Personification is a figure in which inanimate objects or abstractions are
endowed with human form.
例1.hcap“Here at last is a true lover," said the Nightingale. "Night after night have I sung of him, though I knew him not: night after night have I told his story to the stars and now I e him…”
例2.But the Oak-tree understood and felt sad, for he was very fond of the little Nightingale, who had built her nest in his branches. “Sing me one last song,” he whispered; “I shall feel lonely when you are gone.”
例judas3.Then she gave one last burst of music. The white Moon heard it, and she forgot the dawn, and lingered on in the sky.
1. 明喻(Simile).
Simile is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between tow unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristics in common.
明喻要求本体、喻体和比喻词都出现。通常用介词哈利波特电子书like,连词as, as if, as…so, 动词em等以及句型A…to B as C… to D等表示汉语中“好像”的意思。
Metaphor is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. So a metaphor is called “a compresd or condend simile”.
qiyi例4. His hair is dark as the hyacinth(风信子)-- blossom, and his lips are red as the ro of his desire.
例5.My ros ale white,as white as the foam of the a大连英语老师,宝瓶时代and whiter than the snow upon the mountain.
例6.My ros are yellow.as yellow as the hair of the mermaiden,and yellower than the daffodil that blooms in the meadow.
例7.My ros ale red,as led as the feet of the dove,and redder than the great fans of corm.
例8.…and a delicate flush of pink came into the leaves of the ro.1ike the flush in the face of the bridegroom when he kisd the lips of the bride.
例9.燕麦的功效…crimson was the girdle of petals,and crimson as ruby was the heart.
在例4—9vague中,关于“dark, red, white, yellow, pink, crimson”等颜色,作者王尔德就通过明喻、暗喻作了生动、具体的描述。这里,王尔德所选的喻体别具匠心:头发黑如风信子花之色,唇红如红玫瑰之色;白,则是比高山上的白雪更白像海洋里的泡沫般的白;黄, 是比草原上的向日葵更黄如孩子们喜爱的童话世界里美人鱼美丽头发般的黄;红,是比大海里的红珊瑚还红如孩子们特爱的鸽子的脚丫般的红;粉红,是有如新郎亲吻新娘时因激动而脸蛋泛红的红;深红,是犹如红宝石般神秘而高贵的红。风信子、红玫瑰、高山、草原、海洋、童话世界、新郎新娘,既美妙又新颖的比喻,既形象而又贴近生活,而且创造了如此炫丽的色彩美。既便于读者联想,增添文章的美感,又体现了王尔德的现实与幻想相结合的艺术风格。
Repetition is an important figure of speech. It usually repeats the same word,
phra, and ntence to intensify the mood, emphasize the idea, and show the strong feelings.古天乐英文名
例10. “Why is he weeping?” asked a little Green Lizard, as he ran past him with
his tail in the air.
“Why, indeed?” said a Butterfly, who was fluttering about after a sunbeam.
“Why, indeed?” whispered a Daisy to his neighbour, in a soft, low voice.
例11. “Give me a red ro,” she cried, “and I will sing you my sweetest song..”
But the Tree shook its head.
“My ros are white,” it answered; “as white as the foam of the a, and
whiter than the snow upon the mountain. But go to my brother who grows round the old sun-dial, and perhaps he will give you what you want.”
So the Nightingale flew over to the Ro-tree that was growing round the