
更新时间:2023-07-12 18:04:05 阅读:39 评论:0

For centuries the sacred magic of the 几个世纪以来神奇水晶的神圣魔法…...blesd our world and its people. 一直保佑着我们的世界和人民
But in time the promi of its power brought war to our lands. 但不久,其权力的承诺就给我们的土地带来了战争
Lucis, a peaceful kingdom of great magic kept safe by the power of the crystal. 路西斯,一个由水晶魔力保护着的拥有神奇魔法的和平国家
And Niflheim, a military empire of 尼夫海姆一个拥有强势军事力量的帝
...made strong by the might of its Magitek. 凭借它的魔击术变得日益强大
Long has war raged between the two. 两国之间的战斗旷日持久
As the years pasd, Niflheim marched on 随着时间的推移尼夫海姆凭借其不可摧毁的魔力…
...driven by its unsurpasd technology. 向邻国一步步挺进
To defend itlf, Lucis raid a 为了自我防御路西斯建立起一座魔法
...the strength of which comes from the crystal itlf. 墙的力量来自于水晶本身
Insomnia alone, the crown city and last bastion of
...remained beyond Niflheim reach for many years. 多年来免受尼夫海姆帝国的侵略Amid the 在不断升级的战事中…
...Prince Noctis of Lucis had come 路西斯的王子诺克提斯来到戴涅布莱
...to ek healing for a grievous injury. 为了他的病痛来寻求医治
He made the long journey together with his father,
King Regis.
Mother, brother, and I, the royalty 母后、哥哥,还有我戴涅布莱国的皇
...had all welcomed their visit.一同欢迎了他们的到访
It was then that the fires came, everywhere and all at
就在那时战火在各个地方同时开始了In a mere instant, the whole of Tenebrae was ablaze. 转瞬之间整个戴涅布莱国火光遍地Ravus! 雷吉斯!
Mother! 母亲!
General Glauca. 格拉乌卡将军
The Niflheim attack was an attempt on the lives of the visiting Lucian royalty. 尼夫海姆帝国的进攻是针对来访的路西斯皇室成员的
Noctis! 诺克提斯!Plea. Help us! 求你了救救我们!King Regis! 雷吉斯国王! 露娜弗雷亚…
Luna! 露娜!
From that day until 从那天起直到今天…
...Tenebrae has been gripped in the iron fist 戴涅布莱国一直被尼夫海姆帝国的铁拳控制…
...sworn enemy of Lucis. 宣誓与路西斯为敌
King Regis asmbles a force of mighty warriors to combat the imperial menace. 雷吉斯组织了强大的军队来抵御尼夫海姆帝国的威胁
Dubbed the Kingsglaive, they fight relentlessly 王者之剑他们凭藉着本国魔法赋予的力量…
...empowered by the magic of their sovereign. 与尼夫海姆帝国军队英勇作战All units, move to cure the Wall.所有分队坚守城墙
话题英文If they break through, we're done. 如果他们打进来我们就完了What's the hold-up, Crowe? 怎么这么久克劳?
Crowe! Status? 克劳!情况怎么样?Almost there. 快要到了
No! 不!
I need help. East wall's going down. Pelna, can you get to me? 我需要支援,东墙已经失守皮尔纳,你能回复我吗?
Lucis isn't paying us 路西斯让我们这些难民干这个…...for this. 就给我们这点儿钱
How is this fair? 这算公平吗?
Nyx, I owe you one. 尼克斯我欠你一条命
Y ou and everyone el. 你还有其他所有人
We need support on the east flank. Nyx, where are you? 我们东侧需要支援尼克斯,你在哪儿?
I'm on my way. 我马上到
Pelna, fall back and regroup with the others. 皮尔纳,快撤退和其他人会合
Go easy on the magic, hero. 小心使用魔法大英雄
Y ou got people waiting for you back home. 家人都在等你回来
I'm worth the wait. 我值得等待
Show-off. 看我大显身手
Watch your back, Libertus. We got more incoming. 小心后面,利波特斯敌人更多了
We ain't gonna last much longer. 我们坚持不了多久了
Crowe! 克劳!
