I'm a federal employee. I work for the Department of Labor.我是联邦雇员,我在劳工部工作。
What kind of work do you do? Are you a saleman?你干什么工作?你是销售员?
As soon as I plete my training, I'm going to be a bank teller.一但我完毕培训,我将成为银行出纳。
John has built up his own business. He owns a hotel.约
What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大后想干什么?
chopI like painting, but I wouldn't want it to be my life's work.我虽然喜欢画画,但我不会把它作为终身职业。
Have you ever thought about a career in the medical profession?你考虑过从事医疗工作吗?工业革命对中国的影响
怀疑英语My uncle was a pilot with the airlines. He just retired.我叔叔曾是一家航空公司的飞行员,他刚刚退休。
My brother's in the army. He was just promoted to the rank of major.我兄弟是,他刚刚被提升到少校。
Ihave a good-paying job with excellent hours.我的工作愉悦,收入也不错。
federal>slashdotMy sister worked as a cretary before she got married.我姐妹婚前是干的。
George's father is an attorney. He has his own practice.乔治的爸爸是律师,他自己执业。
He always takes pride in his work. He's very efficient.他总是为自己的工作感到骄傲,他非常讲实效的。
Mr. Smith is a politician. He's running for election as governor.史密斯先生是政治家,他正在参加州长选举。
After a suessful career in business,he was appointed ambassador.在工商业领域功成名就以后,他被任命为大使。