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be due for 造句
1. My flight is due for departure in half an hour, so I need to hurry to the gate.
2. Your car is due for a rvice, as you haven't had one in over a year.just now
3. The school's annual sports day is due for next month, and the students are excited.
4. The baby is due for his next vaccination, and the parents are worried about the pain.
pershing5. The company's quarterly report is due for submission, and the employees are working overtime to meet the deadline.気になるルームメイト
6. The flowers in the garden are due for watering, as it hasn't rained in days.英语作文万能句子
7. The dog is due for a bath, as he has been playing in the mud all day.
8. The rent is due for payment tomorrow, so I need to transfer the money to my landlord.
9. The project is due for completion next week, and the team is working hard to finish it on ti
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高一课本中文翻译10. The restaurant's menu is due for an update, as some of the dishes are no longer popular.
11. The book is due for relea next month, and the author is anxious about the reviews.