nmn是什么产品?nmn产品是什么意思?看懂重中之重。通俗的说nmn产品并不是药,按照相关类别应该划分为保健 食品,但在nmn行业内部,对于nmn产品定义为膳食补充剂,属于一种功能食品。对于中老年患者来说,通过nmn之后可以延缓细胞衰老的速度防止细纹、皱纹的生长,让肌肤更加的年轻化。
What is nmn? What does NMN product mean? Figuring out the fundamentals is the top priority. In layman's terms, nmn products are not medicines, and should be classified as health foods according to relevant categories, but within the nmn industry, NMN products are defined as dietary supplements and belong to a functional food. For middle-aged and elderly patients, after taking it, it can delay the speed of cell aging to prevent the growth of fine lines and wrinkles, so that the skin is more youthful.
消费者在服用之后还可以提高工作和学习效率。也具有缓解压力的作用,可以改善压力大引起身体疲劳、身体不舒服的症状,也能够让身体充分的休息。蕞后是可以起到修复细胞的作用,能够修复受损的细胞,改善身体出现的疾病,也可以快速补充各项器 官需要的营养元素。arabic
NMN as a precursor to NAD, its anti-aging effect is expresd by increasing the content of NAD in the human body. NMN belongs to the category of vitamin B derivatives, which is widely involved in a number of biochemical reactions in the human body, and is cloly related to immunity and metabolism, and its function is mainly reflected through NAD+.
我们自身便可感知30岁开始身体已经有下滑趋势,各项研究中,也表明人体内NAD+ 30岁后便会急速下降,50岁时,体内NAD+的数量只有20岁时的1/2;60岁时,只有20岁时的1/4。人体NAD+水平下降,加上在日常的生理压力,包括加班熬夜、过量饮酒、过量紫外线照射、睡眠不足、暴饮暴食、感染和久坐的生活方式,导致人们已经出现早衰的现象。
蕞初研究发现NMN在天然食物中广泛存在,蔬菜、真菌、 肉类和虾中,在哺汝动物体内,NMN由烟酰胺(Nicotinamide, Nam)在Nampt的催化下生成,随后NMN在烟酰胺单核苷酸腺苷转移酶(Nicotinamide mononucleotide adenosine transfera,Nmnat)的催化下生NAD+。
依据研讨会内容可知许多食物中也含有NMN,可是含量非常少,在研讨中提到将实验动物的剂量换算成 人体弥补NMN的剂量是:
70公斤左右的60岁以上的老年人每天应该弥补150mg-300mg ;
Elderly people over 60 years of age around 70 kg should make up 150mg-300mg per day
45岁左右的年轻人每天需求摄入75-150左右,相当于每天至少要吃掉32kg 左右的毛豆;medium什么意思>nice是什么意思
Young people around the age of 45 need to consume about 75-150 per day, which is equivalent to eating at least 32kg of edamame per day;
仍是在确保彻 底吸收的情况下才有抗衰效果。由此可见NMN在日常生活中是很难摄入正常的。
It is still necessary to ensure thorough absorption before the anti-aging effect is achieved. It can be en that NMN is difficult to ingest normally in daily life.容颜的意思
既然NMN是NAD+的前体为什么不直接选择摄入NAD+?因为NAD+分子太大无法 正常的被人体吸收,在2019年美国华盛顿大学研究发现口服NMN可以被小肠吸收并且进入血浆,这样才能使其利用率更大化。
另有口服实验表明,服食W+NMN12000后,30 min 内NMN可以被快速吸收,有效地转运到血液循环,并立即转化为主要代谢组织中的NAD+。此外,在持续12月的干预期中W+NMN12000未显示任何明显的毒性和致死率,也没有严重的副作用,具有较高的食品安 全性。 (nmn是什么产品?nmn产品是什么意思?看懂重中之重)
免疫调节、过敏减轻、性 功能增强、食欲提振、视觉疲劳减轻、视力改善、情绪提升、便秘改善、能调节生物钟规律、精力改善、体力改善、能保护视力和听力、能美白保湿,紧凑面部肌肉,改善眼皮下坠造成的三角眼
Immunomodulation, allergy reduction, xual function enhancement, appetite boost, visual fatigue reduction, vision improvement, mood improvement, hyperglycemia decline, hypertension systolic blood pressure decrea, hypotension returns to normal, constipation improvement, can regulate the law of the biological clock, energy improvement, physical strength improvement, can protect vision and hearing, can whiten and moisturize, compact facial muscles, improve triangular eyes caud by eyelid drops
Studies have found that NMN can protect cranial nerves and promote vascular and nerve regeneration by activating the Nampt-NAD+ defen system, and has a good protective effect on nerve damage caud by intracerebral hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage transformation, and is a potential anti-stroke treatment drug.
魏纯纯及其所在团队进一步研究表明:NMN增强了2种细胞保护蛋白的表达,即核转录因子E2相关因子2(Nuclear factor-erythroid 2 related factor 2,Nrf2)和血红素加氧酶(Heme oxygena,HO-1),激活了Nrf2/HO-1信号通路,抑 制脑神经炎症和氧化应激,减轻了大脑内出血后的损伤。
NMN对阿尔茨海默氏病的治疗作用,LongAaron等研究发现,当提高机体内 NMN水平后,NAD+可用性随即增高,提高了线粒体耗氧速率(OCR),促进了线粒体的融 合,减少裂变趋势,使线粒体在海马亚区域产生更长的线粒体,从而改善线粒体的呼吸功能。
Mills等研究发现,NMN能够显 著改善小鼠与年龄相关的生理衰退,如抑 制年龄相关的体重增加,增强能量代谢,改善胰岛素敏感性和血浆中脂质分布,改善眼部功能;NMN通过组织特异性方式预防年龄相关的基因表达变化,并且增强骨骼肌中的线粒体的氧化代谢,至少部分地介导其抗衰老作用。
Studies such as Mills found that NMN was able to significantly improve age-related physiological decline in mice, such as inhibiting age-related weight gain, enhancing energy metabolism, improving insulin nsitivity and lipid distribution in plasma, and improving eye function; NMN prevents age-related gene expression changes in an organization-specific manner and enhances oxidative metabolism of mitochondria in skeletal muscle, mediating at least in part its anti-aging effects.