Company Name:Trelleborg Wuxi 公司名称: 无锡雀来宝减震器有限公司 Job Analysis & Description 职位分析及说明书 Department 采购部 Job Title 采购经理 部门 职位名称: Name 李黉 Date 2006-10-08 姓名: 填表日期: Draft by 李黉 Approved by 编写: 批准人: JOB SUMMARY 职位简介 Describe how your department fits into the rest of the organization。 请描述你所属部门在整个机构中的职责 采购部的主要职责是:Control company direct/ indirect material cost effectively. Organizes and administrates activities associated with material sourcing and purchasing. Coordinates with local, regional and global resources to develop and execute sourcing plans. Identifies suppliers and maintains supplier relations. Negotiates competitive prices and rvice contract. Describe your major responsibilities. Start with an action verb for each function. 请描述你在部门里担当什么角色,你的主要职责? 采购经理的主要职责: ● Responsible for managing purchasing activities. ● Manages the procurement of materials, components, and rvices, ensuring price value and stability, consistent quality, and expeditious delivery. Receive and analysis rubber and chemical quotes. ● Lead in identification and development of competent suppliers of high quality components. Supplier nomination with cross function team. ● Champion the development and implementation of systems which measure, track, and analyze supplier and material effectiveness, price, and reliability. ● Works with other Division/department managers in the laying out and planning of potential future operational changes. ● Responsible for job assignments for Purchasing team, job analysis and evaluation, employee performance reviews, wage administration, etc. ● Maintains currency with respect to technical and supervisory skills by attending training class, special technical and administration cours, minars, exhibits and trade shows as needed. ● VA/VE initiator. |
ORGANIZATION RELATIONSHIP 组织关系 List the title of your immediate supervisor, other position reporting to your supervisor directly, and the positions reporting to you directly. List titles only, no names. 请列出你直属上司,所有向你上司报告的同事,以及所有向你直接报告的下属(只要列职位,不要姓名)。 YOUR SUPERVISOR: putzPlant General Manager 你的直属上司 YOUR PEERS:other department managers 你的同事 YOUR SUBORDINATES: Supplier Development Manager, Capital Equipment Purchasing Engineer, Project Purcha Engineer, Commodity Buyer, import/ tooling purcha engineer, Project Purcha assistant 你的下属 毕业设计答辩开场白 JOB CHALLENGE 工作挑战性 What is the most difficult and challenging aspect of your job? How are you expected to deal with it? 生活需要勇气你工作上最困难与最具挑战性的部分是什么?你需要怎样去应付与面对? ● Recommend qualified supplier for new project -- Identify and develop new suppliers with high quality六级准考证号忘了 level ● Find more opportunities for cost reduction -- Investigate the marketing price level and negotiation with the supplier ● Enhance subordinates positivity 英文经典故事-- Improve Work Environment QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE 资历与经验 Plea give details of the formal qualification, education, specialized training required for this job. Including types of experience and the time required to gain that experience. Note: it is the requirement for the job, not yourlf. 请详细列出此职位需要的认可专业资格、学历、特殊训练和经验,包括需要多少时间去获得什么样的经验。 注意:这是此职位的要求,不是你自己的资历。 Education 学历: 大学本科以上 Experience 经验: 3+ Years Purchasing Manager Experience in Automotive Industry Skill技能: ● sunupBroad Perspective, Good planning, negotiation, organizing, coordinating, control capability 有全局意识,良好的计划、谈判、组织、协调、控制等能力 ● Excellent interpersonal skill and team player 出色的人际关系及团队合作能力 ● Good command of oral and written English 流利的英语口语及书写能力 ● Good computer skills, i.e. Word, Excel, Powerpoint , Lotus Notes 熟练使用计算机,包括各种office软件及Notes Knowledge 知识: ● Management, 管理学。 ● APQP/PPAP/MSA/SPC/FMEA/TS16949质量体系知识 ● 机制工艺,采购知识 DECISION MAKING AUTHORITY 责任权限 What are the issue and situations where you would normally consult your supervisor before making decisions? Give examples: 在什么情况下,以及会是些什么问题,你会在做出决定前与你上司先请示或商量一下?试举一、二例。 swim的过去式What are the decisions you can normally make without referring to your supervisor? Give examples: 有什么决定需要你自己做主而不需先向上司请示?试举一、二例。 ● WORK REVIEW 作业报告 How does your supervisor review your work? For example, through formal reports, informal meetings, and the frequency of such review. 你上司通常是怎样监督你的工作的?譬如,通过定期正式报告书,或非正式口头的汇报,以及要隔多久才向他报告等。 WORKING RELATIONSHIP 与他人工作上的关系 With whom you contact most to get your job done (both inside and outside your company), and what is the nature of the contact.voa在线收听 工作上你需要与什么人接触最多(包括公司外的人)?接触的目的与性质是什么? Contact Whom Frequency Reason afford的过去式 与谁接触 频率 原因 MEETING 开会 Do you attend meetings (both inside and outside your company)? What is your role and why you need to attend? 你需要开什么会?你在会议里的身份是什么?你为什么要参加? What Meetings Frequency Why 会议2016年四级考试时间 频率 为什么参加 |
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