Y es! 是的!
All Glaives, fall back. Repeat, all Glaives fall back! 所有剑队队员撤退重复,所有剑队队
Relea the daemon. 放出魔鬼
We can't take down that daemon. I'm ordering a full
我们无法打败魔鬼我要求全体撤退Get back here alive. That's an order. 活着回来这是命令
For hearth and home. 为了家园
All units, fall back to the extraction point. Support is
Nyx! We have to get out of here. 尼克斯!我们必须离开这里
-Nyx! We have orders! -Y eah. -尼克斯,这是命令!-是的
drum errorHelp! 救命!
Nyx! 尼克斯!
That idiot. 那个笨蛋2018四级成绩公布时间
Nyx! 尼克斯!
Crowe. We gotta move. 克劳我们得走了
Y ou gotta be kidding me. 你在开玩笑吧
万圣节的英文Y ou know I ain't got the stomach for this crap. 你知道我最受不了这个
Would you rather walk? 你能走吗?
Come on. Just like Galahd Canyon back home. 快就像是家乡的加拉哈峡谷Libertus! 利波特斯!
Luche, report. 卢彻报告
The imperial forces look to be withdrawing, sir. 皇室部队看来正在撤退长官
Guess I owe you another one. 我想我又欠你的情了
I'll put it on your tab. 我会把它放在你的标签上的
Y ou just try and get some rest, all right? 你好好休息吧好吗?
Y ou disobeyed a direct order to retreat. 你抵抗了撤退的命令
For hearth and home, right, sir? 为了家园是吗,长官?
As long as I got strength in my body, I obey that order. 只要我还有一口气我就会谨遵命令Don't fool yourlf, Nyx Ulric. 别傻了尼克斯·乌尔里克Whatever strength you have is on loan from the king. 无论你有何种力量都是来自于国王的Y ou are nothing without him. 没有他你一无是处
A wait details of your reassignment. 等候你的处理安排吧
Y es, Y our Majesty. 是的陛下
Despite their victory all but assured. 尽管敌人获得了胜利
A sudden and inexplicable retreat. 一次突然而且莫名其妙的撤退
We are at risk nonetheless, Y our Majesty. 我们依然置身于危险之中陛下
We cannot know when they will strike again. 我们不知道他们什么时候会回击
Y our Majesty, word from the West Gate. 陛下西门有消息
A man claiming to be an envoy of the empire requests
an audience.
The envoy from Niflheim awaits without, Y our
Hello there. 您好
Hello! 您好!
Good day 很高兴见到您…
...and you. 还有您
Well met, my dear Lucians. 很高兴见到你路西斯人们
Has Niflheim grown 尼夫海姆竟然如此毫无顾虑…
...that they nd the chancellor himlf as envoy? 派他们的宰相亲自做使者?
And under no guard, at that? 而且只身一人前来?
It is an honor to be recognized by the great King Regis. 能被伟大的雷吉斯国王认出来真是我
而且允许我站在大堂之上做自我介绍Y et permit me to stand on ceremony and introduce
mylf nonetheless.
Ardyn Izunia, Chancellor 我是阿登·伊祖尼亚尼夫海姆的宰
...at your humble rvice. 愿意为您效劳
sun valley
And I come to you 我在最吉利的日子来拜访您…
...most auspicious of days to offer terms of peace. 是为了呈上和平协议
Peace? 和平?
As you no 您肯定猜到了…
...that recent maneuver of ours was no strategic retreat. 我们最近的作战方案并不是有计谋的
..a gesture of imperial goodwill.一次邻国的示好
Like you, we wish 正如你一样我们最大的希望就是…...than to bring a swift end to this nless war. 为这场豪无意义的战争画上句号
有道翻译网页Is that so? 果真如此吗?
