Rearch Proposal
Ⅰ Title of My Thesis:
Puns in English Advertiments and their Translation
Ⅱ Significance of Study
dream hou
Advertiment is an important part of our economy and culture that exerts significant impact on all walks of life. With more attention attracted by international business, most companies would like to reinforce their marketing power by investment of large quantities on advertising in the target country or area. Accordingly, the problem how the classic original version of advertiment could win the hearts of consumers in another country becomes a new studying focus in translation fields. Besides, a great amount of rhetorical skills and devi
ces ud in English ads can improve the aesthetic results and persuasive会计基础知识重点 effect of ads, and then puns are more and more largely ud in English advertiments.
I choo this thesis as my title, becau I realize that there is great significance of this study.
Firstly, advertiment is a kind of brief and clear art. Studying English ads not only helps us to develop our creation, but also cultivate our thinking and abilities of appreciating and innovating ads. O兼职英文翻译n the other hand, I hope that by this chance, I can get more knowledge of the colorful esnce of English, and I can enhance my comprehensive and applying abilities of oral English, and I can widen my English thinking, and I can get a relatively full knowledge of English culture, and I can train my abilities of flexible translation.
S英语六级历年真题econdly, using puns appropriately in advertiments can enhance advertiments’visita charm, bring about consumers’ imagination and consolidate their memories. Punning is a kind of play on words, which refers to a rhetoric device compod by the similarity in pronunciation and divergence in meaning, so as to produce a humorous effect. Pun is mo
re persuasive in advertising than what has been expected, but it has never been more complete. How it is adopted in advertising to facilitate the linguistic communication and ultimately rve to reach the intended purpos, and cognitively cast influences upon the advertir’s expression and the audience’s interpretation of the utterances in discour is still a wonder which is worth making an attempt to have a thorough understanding.
Thirdly, the study of punning in advertising may be of practical importance in that it is likely to provide guidelines for advertirs on how to employ advertising puns more forcefully. It leads us to achieve a better understanding of puns in advertising and thus enjoy them.
In conclusion, rhetoric, especially punning, is an art of language, and its effect can be exerted only by faithful and vivid translation. Thus, to study translation of puns in English advertiments is of importance.
ⅢLiterature Review
McQuarrie discusd puns in advertising broadly, as a play or twist within an advertiment’s structure that rves to produce an echo or multiplication of meaning. For example, a recent advertiment shows men’s ties, arranged to form a bouquet, with the headlines: forget me knots. Another example, this for Bucks cigarettes, shows a cigarette pack with a picture of a stag, “Herd of The?” Bad on Mcquarrie (Mcquarrie单独考试: 1996), the process of constructing a resonant advertiment is straightforward.
Tanaka (1994) discuss covert communication in the advertising and the inferential process of puns and metaphors. According to Tanaka, covert communication became one of the strategies the advertir us to make the audience 少儿英语培训班“believe something about a product without her trusting in him, or indeed, despite her distrusting him”. Generally speaking, it has two advantages: (a) the audience may get a kind of pleasure out of processing some information; (b) more deeply involved in the process of interpreting, the audience pays more attention to the product advertid and shares a larger part of responsibility in recovering the advertir’s meaning; accordingly, the advertir advertir can avoid taking certain responsibility for issues that are socially loaded. In thei
r own words, “covert communication manipulates trigger to which the human mind is highly susceptible.” Puns, as Tanaka states, are an effective way of attracting the audience’s attention, for it conveys two meanings for the price of one word. It is true that in some cas the initial meaning of the puns is either rejected or just helping to obtain additional contextual effects the speaker intends. By denying initial meaning and creating unexpected conquences, they attract more attention and give the audience more psychological satisfaction. interest可数吗Undoubtedly, Tanaka has noticed the significance of contextual effect and the great role, which cognitive factors play in the advertir makes in producing an advertiment; it is mostly on that to avoid social responsibility. She pays more attention to the cognitive factors than to the contextual effects, trying to survey the socially loaded aspect of the advertirs’ consideration. Tanaka does not explicitly address the question of how the mass-media aspects of advertising affect Sperber and Wilson’s model, bad as it is mainly on examples of one-to-one oral, linguistic, synchronic communication taking place in one spot.
Working within the tradition of rhetorical analysis, most Chine scholars focus on expres
sive effect of advertising puns. They all make u of many examples to illustrate how puns can contribute to advertising communication.
Besides making a classification, Chen Changlai (Chen: 1994) concludes that the u of puns is the effort to meet the audience’s psychological needs; aesthetic needs and needs for good luck.
Peng jiayu (peng: 1999美味英文怎么说) regards advertising puns as a form of art and employs a variety of examples to tell people how to enjoy them.
Huang lei (huang: 2000) studies puns in Chine and English advertiments by employing a variety of examples. He adopts a comparative method to investigate into the u and some negative effect of puns in Chine and English advertising.
Xue bing and li yue’s (2000) explore some characteristics peculiar to puns and their function in the context of advertising, with particular stress exerted on the pragmatic and aesthetic perspectives.