2.东方快译 | 从小事做起 英语His letters ________ a different side of his personality. |
A. imagine | |
B. advocate | |
C. reveal | |
D. dominate | |
kanye west amazing 3. | I've never heard of anyone ________ by a female. |
A. robbing | |
qq名字英语 | B. being robbed |
C. to be robbed | |
D. rob | |
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