nob专利名称:Decision method of the cancer due to the
revelation of the homeobox gene
发明人:浜田 淳一,守内 哲也,多田 光宏,高橋 葉子
monday的音标摘要:(Topic) as for topic of this invention, possibility of transfer of existence and the cancer of the cancer, possibility of infiltration of the cancer, and degree of advance of the cancer decision and/or are uful method in order to diagno and the times when the kit is offered. (Solution expedient) being the method of deciding the possibility of transfer of existence and the cancer of the cancer, the possibility of infiltration of the cancer, or the degree of advance of the cancer, (1) the process which measures at least the revelation quantity of one HOX gene of the organization which picked from the subject, (2) the
process which is compared with the threshold HOX gene revelation quantity which corresponds, it includes the revelation quantity of the aforementioned HOX gene, when here, the revelation quantity of the aforementioned HOX gene is higher than the threshold HOX gene revelation quantity or when it is low, the cancer exists, there is a possibility of transfer of the cancer, there is a possibility of infiltration of the cancer, orThe cancer is advancing, that the method of being decided is ud. In addition, the expedient which measures the revelation quantity of the HOX gene was had, possibility of transfer of existence and the cancer of the cancer and possibility of infiltration of the cancer, the kit in order to decide the degree of advance of the cancer is ud.
地址:北海道札幌市北区北8条西5丁目 北海道大学事務局内