It is, indeed. 千真万确
And we require but a singular compliance. 但是我们要求你们完全的顺服
Save your grand Insomnia here. 为了拯救你们的王都因索莫尼亚Lucis must forfeit all territories to Niflheim rule. 路西斯必须割让所有的领土Insomnia! 因索莫尼亚!
The jewel in the crown of the Lucian kingdom. 路西斯王国皇冠上的明珠
巴黎实施宵禁How foolish of me to forget. 对了我怎么能够忘记
There is just one more trivial thing.还有一件小事
It concerns your son. 有关于您的儿子
The fetching Prince Noctis 路西斯王国的王子诺克提斯…
...and the fair Princess Lunafreya 还有戴涅布莱国的美丽公主露娜弗雷
They are to be wed. 他们要结为夫妇
Y ou em vexed, Y our Highness. 您看起来很苦恼尊敬的陛下
I assure you, the princess still holds you in the highest
...as she has done all the 12 long years. 这十二年来一向如此作品小样的英文
Don't know if anyone's 不知道有没有人告诉你…
但是我们从来不容忍不服从命令的人...but we don't take kindly to insubordination around
Do yourlf a favor, take a look around. 你自己好好看看吧
This is what a hundred years of peace looks like. 这就是百年和平的景象
It's a lasting peace made by the Wall and the Wall
See, we don't need any of 看见了吧我们不需要你们这些外来移
...jumping around, playing war hero. 上蹿下跳充英雄
Hey! Rough day on the gate, huh, Glaive? 嘿!今天一战不顺利吧,剑员?
Y ou jerk. It's your fault he got stuck there. 你这个混蛋是你害的我们被困在那儿
Not a very nice welcome for a big hero. -Not a very nice outfit for one, either. -这样欢迎大英雄可不好-你这一身装扮也不好
I think it brings out my eyes. 这样穿能突出我的眼睛What'd you put in this? 这里面放了什么东西?Tastes like a chocobo turd. 吃起来就像是陆行鸟的大便Hey, shut your trap! 闭上你的臭嘴!
This ain't Galahd. That's the way folks around here like it. 这儿可不是加拉哈我们这儿的人都喜欢这个
hometownOh, well. I'm glad to e you're willing to ll out our heritage for a few extra gil. 好吧,我真高兴看到你情愿出卖我们的传统,只为多赚点钱
Hey, Libertus. Y ou thank Nyx for saving your life yet? 利波特斯你感谢尼克斯的救命之恩了
Oh, come on, Crowe. Nyx and I are too clo for that. 得了吧,克劳我和尼克斯谁跟谁呀He helps me, I help him. That's the way it's always
Looks like you got a little help from something el,
urbanizationI need all I can get. 我需要所有可能的帮助
For hearth! 为了温暖!
-And home. -And home. -还有家园-还有家园
So, Nyx the Gatekeeper. How's the new post treating
Oh, it's amazing. Y ou guys would love it. 简直棒极了你们肯定会喜欢的
The gate watch are real sweethearts. 看大门真是太棒了
Y eah, right. 是的没错
We all know they hate us outsiders more than anything. 我们都知道他们恨我们这些外来人胜
So bored they got nothing better to do. 他们除了恨我们没有事情做Boredom's not so bad. 无聊也没那么糟
Means there's peace, at least. 至少意味着和平
I'd fight a hundred more wars for Galahdans to know boredom. 为了了解无聊的感受我愿意为加拉哈人民再战上百次
Fight all you want. 随便你
Just don't go dying yet. 只是不要把命丢了
I still owe you. 我还是欠你的
A lot. 欠你很多
Where would the Glaive be without its hero? 王者之剑没有了英雄该何去何从呢?Can you not talk like this while we're drinking, plea? 我们喝酒的时候你能不能别说这些?
We just nt the Niffs running with tails between their legs, right? 我们刚刚把敌人打得落花流水不是吗?

本文发布于:2023-07-12 18:04:05,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:西斯   帝国   魔法
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